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Everything posted by DonaldTrump

  1. Few Questions

    1. Will the game have concealed carry, so if someone tries to attack you, you can defend yourself? Also, if there is, will we have holsters of some sort? 2. Will there be animations for you pulling out your guns from where they are located on your body? 3. Do you guys think you will have stick-shift/manual cars? 4. Will there be micro transactions? I wouldn't mind spending a couple bucks to support the developers.
  2. Lawsuits/suing people

    I could see that happening, it'll be pretty cool.
  3. Create Your Identity

    .Name: Donald John TrumpAge: 27 June 14thFrom (City, Country): America, NY, QueensAppearance (Body, Face): Athletic Build, Blonde Hair, 6'2'', Blue EyesAttire: Business attire, formal.Job: Real Estate Investor, Property Owner, Real-estate developerDetail of House: Shown In PictureDetail of Car/ Vehicle: Shown In PicturePersonality: Nice, Kind, Smart, GenerousBackground: Too Much To Write, But You Get The Point.