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Posts posted by ItsRaiden

  1. 16 hours ago, Norway174 said:

    @Rolf_Schmidt Thanks for the feedback. And yeah, the tool uses direct links to images. Including from Imgur. I can look into converting Imgur links to a direct link. But no promises, as I'm not really sure if there is a way to automatically detect the image type. Should be easy enough to right click the image and copy the direct link though?

    And I'm glad you like it! Pretty awesome looking signature you got there. :D 

    @ItsRaiden You didn't have to quote my whole topic just to say that. :P But thank you!



  2. On 10/27/2018 at 2:49 AM, Norway174 said:

    A long time ago, I made an online tool located here That basically let's you fill out your character information. And use it as a signature.


    I haven't really been too active with advertising it. As I've been busy with other stuff, and not really sure if it's ready or not.

    But some of you have already been using it trough my signature. Which is awesome! I never actually expected to see anyone else actually using it on the forums. But I have, and it's so awesome. :D Thank you to those who have already been using it.


    And I do hope more people will find it useful as well, and might actually enjoy it.


    Of course, this would not have been possible without the great art work by @Bryzha. Because I'm a terrible artist. And Bryzha is amazing!
    And I also had a little help from EasterEgg and Kuzkay. (Who never got back to me with their forum usernames so I can't properly credit them.)


    With that said, if you wish to help out by making more overlays. Send me a PM, and we can talk about the technical details.


    Again the URL is if you're interested in checking it out.

    Oh, and feel free to post your creations in this thread. I would love to see what people come up with!


    I'll start with a couple...




  3. On 9/26/2018 at 5:11 PM, patrick68794 said:

    You're the one that's wrong. They didn't start on GTA V until after GTA IV released. It was only in full development for three years.

    While Rockstar hit the big time, that core process remains unchanged game after game. It’s part of the reason why these blockbusters have kept their flavour through each instalment.

    For GTA V, that discussion started as GTA IV was wrapping up – almost five years ago – although the latest game has been in full production for just three years.


    Youre talking about actual development but you are forgeting pre plans which started 11 years ago. We are talking about drawings and plans not actual asset building hence why i said 11 years


  4. Good Eve gents and gals,



    I want to bring to light a common issue i have seen in games that are offering content for real life currency. Its good to have, but one thing i noticed is that, it could lead to people actually not playing the game to its full potential. Lets be honest here. If i paid for a luxury apartment and not actually grind for one, i would look like a scrub. Its like putting cheat codes in GTA and getting free money / apartments / guns etc. You get my point. I think the paid cosmetics is a bit to early to advertise. I would have liked to see a different way to fund development costs. However, i  am a bit understanding of the business move.  I think people will get bored if the top looking apartments were bought with real money and not earned in game from hard labor. My goal obviously here is to make a lot of money. I want to experience that feeling of reward when you buy an expensive apartment. Are these apartments going to give an edge  in comparison to people having regular apartments? Hopefully @Beach_Ball could answer this.

    Now, mind you that i understand the funding that this will bring. However, i am not convinced that its effective. Sorry, our opinions are different on the matters. You see, i want the pure enjoyment of finally being able to walk in that smooth upscale apartment  after a long grind. Please, don't forget the feeling when you spent the last 3 weeks of your life grinding for an apartment.  Finally you get that dopamine rush to your brain of rewarding accomplishment as you walk in it for the first time. Bravo!

    Anyone remember such nostalgic feeling that we experienced in games like GTA V, WoW , etc ????  I Do. I hope i still can feel such rewarding feeling.

    *Drops $400  on the game....

    I feel like a scrub.

     What are your thoughts?

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  5. On 8/14/2018 at 7:41 PM, thevopia said:

    this game took 3 years to publish a module. Don't you dare say that the tracker is transparent. its NOT ! the Devs wanted to do the new website, Get the paying company to the website , finish a small task that took 1 month. And not publishing the Module?. we have got 2 Delays in the past. the artists are non-stop making 300+ clothes and not making the second module Lol show us the guns , the cars, the real stuff, not clothes. "if you Don't believe me check their twitter most of their tweets is about clothes and hats and furniture". even the CEO said the artists are actually working on the second module. Ok show us the work you did on the second module not clothes * SMH *. we begged the devs after we saw the horrible Police&Criminal video to change the animations, and then they showed us the Twitch stream WITH THE SAME WALKING ANIMATION ?!?!?! SMH what is this ? they never listen to us. most of this game is ART not coding and mechanics. and im sorry to say this but the devs really love to talk a lot , even Psysin which i dont like him , i kinda agreed with his complains. even the devs in the gaming stream were like WOW , thats cool, i like this and that.???? lol devs its like you dont see the work and probably acting and fake cheering for the ceo when he speaks on the stream.  sorry to all but i kinda think that people shouldn't invest a single dollar to this project until FINAL release.


    considering you only have 12 posts. All  hear in this post is crying and whining.... this game takes patience. Sorry but not sorry.

  6. 2 hours ago, Hsmith24 said:

    We have had patience for over a year.


    i have been for 6 years back when this idea was in arma life mod... they spoke about the days we are living in now. Just wait for it. its going to take at  least another 2 years to get something out like a beta or something. GTA V took 11 years to make... We never got to complain because it was hidden.

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  7. On 6/28/2018 at 6:15 PM, GrandPaladin said:

    Sorry my bad. For some reason i thought it was coming with TS. Still all the stuff what still needs doing doesnt equate to 1 task in gameplay 'testing'


    bro no one owes  you anything. Let the devs do their thing instead you whininh on the forums.

    • Like 1

  8. On 2/12/2018 at 3:06 PM, HairyGrenade said:

    Asylum Entertainment would like to present to you, the first look at Identity's gameplay trailer, giving you a vertical slice of what you can expect from the upcoming MMORPG



    I just want to make one comment that is going to be real and i hope you lisent.  DO NOT MAKE THE car handeling like ARMA for the love of god give us GTA handeling. not that bull shit sliding feel. please

  9. We are getting off topic here. This post is to make aware on some concerns long term gaming can have on your health. This is just an awareness touching on the idea that we should all try to live healthy for a better you and a happier you. Love peace and good health my friends. ❤️

  10. 6 hours ago, TOPDOWG said:

    I don’t know if I agree with this because we all know that it is just a game. I doubt that it will make us do most of those things that you said. I mean u less your a little slow, you should know the difference between a video game and real life. I haven’t come across one person that thinks they are living in the video game. What you said in my opinion was just not the brightest thing you could have said. If you can link proof of multiple sources of well trusted sources than I would believe you but until then, I think your just full of it rigt now.

    If you would actually read and be open minded then you would see the conclusion to this post. In no way is there negative effects of playing video games responsibly! (What i mean by this is if you don't spend all day gaming and don't neglect your life goals and or sleep need then you'll be fine).
    To some degree however there COULD be negative affects from compulsive gaming as i have listed some negative effects in the post. Which i am only scratching the surface as there are more complex problems that go beyond the scope of this post (EX. video game addiction). What i outline in this post is touching bases on video gaming responsibly. The last part about Real life you vs virtual life you is only encouraging you to not take video games serious so you don't get angry at people if they troll you or dont rage because certain things in the game aren't going your way and don't lose who you really are in real life(which i am saying if there is cyber bullying happening remember they don't know who you really are in real life. You are awesome and you should ignore video game bullying. Which video games now days allows us to block people mute people and even report people).

    Whether it be performance in school or hygiene problems (ex. like  playing all night then realizing you have to work in 30 minutes and don't have time to shower. or showering only to find yourself late to work BECAUSE YOU GAMED ALL NIGHT and decided to take a last minute shower.).It is clear that their COULD be some negative implications if we do not set proper time management. Thats all this post is saying. Im not saying video games is bad for you.Im not saying don't play video games i am merely suggesting that because there COULD be some negative effects to compulsive gaming.

    Video game addiction exists and it is very real. The adult thing is to understand what you need to do to perform great in your personal life without video games impacting you in a negative way. trust me when i tell you i have failed an exam because i was gaming all night even though i studied or i have went in to work late because i am grinding out the last level and i have to work in 30 minutes. Its not that i don't care, it was my error of not managing my time well. That is all this post is saying.

    here are some sources that inspired this post from credible outlets that you could find interesting.

    This link below is an actual academic paper so if you cant understand what its saying then its ok, i had to read it over and over to understand what this paper was saying.

    trust me you cant understand it if you just read a little it actually takes focus to understand this paper. It highlights some interesting points.

    Finally i wanna close with the following.

    No one is saying videos games is bad for you and you shouldn't play it. All i am saying is if you game to much you COULD see some negative affects in your personal life if you are not managing your time well. You cant game 20 hours a day and sleep for 4 hours and expect to have time to hold a job/ shower/ and actually live a healthy life. its just not possible and i wouldnt recommended someone playing that much or even close to that. (Even though we all have had our fair share of all nightes.)
    This post is just a simple reminder to set your priorities straight as when great games come out we all know how much we wanna no life game them.

  11. 12 hours ago, Norway174 said:

    Don't know about your sources.

    But I don't recommend showering twice daily.
    There is such a thing as over showering, and it could actually weaken your immune system.

    Pretty much just Google "how often should you shower".

    Totally unrelated. But still related to bacteria. And I think it's a pretty cool video. :P 


    No where in this video did it recommend a number of showers one should take. So i stand by the 2 showers a day rule as its typically normal. nonetheless, the video was educational. However, this video is not a good argument as to a reason of why someone should take 1 shower a day. This video isn't intended to tell you how many showers you need, it only educating you on microorganisms. Also unless you read an actual scientific publication, id recommend taking everything with a grain of salt as what sources you have listed are not scientific publications outlets.

  12. Hello RPErs,


    I wanted to bring to light a common issue that people may come across regardless of age while playing role playing games or even video games in general. This issue can impact everyone of us and can have negative effects to our real life. Such effects can range to losing priorities in real life, doing bad in school, performing bad at work, stress, loss interest in socializing with family and or friends in real life, physiological and mental negatives effects. These listed are only but a few negatives effects listed that can occur while we play videos games and or role play for long extensive periods with out breaks.

    As we embark into role playing and role playing MMOS and video gaming in general we have to understand some negatives affects that these can have on your priorities if you do not manage your time properly. Let me explain:

    As we "role play" and pretend to be a different person on such platforms that are huge in role playing we often can lose track of who we are in real life. Dont worry i am here to help you understand good practices to keep you focused in real life while having fun in a role playing setting.  The following tips can help you keep your real life priorities and goals in order and allow you to have fun resting assure your mom wont yell at you cause you are failing school, or you boss at work is getting ready to fire you or your loved ones aren't getting to see you or issues managing time for your girlfriend or boyfriend.

    Lets Begin:

    Time management is key for those  that are in school and or have a family to look after or even have a job that is time consuming. You must know when to play video games and when you need to stop to get some rest, cook dinner, do laundry etc. These daily life tasks and procedures are whats called your priorities.

    Remember when your mom told you to clean your room before you played outside or even hopped on your favorite video game? Well, that still applies when you become an adult or even if you are not one yet what your parents are saying is true. You must make sure you have completed your priorities before spending a long period of time on your favorite video game. Time management will allow for you to set schedules on when important priorities need to be completed, you can do the critical important tasks before you start gaming then complete some lesser important tasks after you're finishing your gaming session. Whats  important is to remember you are the one to set a schedule and maximize efficiency of your time spent. The goal is to knock out your important tasks for that day before gaming, then finish up tasks that aren't time sensitive after you're done gaming. Have good time management and  you'll be on your way to a pound for pound champion!!! Go get em tiger.


    Ah, yes priorities. Those tasks you have to do because if you don't you could lose your job, not make rent, lose your girlfriend or even be late on appointments or even just become depressed when you lose track of priorities. Make sure before you have begun planning a good schedule for time management that you are fulfilling your priorities and these could be from a number of things that you have to complete in real life. Only you know what these are or if you are a minor and living with momma and pappa, ask them what are your priorities and listen to what is expected from you by your parents. Once you have established your priorities then you can begin ranking them from most important (must complete) to less important (can complete at will).

    This one is a short one but make sure you are getting adequate sleep .... (4 hours a day is not adequate sleep who you kidding?) make sure you are keep yourself and your environment hygienic so germs do not effect you and get you seek. Make sure you are showering at least once a day (id recommend 2 times a day one in the morning and one at night). Make sure you are playing in a lit room so your eyes dont get damaged (some have more sensitive eyes and over time playing in a dark room can negatively impact your eyes, others however might not be affected, consult your eye doctor. I am no doctor so please make sure you are always consult your doctor about healthy choices not the internet. )

    Make sure you are getting from your desk and or area of gaming and stretch those muscles take a little walk, drinks some water. Also, please refrain from eating unhealthy snacks and or sugary drinks as these can cause health problems. A good habit i like to do is eat some carrots and or celery when i game. Or even have some fruits.(fruit juice choose is not recommended as these typically are high in sugar). Make sure you look away from your screen at a distant object to not stra in your eyes. If you feel lightheaded from gaming to long and or feel dizzy stop playing immediately and consult your physician.

    Lastly stay hydrated! WATER WATER WATER. one good thing about water while gaming its good for your body and while you drink lots of water it forces you to get up with frequent visits to the urinal. Hence making you active and keep your blood flowing.

    Remember at the end of the day no matter if you are a criminal, serial killer, queen, king and or doctor or whatever you imagination takes you at the end of the day those are just fantasies. There is a real you in REAL LIFE that no one can replace. Be sure to remember no matter how good it feels to role play or negative it can get. remember that your virtual life is not a real life representation of who you are so don't be afraid to take risks in role playing, besides it about fantasy and make believe. always remember the real you from the online criminal you! (or whatever you like)


    In no way is there negative effects of playing video games responsibly! (What i mean by this is if you don't spend all day gaming and don't neglect your life goals and or sleep need then you'll be fine).
    To some degree however there COULD be negative affects from compulsive gaming as i have listed some negative effects in the post. Which i am only scratching the surface as there are more complex problems that go beyond the scope of this post (EX. video game addiction). What i outline in this post is touching bases on video gaming responsibly. The last part about Real life you vs virtual life you is only encouraging you to not take video games serious so you don't get angry at people if they troll you or dont rage because certain things in the game aren't going your way and don't lose who you really are in real life(which i am saying if there is cyber bullying happening remember they don't know who you really are in real life. You are awesome and you should ignore video game bullying. Which video games now days allows us to block people mute people and even report people).

    Whether it be performance in school or hygiene problems (ex. like  playing all night then realizing you have to work in 30 minutes and don't have time to shower. or showering only to find yourself late to work BECAUSE YOU GAMED ALL NIGHT and decided to take a last minute shower.).It is clear that their COULD be some negative implications if we do not set proper time management. Thats all this post is saying. Im not saying video games is bad for you.Im not saying don't play video games i am merely suggesting that because there COULD be some negative effects to compulsive gaming.

    Video game addiction exists and it is very real. The adult thing is to understand what you need to do to perform great in your personal life without video games impacting you in a negative way. trust me when i tell you i have failed an exam because i was gaming all night even though i studied or i have went in to work late because i am grinding out the last level and i have to work in 30 minutes. Its not that i don't care, it was my error of not managing my time well. That is all this post is saying.

    here are some sources that inspired this post from credible outlets that you could find interesting.

    This link below is an actual academic paper so if you cant understand what its saying then its ok, i had to read it over and over to understand what this paper was saying.

    trust me you cant understand it if you just read a little it actually takes focus to understand this paper. It highlights some interesting points.

    Finally i wanna close with the following.

    No one is saying videos games is bad for you and you shouldn't play it. All i am saying is if you game to much you COULD see some negative affects in your personal life if you are not managing your time well. You cant game 20 hours a day and sleep for 4 hours and expect to have time to hold a job/ shower/ and actually live a healthy life. its just not possible and i wouldnt recommended someone playing that much or even close to that. (Even though we all have had our fair share of all nightes.)
    This post is just a simple reminder to set your priorities straight as when great games come out we all know how much we wanna no life game them.


    Thank you if  you actually took the time to read this long post.



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  13. I am patient enough to say if this game took 3 or 4 years to be completed but gave us a realistic interpretation of real life commons then i would be happy. the whole reason RP is even a thing in my opinion is because you can do things that otherwise would either be illegal in real life or  you are simply having fun in make believe in a setting that otherwise is not in your real life interest to pursue. This game is going to sell because it gives you an avenue where you can pretend, make believe in a fantasy world that allows you to be whop  you wanna be. Hence role playing. that is where i see value in this. You cant just simply wake in real life one and day and change who you are and or what your life evolves around so having a platform where you can take your fantasies is something that i believe the whole role playing community wants. I believe that you have to be a certain type of person to be able to fantasies and role playing with out losing who you really are in real life something that virtual worlds do not allow as many people will get sucked into these worlds like Second Life and spend hundreds of dollars. Our currency is not only money but also time spent playing the game. If one is choosing to spend more time on a game without having their priorities right in real life then a game like this could have some negative implications. Ill make a separate post more in depth. Nonetheless, this game is going to be awesome.

  14. I would like to stress how important in terms of game play it will be if you have to actually go and buy/create paints, linen, fabrics etc. Basically anything that involves materials to create in game products. Such as canvases to paint on. You would actually need to go buy paint and you could run out of paint. You will need linen and fabrics if you're making clothes. Again you will have to go to the store and buy some. This will allow for a more immersive game play as it will enable people to have a better way of commerce. The more opportunities for players to create materials for creative people to use will be good for commerce. I look at it as in real life a painter will go buy his paint. Or if he wants can choose to create his own paint a start a business. Thats the opportunity  I will love to see. I would also like to see some sort of upgrades in machinery that will yield a higher quality craft.  sort of like a craftsman working on his craft and getting better at building finer clothes, furniture, etc.

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