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Everything posted by Rinyuaru-Kun

  1. Weapon damages

    About destruction I'm not sure, but it will definitely have realistic impact on the target's condition and physical capabilities.
  2. I believe driving will be altered following the weather, but I'm not sure about environment modification or destruction...
  3. Dying of overdose?

    And, if you take heavy drugs, how will the blackout and/or symptoms be recreated?
  4. Google to Identity

    Yeah, that would be awesome! Now, would be ironical like LifeInvader in GTA V or Noodle in Watch_Dogs 2, or a more realistic one, like in the movie The Circle? If it were to be ironical, it could be called Doodle, Boogle, Dribble... For realistic alternatives, it could be called NetWorld, Personality (like an Identity Facebook maybe?), Identitweet, Society, or anything that would seem realistic and / or related to Identity.
  5. Cars & Mechanics

    I have heard about car mechanic being out there, but (if they can be owned by players) I have no idea about doing the mechanic themselves.
  6. Prison time?

    But if prison is fun, more people will act as criminals
  7. Dying of overdose?

    And that's what makes the game so promising!
  8. Prison time?

    Yeah but it shouldn't be over exaggerated...
  9. Mini Activities

    Yeah that would be amazing!
  10. Hi, Stantain here

  11. Paintball or Laser Tag games

    Maybe it will be a feature one day, but I highly doubt it'll be with the initial release
  12. [deleted post]

    [deleted post]
  13. Prison time?

    But criminal activities shouldn't be as easy to carry as legal ones, don't you think?
  14. Finally saying Hello

    Well, I'll crust you not to get offended, otherwise things could get toasty. Also, I loaf the cat on your profile picture! What bread is it?
  15. Drugs N Guns

    I think that is to be discussed more privately then
  16. Prison time?

    Oh well, I guess I should learn to formulate hypothesises then ^^
  17. Ability to Dump "Bodies"/Manufacture Crimescene

    Maybe detectives will have a trace of the scene, with indications about the scene itself and marks on the ground for pieces of evidence and the body?
  18. Drugs N Guns

    Well, I was thinking about a lot of things, but I'll definitely be an "honest" citizen with some illegal activities on the side... Probably assassinations and meth, which would be quite thrilling And on the meth side, I was thinking of some kind of agreement about no aggression in exchange for a cooperation for stocks, production, and so on... Would you be interested? Contract terms could be changed a little, but that would be the idea
  19. Typing With Eyes Closed Game

    Wow, I can't believe I got coffee right Next sentence: The excitement about the release of Identity is real!
  20. Political summary.

    Hello! I'm in no way intending to become a politician in this game, but I thought that this kind of subject should be "vulgarized" in order for a wider audience to be able to take part in the debates and to vote accordingly... This is why I created this topic, where every person running for governorship can post a brief summary of their political program and ideals, for the less politically interested people (such as me) to be able to have a quick overview of every party's ideas and projects. This could be a stupid idea, but I think it'd be quite convenient to have a place where you can get in touch with those subjects without having to go through those pages-long topics about each party. Also, I don't want this to be a discussion place, but just something such as a wall where you can hang your political projects and ideas. That being said, I can't wait to read @LuciousTimes' and @GeneSmith's posts here!
  21. Typing With Eyes Closed Game

    Betty bought butter but she said this butter is bitter I actually didn't think I'd get it right, let alone remembering it correctly! => I'd like a cloud of milk with my coffee.
  22. Prison time?

    Glad you got my point in the end
  23. Prison time?

    Well, prison time is a playable time, so I don't see any reason why criminals wouldn't have to go through it... It's not like a temporary ban or such.
  24. Prison time?

    No, max time will be 45min.