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Everything posted by Frisky

  1. Release status update?

    Yup can't possibly admit they fucked up. I would be less heart broken if they said "we are so sorry guys we were working down to the hour and missed the deadline, and sadly it will be out monday. Instead... bs and radio silence and banning.
  2. A sad never ending joke
  3. Release status update?

    They cucked this release hard... then they blamed steam classic. this game is going to crash and burn so hard before it makes it to beta
  4. God this company can't do a thing right at all it seems
  5. Happy holiday IDENTITY!!!!!

    Wtf 9 hours that is like over mid day for some people that is retarded..

    I agree it will be fun for awhile and I am glad we will finally have something. But with not consequences or real serious rp besides apartment chattering, I don't think people will really hop on for long amounts of time.

    I just hope this game doesnt die off once people get in and realize it is just basically a chat room... atleast for awhile
  8. Developer blog.

    He is rinsing his hands of this overwhelming failure to get things done... maybe he will be back
  9. American Holidays

    They don't update on the weekends. I'm pretty sure they stated that
  10. To Be Honest.....

    Yeah... it is crazy how they are lying to us... 60 tasks or not... they said they were pretty much done and blatantly lied... they could have said weeks ago.. oh we have 60 tasks left sadly... give us a few more weeks and we will be good.. That would have been way more well received than 2 days before..
  11. Called it

    Yeah this is my last straw... after reading everyone who has been waiting for years... and now this... if they delay it one more time... im outtie.
  12. Well... guess I was right not to get too hyped.. oh well guess the wait continues. I really hope this tracker gets polished up.. amd I the only one who finds it kinda not.. transparent and kinda weirdly put together... I am afraid that they are using this tracker to just be able to never give a release date or anything for sure and just keep working away or not working away indefinitely.
  13. Trust = Gone

    Honestly they better be adding alot to this advertised module... or people are gonna be pissed they are playing a glorified second life or sims game untill the next module in a year...
  14. Trust = Gone

    Probs nothing tbh... that's why I am giving them untill the end of May to get me in the game.. or I am gone... and I haven't even been here long
  15. Delay time

    IMHO oppinion this module is kinda of a waste (if it werent for the fact we had nothing else to play or show for this game) I would not even bother playing it. It just seems so lack luster and so little to actually do after waiting so long. Hell I could go play perp and gett a better more fleshed out experience than waiting for a chat room. I wish they atleast had some sort of drug/ cop system in place to make the town square a little more antsy and fun... but allas it will just be walking around and talking untill you are bored after 5 hours and the wait till the next module begins.
  16. Delay time

    End of april is pushing it too. I say if they don't get it by the end of MAY I probs will be taking my money back... hell all this is is gonna be a virtual chat room pretty much untill the full game is out
  17. Delay time

    this is true... they should really consider not adding more tasks... unless they are crucial to current tasks completion.
  18. Delay time

    It should be possible... it also should have been possible to hit their second stated release time... but look where we are at.
  19. Delay time

    A week is pretty dang optimistic when they stated they haven't even upgraded the tracker to its fullest potential even yet.
  20. Delay time

    Im giving it another month... because the tracker it self is so vague and weird... idk if I trust the estimates they put on it..
  21. Only a few more day

    I will admit the radio silence 3 days away from "Launch" is kinda worry some especially with the weekend coming up and them probably not working on the weekend... kinda has me worried.
  22. 5 days ..

    I am kinda worried too that nothing has been said or shown this close to the release date, but that could also mean they are heads down working hard.
  23. I have just recently pledged to play the beta, even though idk if I will be able to play since I have like a 5 years old alien ware. Yeah I know buying pre-built gaming rigs is dumb but I was young and excited. Anyway I haven noticed a lot of setbacks being talked about and the worry the game is going to be pushed back again. I know it is only TS but I am excited to at least see how this game plays. As a new person in this community, I want to be excited but I am also very skeptical with all these posts being so un sure. So Should I and everyone else be worried in this final week of waiting? Or chug along on the hype train?
  24. Yeah I can imagine there are gonna be some issues with servers right off the bat so I may wait a few days