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Posts posted by Sicario

  1. 4 minutes ago, NutterButter said:

    I think the true issue is that with so much free will to the games clothing section- you get exactly sims 3- which is laggy and crashes. It's just a lot of information to fit into the mass database they have for their servers. You can have your choice in color. But as for designs, id start giving the devs my idea with a drawing so theyve a idea. 

    I'm not tryna bash, I'm tryna say you prob won't- but there might be premade logos to combine or perhaps a logo you ask the devs to influence and introduce, yeahhhh? Haha


  2. I remember asking, a year ago now, about starting a retail clothing company in Identity. I was advised back then that the only clothing available in-game is what the developers/designers make available. So creating our own custom clothing or footwear and selling them in (expanded) retail stores throughout the server or in different towns is not permitted. That kind of baffled me because, personally, I'd love to create my own unique clothing brand/style to sell across the board from low-middle class clothing to high end fashion items.

  3. @NutterButter If it's crapping everywhere in the streets though! If you clean it up, no fine. If you leave it for the council street workers to clean up, you get fined. But yeah, having a horse especially on your farm would be handy - or an ATV!