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Posts posted by Dizzle

  1. Oooooh, here we go *DEEP INHALE*

    1. Might already be in the game, some drafts of maps have been released already. If you're good at topography then check it out.
    2. There is a gym system. If you eat too much you'll get fat and have to work out to lose some weight.
    3. Dunno about surfing. Could be in the game eventually.
    4. Same as above, could be modded in at a later date.
    5. I can see this happening, GTA Online has it. So Identity will likely have it as well.
    6. You can get addicted to drugs. As for buffs, I'm sure there'll be some minor ones to make it worthwhile to do drugs.
    7. Not possible. The amount of dead bodies will mean an extreme amount of net packets and server lag.
    8. Hoping for this too. BMX should be viable. Don't know about skateboards though.
    9. I'm expecting fighting in this game to be pretty decent. At least a dodge or so should be implemented.
    10. I asked about this one already, view it here.
    11. There are tattoo parlors in the game, although you won't be able to do a stencil minigame I don't think. However I believe they are planning in the future for us to be able to design our own tattoos.
    12. This will obviously be in the game, there's no way it wouldn't.
    13. Heh.. Pervert...
    14. You can live off the land in Identity.
    15. You can use a tazer. Dunno about tackling though. Could cause some lag issues where "I wasn't even anywhere near you and you still tackled me" kind of thing.
    16. They're debating on adding underwater stuff. Last I heard they were all for it, but had trouble with assets.
    17. There are designated spray point places around the map to tag / mark your territory.
    18. See answer to question 13.
    19. Yep. You can. You will need to eat in identity, so it makes sense to have food you can store in your apartment. Plus the devs said there are only some aesthetic things in your apt. most of it has a feature.
    20. You will be able to buy and even create furniture in Identity.
    21. This would be interesting. Maybe they'll do something like that, again, GTA:O did it, so why not Identity..
    22. I dunno about that. seems like it would be abused a lot...
    23. This is probable. I'd like to see this here too. Would be interesting if you were a trucker and just had "oil drums" full of guns. 
    24. Cars come with GPS's in them. But not all I don't think.
    25. This is confirmed, you can dance, and wave, and stuff like that but I don't know how deep they'll go with animations :P 

    • Like 1

  2. So once again -- Referencing GTA SA-MP for this but.. I've heard that in Identity $1000 will be a fair sum of money. Which makes me wonder how expensive things will be in the game. In GTA SA-MP the economy was so skewed that a hotdog cost $6000. A lock for you car could go as high as $500,000. A one story house in the ghetto was $14,000,000.. So how expensive can I expect Identity to be? Hotdogs for 10 cents?

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  3. So I know you can customize cars but I know a few friends who love cars too much to just settle for aesthetic features.

    What if I want to make my car a drift spec?
    Or a drag car?

    Could I do that to some extent?

    For example for a drift spec just get a RWD car and upgrade the torque to shit so that it slides everywhere?

    For a drag car just get some tires that have super traction and upgrade the horse power?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Vix said:

    The thing is that Hitmen aren't "in game"- they're not supported by game mechanics, so there won't be a secret "hitmen command" in chat. Maybe in the modded private servers or if many users will want hitman to be a real job and the devs will implement it after release, but right now it's not in plans, so the only way for a hitman to get their clients is actively searching for them himself. You can request the client to pay you some of the final price in advance, or pay the full price in advance, but there's nothing forcing the client to pay or forcing a paid hitman to do their job, so you can get ripped off either way. And if you're "the average Joey" I really doubt you'll have 250k to throw at a hitman. Money in Identity will be realistic, you won't earn this much on an "average Joey job" and I don't know how about you, but if I saved that much I really wouldn't want to throw it on something that's so risky. There's nothing protect the deal, it's based on trust and role play. And the Hitman is doing their job for the money- nothing prevents them from accepting a counter-contract from the target they were supposed to kill and going after you instead. Nothing ensures they'll actually go after the target at all, they might just ask you to pay them "Half now, other half after the deal" and never come back. AND it's literally just few minutes of being dead. Few minutes that might cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't see it being worthy at all.

    That's why average joey's have no reason to contract a hitman. And CK is always possible instead of PK. That would change things up quite a bit. It's to send a message. Corporations battling it out. All that.

  5. 4 hours ago, Vix said:

    I think being a Hitman will be hard in Identity. For most, at least. From the old forum so many people wanted to be Hitmen I just don't know how it will work out. xD Hitman isn't an official job- it's just role play, so I imagine that in the start of the game most people will get official jobs and then there will be all those hitmen just walking around (if they want to be exclusively hitmen), trying to subtly ask "Hey, you want to have someone killed and pay me?". I just don't think there will be so many users interested in paying someone a big amount of money to shoot another player who'll respawn at his house after few minutes. I don't know how those hitmen want to get clients, and another thing is that your client doesn't have to pay you for the job well done, the system won't force it upon him, so you might just get ripped off.

    Okay here we go:

    Hitman could be a viable profession. Let's say I'm the average joe who has had no problems with the law, but @KevinLangston and his mafia keep harassing me. Well I can't take them on by myself, there's no way. So I'll hire a hitman, and because I want him, he gets to set the price. Probably based on the difficulty of the target. Let's say 250k for Kevin. Cause he's a big figure. I pay him, and he does the job, takes a picture and shows me to prove the job is done. And there you go.

    However, in GTA SAMP, at least the server I played on, the hitmen were an invite only faction and you weren't allowed to know who they were cause people MG'ed a lot. So you would find who you wanted.. er.. "taken care of".. and the following would happen

    type into the chatbox the following command, /contract [name] [amount of money] [reason]

    the minimum amount was $100,000.

    So let's say I want to kill Kevin.

    I would open the chatbox and type in

    /contract KevinLangston 250,000 He's interfering with my business

    the $250,000 is deducted directly from you bank account. and put on hold.

    The hitman would then receive a notification where he/she could /acceptcontract [id of contract] (cause my submitted contract wouldn't be the only one)

    So /acceptcontract 1

    It would then be their job to kill the target however they can. 

    If the hitman kills the target, the money is transferred to them.

    If the target finds out about the hitman and KILLS THE HITMAN, then the target gets the intended money.

    Okay that's it

    • Like 1

  6. This is something I've wanted in some sort of game for a really long time. I don't even particularly care about in-depth parkour. I just want a skill or an ability that will allow me to for example climb a building, hop a fence. In other words reach certain places. Like if I want to climb onto some roof tops, jump from roof to roof, setup a sniper and run off, can I do dis? Just a basic climbing mechanic would be great. Something like gta online. Climb ladders, scale some walls. Stuff like dat. 


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  7. 3 minutes ago, HairyGrenade said:

    I'll probably be living in the city :) 


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  8. just got off twitter DMin MoTown. He said there's no ETA for Town Square yet, but they've recently hired some extra hands to help with the production.


    Edit: In terms of transportation -- 

    By the looks of it, there will be player owned transportation companies :D 

  9. I think it'll be pretty dope if there were rare items that periodically spawn around the map. This would make treasure hunter a viable option for a career. Some indiana jones type shit. Devs already said they want to have some underwater elements. So you can go deep sea diving for some loot, or use a metal detector on a beach :D

    • Like 1

  10. So for those of you who have played SA-MP you might be familiar with the concept of animations. Things like /talk , or /lean or /walk 12

    So I'm wondering if Identity will feature a plethora of various animations that we can use to roleplay more ... em.. words. more in-depth?... I dunno. But I'd like to change my walking style, to represent who I am as a person. Or if I'm standing up, to lean against something. Sit down on a park bench, etc etc.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Dizzle said:

    I personally think I'm gonna buy myself an apartment in one of the cities. Probably not the starter one, but one of the other cities. Maybe one close to the beach ;D


    2 minutes ago, Vix said:

    Otherwise I'll just seduce the house owner so s/he'll make me their roommate. ^u^


    WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY @VIX -- Or you could just split rent with me. God knows I won't be able to get a beachfront place right away, and your stripper money is probably gonna make you bank. 

  12. Sounds tricky to pull off, but then again they've already dedicated to using realistic ballistics. If walls can have properties like density, then I think it's possible for sound to play into it. But don't quote me >_>

  13. I understand the massive scale of Identity, so that brings forth the question. Where are you gonna be living?

    In an apartment in one of the cities?

    In the main city?

    In a smaller city?

    Beachfront property?


    On a yacht?

    In a tent, off the land?

    I personally think I'm gonna buy myself an apartment in one of the cities. Probably not the starter one, but one of the other cities. Maybe one close to the beach ;D