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Everything posted by RoundOctagon

  1. Create Your Identity

    My bio from the old site
  2. Grappling hook

    Nah. I didn't even wipe
  3. Grappling hook

    Ey I was bored fam. Sometimes while you are on the tanker you just need to do something to pass the time.
  4. Grappling hook

    Why are you being so ignorant. This whole time he has literally been referring to the one in real life. He even said not like the one in just cause lol. And even then, this second video isn't an accurate showing of what he is talking about. He is talking about the one that isn't a gun. He is referring to the one you have in your hand and actually have to throw with your hands. Please don't be ignorant about a situation during a debate. It just makes you look more stupid and makes people waste their time on you. I'm not wasting my time because I am taking a dump while typing this.
  5. Grappling hook

    Also on official servers, if people were to abuse the grappling hook in public, then they could just get arrested or fined since things like that would be against the law. That could be a law that is never changed in the world.
  6. Grappling hook

    he literally just said idaho, where he lives.
  7. Grappling hook

    he literally just said the normal ones lol. he said not the one in just cause.
  8. Grappling hook

    You guys obviously aren't actually listening to what he is saying. Just because the game is supposed to be realistic doesn't mean this will break the realism. Grappling hooks as in you need to set it up and climb. No, not like just cause, but like rainbow six siege. Rainbow six siege is literally based around terrorists and cops. There is literally nothing unrealistic about people using grappling hooks to rappel down a building or climb up a building. Also its not like the people are going to land the grappling hook everytime, unless they are good at it. Another thing it adds is creativity. They could just be expensive also. If you have like a wilderness shop that sells all type of stuff, then you could have it be sold there for a lot of money. Enough money that the average citizen that is just chilling out couldn't just walk in and be like "Ooh, I wanna buy this."