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Everything posted by OrangeElement

  1. Secret trap doors

    Looks like a funny movie I'll check it out
  2. Secret trap doors

    I was imagining playing the game. And I thought of working black market. So I was thinking of the police breaking into my house to search for the weapons i'm selling. If I don't have a secret "area" such as a trap door in the floor. Because I'm pretty sure that the police would find an AK-47 if it was hanging on the wall in my living room. So I would like a trap door implemented into the game.
  3. Secret trap doors

    I never thought of doing that at the business itself. Good idea.
  4. I have a questions on stealing cars. What will happen to the cars after you steal them. Will you have to find someone to who's interested, or will the car get abducted by aliens (despawn) after a while.
  5. Secret trap doors

    Thank you
  6. Secret trap doors

    Maybe even a fake wall if possible