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Posts posted by MadApples

  1. On 11/20/2018 at 10:19 AM, Frisky said:

    I just hope this game doesnt die off once people get in and realize it is just basically a chat room... atleast for awhile


    LOL - to funny.


    Seriously, Something is far better than nothing. :)

    I'm exited for the first time!

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  2. 7 hours ago, VirtalPeguin said:

    For all those who had lost faith on the Steam page coming up any time soon: It is up now!


    Thanks to @Paratus and the rest of the amazing team at Asylum!


    It's coming and it will be great! Spread the word about Identity. THE HYPE IS REAL >:)


    I lift up my head from a 4 year slumber... "huh? what you say son?" I stretch out my arms with a spark of excitement but not yet sure what I just herd. Then suddenly I look around the room, so many others still in there slumber... Wait... did we just get a real live publish date of a real product??!

    Is this real life? Am I dreaming this?!

    Each new questions brings even more excitement as I hop out of my slumber.!!!



  3. 2 hours ago, JoelKeys said:

    They also said it would be published by November. Then Friday. Now they are saying today. I'll believe it when I see it.


    Ha ha, true that, and I'm pretty sure "something" will go wrong, "something" will be delayed, and I am betting this is yet another delay attempt in the making. lol. Lets see if I'm right :P 


    I will say this however, if it ever does get published, I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of excitement. ;)

    • Like 1

  4. 3 hours ago, ShiEksdee said:

    Then I hate to tell you this, but you are playing the wrong game. This game is going to simulate life including politics. ^^;;


    I think you misunderstood Forcedchaos  .

    He is talking about real life politics.

     In-game politics should be and is part of the game, that I can agree with. Personally I think we should keep the civil war that separates our country in half with this "Trump haters" vs "Clinton/Obama haters" out of a game that we fictitiously play in and want to be part of to enjoy the game.(If we ever can...)

    • Like 1

  5. In real life, I never talk politics to nobody. I keep my thoughts to my self, its not a good idea to talk politics, especially in the days of today. :)


    That being said, I do believe in in-game politics that has nothing to do with the real world and maintaining a non-bias attitude.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, dagtag said:

    I thought you were faithful to java 😂



    1 hour ago, Mr_Mog said:

    Not someone with common sense I guess. I guess you're the kind of person that make Nigerian princes happy.


    You see Mr.Mog? it would be impossible to make a Nigerian princes happy, my relationship wouldn't last long, and java would still be my true love.


  7. For the last few months I have been in and out of these forums complaining that this game was a sham, scam, and then some. I was wrong.... whoah!! calm down dagtag and Preston_bodhi_343 !! This is not a dream! In fact I woke up......


    Quick simple truth: There is simply no proof this is a scam even if there is no product. Who am I to say otherwise.


    Long and detailed truth:

    After sleeping in bed last night on my actions and words I have realized how wrong I was to simply assume this was a scam.

    As a developer I sit for days at times locked away in my cave hidden from the world just programing and listing to dub-step. It truly is a lot of work, it takes passion, skill, and a LOT of time and patience with plenty of obstacles.


    When I woke up I saw the light..... Who am I to take that away from the developers of this game? How wrong I was and who I am not.

    Ill tell you who I am not... I am not somebody that takes away hard work from somebody who spent countless hours learning, creating, and developing something like this.


    I am somebody who encourages other developers to create new things, and to expand on there knowledge, Ive done that my whole life, but yet here I am the last few months accusing these developers of being a scam just because I ran out of patience, whether it be days, weeks, months, or in this case years.


    I am not the judge nor jury, nor should I act like one.


    It is true, this project have received over a million bucks, taken many years to this point, this game may, or may not ever be published !!..  BUT honestly, it is actually  part of game development, trust me, Ive developed plenty of nothings even after a year or so more in development I have scrapped games, and If anybody should know that the most it is me. Game development is hit and miss. Truly a Risky business.


    So I will apologize to these developers, I will not take away there hard work just because there is no product yet.


    Instead I want to thank them for the inspiration of this game, giving us hope that It could one day exist, even if it never does.  If this game fails, perhaps I may take on this type of project my self, It actually Sounds like a lot of fun and I am more than capable of achieving a game like this. ;)(If you have not noticed yet, I have never been good at modesty;))




    Thank you for Identity, I found mine. ;)







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  8. 4 minutes ago, dagtag said:

    Yeah... no difficulty with c#, is it just me or is it awefully similar to java? I have been in class for like a week or two and i am so bored seeing what i have already seen 😂


    c# is extremely similar ;) after moving from c#, when I found java, I fell in love with the syntax. This is probably why I don't currently have a girl friend.. :o

    • ver.1.22474487139 2

  9. 1 minute ago, dagtag said:

    Whatya mean? Not like i am gonna respond to any of you and say you aint developers 😂. I must admit that i was wrong about you not being one, but hey its the internet its easy to say whatever you want right?

    To add to this topic i myself am still a developer in the making, got a background in java atm and i am now in college studying c#. Not like i already have a job or anything.


    That's awesome, and its great to see somebody expand there languages like you are doing.

    As you probably have noticed, once you learn one language, other languages become easy to learn. :)

  10. 2 hours ago, Preston_bodhi_343 said:

    Then why are you even here? If you so clearly believe it's a scam why do you still care what happens here? If you were genuinely concerned about the state of the game to the point where you blatantly think it's a scam why not just go and get a refund and leave this behind? Always the same with the scam babies, happy to spend all your time here saying how much of a scam it is yet you won't do anything about it.

    If you've no interest in the game, which clearly you no longer have any then go and occupy yourself with something better to do than continuously giving your input which nobody is asking for.

    As for being defensive you can call it what you will, I'm just a backer who's fed up of hearing the same old drivel about how it's a scam and the devs are lying etc.


    "scam babies" ? Is that the new term for you people ? LOL I love it! But lets try and be adults and not name  call the majority of us so that I can actually take you seriously, huh?

    I am here because of my investment. Its true I don't care about the $60 I invested a few years ago, and still with out a product to play.. But by god, I'm going to make sure i get my share of my $60 in these forums :) So go sit back down and don't tell me how I should spend my time. (In other words, treat me with the same respect I gave you.)

    And its true I feel like this is a total sham, scam, what ever you wish to call it as you claim I do, well not only me, but a lot of users... look around the forums... and yes there is a lot of us, that are more than agitated by the very long delays, and by the way its been handled , and you don't approve of our opinions ? Is this what you say to everybody ? Is this the professionalism you wish to convey?

    So what your saying is, we are not allowed to voice our concern after years of our money vanished with out a product, because you and your goonies think we should be more patient?  OOOKK then, i got ya ;) Not sure what world your from tho... ;)

    Its people like you who actually confirm that this is simply a scam.

    At least


      made more sense than you. Have you read my above post in response to DagTag?

    before you came along I kind of gave him the benefit of doubt by expressing its possible it was simply poor development choices rather than a scam... but NO, here you are stirring the pot... proving otherwise. Good job!


  11. 1 minute ago, Latamir said:

    I have played MMOs since Beta on UO and almost all of them have delays and deadlines missed. I automatically in my head I replace any word or phrase that has something to do with schedule and deadline with "best estimated guess." If you really want to see missed deadlines and cash grabbing stroll on over to Star Citizen. 2 years behind, constant changing of what is being developed, constant changes in policies, changes to what you get for helping fund it,  and still asking for more money.


    Im not going to look, but I bet at least they have a product.... ;)

  12. 24 minutes ago, ShiEksdee said:

    C# for me and I'm still learning and planning to make this my main language ultimately, but I know a lil Python and Ruby as well. Currently working on a small indie tactical RPG~ I'm mostly the CEO/admin who dabbles in all of the fields and not programming-specific (I do art/animation, writing, mechanics and level and event design as well). So more jack-of-all trades-y in the career instead of excelling at a thing. But I have studied game dev flow and know quite a bit about it since it has been my passion since the age of 2!


    C# was my first object oriented language :) I moved on after I found out Microsoft is no longer supporting xna. I then went to c++ but did not like the syntax, and then learned java. I love java now!!!! unlike c#/xna i don't have to use mono.. ;)

    OH, i got a joke for you.... .. bad geek joke i made up... read at your own risk....

    What is C ? its combined, but some think console.

    So what is C2?  well its c++ (c=c+1) ;)

    Ok.. so what is C3?

    wait i know.. a drunk programmer fell face first on his keyboard and found the #(number 3 key) and called it c#. ;)




    edit: fixed speling mistackes abuv....^^ :o <--- yea, wat kond of programor am i, Cont even spel!!

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  13. 6 minutes ago, ShiEksdee said:

    Me. I might not be a ranter, but I am a realist. To be honest, those who blindly praise this game seem to be the ones without a clue as to how development works to the point I physically cringe when I read the replies, but what do I know? I'm only a game developer myself after all. X'D



    Currently Java and android here, you ?

  14. 1 hour ago, ColonelKimmers said:

    Just a rant. Don't read if you know this will make you upset just for the sake of being upset. Or if you simply don't care. I'm just killing time between now and release.


    There's been a lot of people ranting on the forums. I don't blame them because we've all been waiting a while for this game to come out and the first module will finally give us a taste. But your negative thoughts are kinda annoying if you've got nothing to back it up. Identity isn't a scam. If it was, they would've disappeared with the kickstarter money a while ago. I've only just now decided to bite the bullet and purchase the game so that I could make an account because I assumed the module would've been out by now due to the steam key release. It's not out and I still have to wait. We all do. So be it. I understand creating a game of this size will cause unforeseen difficulties and so be it.


    How many of these ranters actually have any background in game development? How do you guys think this all actually works? Do you think if a bunch of nerds just type words into the computer for a few months - a game will  be born like magic?


    Everybody gets stuck on problems. Some problems take more time to solve than others of course, and obviously problems aren't planned.

    For example; say I want to make a button that says "Hello world" when pressed so I create a program that says "When the button is pushed, output 'Hello World' into the console" but instead the entire game crashes. How could I POSSIBLY have PREDICTED that? That's what developers go through. Sometimes you get syntax errors because you forget a semicolon somewhere in your code or you fat fingered an extra letter somewhere in your code, sometimes you get run-time errors because your logic doesn't add up, sometimes you have no idea what's wrong and stackoverflow can't help you; so you gotta figure it out.

    Figuring it out takes time. It's not the developer's inability to create a something because they can't complete a task in time; it just means a problem arises that they didn't know about yet so they gotta fix it. The best part about this is that it means the developer won't make that problem again in the future if they learned from it.


    I'm absolutely ready for the first module release. I know this game was created by veteran developers so they shouldn't be making a crap quality game or common rookie mistakes, but I totally expect bugs and lag.


    A rant about gamers who say "Ugh, just optimize the game." is a whole different thing if that even happens to Identity.


    P.S even though I strongly doubt it because who would bother renting an office and hiring developers, bother to interact with the community, do constant updates through twitch streams and monthly dev blogs, and have an entire community forum running - just to end up being a total scam. It seems like a very elaborate scam, but if it is a scam; I apologize for everybody waiting around so long for their time being wasted.


    Definitely guilty here... ;)

    You definitely have patients as a saint, wish i can have your patients, invest my money, wait a few years with out a product and still make a post like this. :)

    And yes, I am a developer ;)

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  15. 1 hour ago, dagtag said:

    I do love how you persist this game is a scam while there is enough proof telling us otherwise.
    If the game is a scam, why do the 3d artists keep making assets?
    If the game is a scam, why have we seen gameplay?

    Okay first off, canada isn't a 3rd world country, you don't believe they are based in canada? look up their address...
    Second of all, a fake game doesn't have active 3d artists working on a new asset every week or two, neither would they put time in concept art.


    Its simple to destroy "these types of comments" because they never contain any proof, they always consist of this mad theories behind them that couldn't be possible if you look at some actual proof.


    Then whats the point of sharing your mad theory, to prevent future backers from dropping their money on this project?

    This isn't an opinion anymore... this is just you stating its a scam which is considered spreading false information.

    "us real developers"? you mean to say that you, who clearly doesn't know a game takes time to develop and bugs can be a pain in the ass to remove, is a developer?

    Uhm, the first part is opinion and all that but as I said before, the red parts are definitely not considered opinions

    You seem very suspicious... its easy to go defensive on the devs over a comment like this, you act like you have found the scroll of truth and that you now know everything, you act like the game running in to bugs means the game isn't real, you act like canada is a 3rd world country... you see where I am going here. Your post doesn't show any proof and it can result in potential backers also thinking this game is a scam...

    Okay and to all of those I shall say again, a scam wouldn't release concept art, a scam wouldn't release gameplay, a scam wouldn't pay 3d artists to make assets

    the release dates being pushed back had nothing to do with bugs, it had to do with them underestimating the time they would need to finish TS, the last bugs that are being fixed have only been around since that last task was in testing.

    A release date being pushed back isn't considered a "fake" release date, its considered a delay, that's it. Don't make things sound more suspicious then they actually are.

    When have they lied? with the release dates? again, these aren't lies... You know just as much as we do, as far as we are concerned what they have been telling us is the truth, unless you have hard evidence proving they have lied to us, don't ever spread rumors like this.

    Perhaps give the game a break instead of calling scam because "they have pushed back delays"

    you did state your opinion... in the white part of your first post. the rest you said however consisting of: you blaming them for lying and saying they gave out fake dates, is considered spreading false information.

    Next time if you call scam, bring some proof to the matter, otherwise you are making it seem as if you want this project to fail.


    Thanks for taking the time to explain your thoughts, I am always listening.

    You have forgotten to mention about the steam key released not long ago... ;)

    I can respect you defending a project like this if its not a scam, Honestly I would do the same for any of mine, good job. But just note, It has never happens to me mostly because Ive been able to be responsibly give realistic release dates with out misleading users.

    I do hope this is not a scam. Perhaps when and if the game gets released I will be proven wrong.

    That would be nice ;)


    ---Spoil alert!! - me just rambling for a bit, I guess I'm just in the mood...--

    YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!- read at your own risk.

    Not to boast, or change the subject, nor that I care what you think, but I happen to be a great developer, mostly java and android now, (And no.. I'm not talking about simple things, I'm talking about real stuff like, server-side, client-side data-streams, multi threading, multi sockets, indices, vertices, matrices, and quaternion mathematics(3D development), 64 bit password encrypted methods, SQL database, ext... ext... bleh bleh...You can say its my passion.) and as I program, I use forward thinking as I develop new codes and methods, with very few if any bugs. If i get bugs I fix it asap (usually within a day or week at most while its still fresh in my mind). Its called good programing skills. If you have so many issues with bugs or whatever..., perhaps hire a new developer to help out with your "hard to fix" bugs or development of the game as some of you already claimed in other posts that these few developers (even after getting paid more than Millions of dollars for this project alone) may not have the best skills to start with.

    --end of spoil alert--


    Get it together is all I'm asking, and its possible this is not a scam, perhaps its simply poor development. I can live with that. Perhaps then these developers should have started a game a bit more.. easy to develop instead of taking on a project greater than there small team. :)

    I can also see how It would seem that I wanted this project to fail, that couldn't be farther from the truth, the truth is I have Gaven up after years and years of waiting patiently, after have given you my money. I know for a fact others feel the same way, Ive seen it in posts everywhere with people like you defending the project like wolfs on raw meat. (Again, I don't blame you for defending this project.) But that wont change peoples minds.


    -Action changes peoples minds, not words and 3D mesh artists. ;)




  16. 1 hour ago, Preston_bodhi_343 said:

    You'd have some merit but it's not a scam and just because a game takes time to develop and has snags that pop doesn't automatically make it a scam, furthermore just because people like you are developers doesn't automatically mean you know better than everyone else and doesn't give you the right to call scam just because progress isn't up to your standards


    " Yes, In my opinion " What part of that did you not understand ?

    Also you seem very defensive... just say-en... ;)

    If i think this is a scam, as others do... , I'm going to treat it as such, its ok if you disagree.

    Also, "snags" take days, maybe weeks, possibly months?? huh?? to fix... Definitely not years of lies and fake release dates. ;)

    Give me a break.

    I'm not going to high-jack this post with arguments with you, go and say your words as that's what scammers do, I simply stated my honest opinion to help answer the topic question.



  17. On 8/6/2018 at 7:21 PM, DanDud88 said:

    The tracker is 4 days over being updated.  Theres no new dev blog, they keep changing launch dates.  Are we being scammed.


    Yes, In my opinion its a true scam.

    Its probably one of those 3rd world country's with call centers that call you to give money to them, but this time they got smart and created this fake game.

    Look how they defend them self's, I bet they will respond to this post and mock, defend, and destroy these types of comments.

    To me its fine, they can have my $60 that I gave years ago...., Ive already considered that money lost, no big deal. But Ill still stick around and watch all the other people get scammed as well and have a mild chuckle.

    This is truly a great scam, good job guys!


    The sad part is it gives us real developers a bad name. ;(

  18. On 8/21/2018 at 3:15 AM, michelzain said:

    I'm enjoying reading those actually, at least I see other people with the same feelings about this situation,


    Totally agree with you :) As I keep saying, this thread is right on target.

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  19. 19 minutes ago, dagtag said:

    actually that's not true, this is a message to the devs as you have stated in your original post, I will say this again, a message and a topic or two very different things.


    see that? a message, not a topic


    As i said before, your entitled to your opinion, and I am glad you were able to prove your point.

    Realize I also have mine. I believe this topic is right on target. ;)

  20. 36 minutes ago, Genesai said:

    I do agree threads like these are pointless, including this one. All it does is clutter the forums. If you have an opinion, why not just add it to one of the other countless similar threads? If it's a personal message to the devs, why not inbox them? But making an entire thread for it yourself, repeating what others have said before, is kinda absurd.


    This topic is in regards to "The Town Square" and how long it is taking to get released. If there is many other posts like mine as you suggested, perhaps there is a problem with the devs that need to be addressed. The longer this game takes, the quicker others will think this is a scam and I believe it needs to be addressed.

    No offense to you or the other users that continue to police my postings, but I am far within the rules of making a post. If you wish to be a moderator perhaps you should put in a application ? Rather than polluting my post with your pointless thoughts that have nothing to do with the topic of this post.

    The fact is I/we have waiting months and years for a promise not delivered. This post is needed, even if you disagree with me. ;) I felt like giving a post, and I did. I realize you disagree and that's fine.

    We paid for a game, we eventually deserve to play the game.

  21. 3 minutes ago, dagtag said:

    then why are there 3 people saying the topic is useless, seems like you cant be sure of anything


    Your always entitled to your opinion. :) It does not change my message or topic. The game is taking months and months , years and years, (so it seems.. lol) to be released after I have payed my donations.

  22. 4 hours ago, dagtag said:

    just because they are expected doesn't mean they are useful, topics used to be posted because people were confused and had a question, this topic is just someone who needs a bit of attention and shares his message to the devs... how can you call that a topic,


    The Topic pertains to: "The Town Square" and the long delay.

    I have 2 postings so far in over a year. That is not seeking attention but giving good feedback. If you feel salty for my postings, simply don't read them, thank you. I'm sure a lot of users not only disagree with your responses but will back me up.


    4 hours ago, Soulphite said:

    Yall are cute with your complaints about waiting "months". Haha. 


    Thank you, lol i thought it was brilliant. :P

  23. 4 hours ago, RenegadeNine said:

    What's the point of this post?


    " for this is my message to the team. " Hope this answers your question.


    4 hours ago, dagtag said:

    if everyone could just stop making useless topics like these that would be great... there is literally no point to your topic whatsoever, this is it summed up: "I am waiting just like everyone else, I wont ask for a refund, hope its worth all of the delays"

    well then, ill tell you something, if everyone were to make a post like this the actual useful topics would be buried underneath a pile of these worthless posts, which is actually happening...


    It is your opinion that this is a useless topic. I think its right on target , the game is taking a long time to be released.

    You are more than welcome to list more opinions if you like. :)


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