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Everything posted by Micky_Tohmpson

  1. Looking For Members & Executives - BCR MC

    Message me if you are interested in filling up a spot in the New York chapter. Or message my VP @Arky Don't hesitate!
  2. Kop Killers

    Everybody want's to be a 1%er, until it's time to do some 1%er shit.
  3. Hi all, another one from the UK

    Welcome! Do you have any interest in motorcycles? I see you like to work with motors and do paint jobs, my MC can definitely hook you up with some work once in game!
  4. ikea

    Privat kak dela my russian brudr. Why you know have no you mean, da.. da?
  5. Hello Texan Here

    I'm looking forward to pie
  6. looking for a Family/Gang

    They are no longer a thing. And to respond to the question. I'f your crazy and like a brotherhood bond, message me to learn about The Bad Company Rangers MC.
  7. Roseport Pirates

    Glad to see this group is not giving up. Much love and respect.
  8. Apparently, I'm a Farmer Now

    Hey bitches. I'm a citizen. Apparently that's a watch
  9. things that make roleplay to gta

    I wish their were actual RP groups who host sessions for legit role-players in GTA V
  10. Feared N Fearless MC

    I welcome you with open arms my freind. -Micky Tohmpson BCRMC pres.
  11. Petitioning for an answer, please sign.

    @Motown Great! thank you for responding!
  12. Petitioning for an answer, please sign.

    All members of the Black Angel MC and the Highwaymen MC agree with this petition. Thank you all. -Micky "GK" Tohmpson
  13. Biker RP Thread #1

    Here is a RP thread dedicated all the bikers. All the bikers can get together and just RP! Here we want to stick to just plain bikers only. Please and thank you! I guess I will start! @Herzog @GeneSmith @Narc
  14. Biker RP Thread #1

    *Micky rides up behind the prospect and rubs his tire with his front tire. He backs off and as the prospect turn his head around. Micky starts to laugh his ass off* "Hey prospect you having fun rolling with these losers!"
  15. Biker RP Thread #1

    "Yea I see them, up ahead, how bout ya say we fuck with em!" *Micky turns the slow corner and slams his bike into 4th gear. He sees the death head patch on the back of a patch member. Their is also a prospect riding in the back*
  16. Biker RP Thread #1

    *Micky starts his bike* "Yea, lets do it, I saw them riding eastbound towards the diner. Their was about 5 of them, so if we hammer down we can catch up" *Micky slams his bike into first gear and roars off heading east*
  17. Biker RP Thread #1

    "Yea, for sure man. Let me just run inside and grab a coke" *Micky turns around and slowly walks into the gas station. He walks to the back of the store and grabs a coke and as he's walking down the aisle he picks up a slim jim. He picks in his pocket and as he walks out he throws the five at the man over the counter. As he walks out he see's some the local 81 riding to church. They ride to fast down the road to notice Micky, so he cant throw a head nod and say whatsup. So he walks over to Gene. "You see those 81?" *He hops down on his Harley*
  18. Biker RP Thread #1

    *Micky flies down the road on his Harley Nightster. He slows down to the gas station and eyes his good buddy Gene Smith. He slows down next to Gene, slams his kickstand down and spits his cigar out. Turns his bike off and hops off* "Hey Gene, how ya doin"
  19. The Black Angels MC

    Hello Mr. Gene Smith. I am Micky Tohmpson, Vice President of the Highwaymen MC. Welcome to the brotherhood. Message me if you need anything. We shall ride, side by side, day by day and night by night. We Ride! ~Micky Tohmpson VP HMMC
  20. This Is not a good idea...

    I like what @DJ-Bobby-Vee said. You should start things early instead of rushing around early on in game. My MC are no big smart talking guys, But if the game comes out you will be frightened if you here me and my good mate @Herzog 's name. I agree with others that the BCR MC are the biggest and well known. Mine probably second (not sure). And I agree with you we'll see who's the best when the game comes out. You gotta work for the number one spot. I have disbanded many accounts and characters. Micky Thompson will be my second account, which I will probobly go on twice or three times a week.
  21. Lead MC

    As VP of the Highwaymen, I approve of this. But their is the brotherhood council. This has been disbanded. In real life their is a lead MC. All other MC's have to comply or their MC is nothing. IRL MC being the Hells Angels in most areas.
  22. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Mickey slides out of the seat and heads to the door. He throws his coke bottle on the ground and walks towards his bike. He greets everybody who arrived.* "Got me sum gas. Ise alright to ride. Let's ride. Cmon baaaby." *Mickey starts his Harley and waits for micheal to greet his guys*
  23. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Mickey turns around to reply to micheal* "You know I got dat hammer in my saddle bag ise always gots it on me!" *Both men sit down at the table*
  24. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Mickey follows Herzog* "Guns? Why can't I just use my hammer? We ain't need kill nobody"
  25. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "yo I'm doing good. Heard your bud got pretty fucked up. I'm down to fight and help you know it" *Mickey grabs his coke and takes a swig*