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Everything posted by HaydeVolpe

  1. Luprano Family

    Maybe it's because I'm not from south Italy. However, I've sicilian friends but they never say amicu.
  2. Luprano Family

    Hey. I'm italian and I want to correct some of your words. Giovanotto (Prounounced "jova-notto")= An expression of endearment to a younger person. Barese (Pronounced "Ba-reh-zeh")= Someone or something from the City/area of Bari, in southern Italy. Siciliano/Siciliana (Prounounced "See-chili-anno, "See-chili-anna")= Someone or something from the island of Sicily, off the coast of southern Italy. Compaesano (Pronounced "Con-pie-zano")= A friend, usually of Italian descent. Compare (Prounounced "comb-pa-re")= A very close friend. Amico/Amica (Pronounced "a-meek-oh" or in Sicilian, "a-meek-oo")= Another, and most direct word to say friend. Stronzo/strunz' (Pronounced "Strown-zo" or in Barese, "stroonz")= Big piece of shit. Cazzo (Prounounced "catso") = Dick U' cazz (Prounounced "oo cats")= Literally means "the dick", but is an expression that means "nothing", in a pissed off way. Stu'cazz (Pronounced "stew-cats")= Calling somebody a dick in south italian dialect. Cornuto (pronounced "corn-oot-oh" or in Sicilian "corn-oot-oo")= Cuckold, can be used to curse someone Ricchione (Pronounced "rick-yown")= Insult to someone who is homosexual. Puttana (Pronounced "poo-tanna")= Whore Citrullo (Pronounced "chidrool")= Moron Vaffanculo (Prounounced "Bafangool")= Go fuck yourself.
  3. Italian Community - Someone from Italy?

    Ciao. Ci sono molti italiani sul forum da quel che so. E ci sono altri posts simili a questo xP
  4. Ciao a Tutti!

    Hey! Benvenuto! Non vedo l'ora di giocare con voi! xP
  5. Creating a band

    Ohhhh YUP! Can I join this band? I can play anything you want. I just want to be in this band! Hehe xP But what type of rock?