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Everything posted by BrianHamilton

  1. Hey there :)

    Welcome to the community, @Racket! I hope you enjoy the game once it eventually releases!
  2. January 2018 Poll!

    What a warm and friendly welcome as always
  3. I made a nice flag!

    One I made
  4. Yo!

    Welcome to the community, @northside! As LuckyDuck said above, you can check out some of the links in his signature to answer a few questions you may have. If you have any questions whatsoever, don't hesitate to ask a Moderator (like LuckyDuck) or try sending me a message (I may not be a Moderator but I will do my best to help). Have fun!
  5. Lets go deeper

    This has already been asked quite a few times in the past. Please use the forum Search bar before asking questions as it's most likely already been asked before. Sex will not be implemented into the game and there will be no children. This is to ensure that the game, although currently set to 18+, remains family friendly and PG.
  6. Identity Political Roleplay Story

    Wait, so, if we're in school does that mean we're teenagers? Kind of like a prologue? The backstory that lead up to us creating our campaigns (and careers)? If so, how are we all connected? Would it not be a bit confusing to have 4 different stories going on at once? Also, is it not a bit strange that the 3 most currently community-trending political candidates all went to school together?
  7. Not Guilty

    I have an interest in roleplaying within Identity, however, not much of a fan of text-roleplay stories. Thanks for the offer though
  8. Introduction

    Hey there, @Danthecancerman! It's great to have you within the community. It's great to hear that you enjoy games similar to this as, if you liked any of the ones you may have previously played then this one is sure to double, no, triple the capabilities of those by bringing the MMORPG experience to a whole new level. As for being intrigued by Identity politics, you may very well enjoy The Podium board (click the golden text). Whilst I'm here, I'll throw in a few helpful links just in case you haven't yet seen them and I'll even throw in my political campaign's website should you be interested in reviewing some of our policies, acts and laws. You can view them here. Links: FAQ - Made by Motown FAQ Extended - Made by JamesLuck01 Official Identity Discord
  9. Not Guilty

    Yes, Ms. Bouchard informed me by tagging me in the post. I haven't read the roleplay, however, so long as nothing negative is being mentioned in regards to me and I am not being portrayed in a negative light, I have no issues.
  10. Not Guilty

    Where's the convenience? I understand entirely what you're saying, however, by saying that they are going to be committing these crimes and even discussing their plans publicly on these forums, it's an excellent way for law enforcement roleplayers to prepare and discover who to keep an eye on so that, when the game finally releases, they can be as prepared as possible. I don't mean to repeat myself but really, I don't think anyone is actually "looking down on others", I think it's all just for roleplay sakes and their characters. As a politican, I know I look down on criminals who wish to create trouble on the island and to it's citizens, however, I don't have any personal issues with the real life individuals doing the roleplaying.
  11. off duty

    The main reason for not being allowed to use your own, civilian firearm whilst on-duty, is due to the real life situation that if an officer were to have lawful reason to open fire on an individual (God forbid that ever happens), the bullets and the firearm can be traced back to the handling officer. It's also important for if, again, God forbid it ever happens, an officer were to unlawfully and wrongly open fire on an individual, the gun can be traced back. The implementation of the requirement for police-standard issue firearms is for additional realism and so that there is no abuse of power. Yes, there may be some who wish to roleplay as corrupt officers, and whilst this may be moderately allowed, to prevent everyone from signing up as a police officer and just trolling and being corrupt, it's important to have the realism of having police-standard issue firearms.
  12. Not Guilty

    No, but it gives us all, in particular, Law Enforcement, an excellent headstart on who to look out for in advance so that, should they ever actually commit the crimes, the police will be prepared. It's nothing to do with "looking down on others", it's all a part of the roleplay. For example, if you're a police officer, of course you're going to look down on criminals whilst in a roleplaying state of mind, however, I'm sure they don't have any real, personal negative feelings towards them.
  13. January 2018 Poll!

    Current Standings:
  14. hello everyone

    Firstly, welcome to the community (I know you joined back on January 3rd so I'm a bit late, SORRY), @ShepardWhsikey! It's great to have you here! As @Srlazaro very greatly mentioned, as long as it can run those games, you should be able to run Identity without any real issues. Whilst I'm here though, I wanted to chuck in a few friendly links just in case you haven't yet seen them as they can provide a lot of helpful information. I'm also running for Governor on the island so I hope you don't mind if I sneakily throw my campaign's website in there too FAQ - Made by Motown FAQ Extended - Made by JamesLuck01 Official Identity Discord Official Identity Twitch (they stream their progress every Tuesday and Thursdays) The Hamilton Party - Campaign Website
  15. January 2018 Poll!

    Agreed. The Governor aspect was what got me really hooked on Identity and gave me that final push. So, whilst I may have other characters for my spare time, I'll mainly be using my political one and doing everything I can to make the island great at every opportunity that I get and, if no opportunities are available (although, there's always an opportunity if you look hard enough) I'll make one. Game on, Lucious. Best of luck and wishing you the best regards, Brian Hamilton
  16. January 2018 Poll!

    Definitely agreed in regards to the suspense. It's always incredible watching how much time and effort you put into every single poll and opportunity you are given, you're definitely going to be one of, if not the most challenging candidates in the elections. Keep up the good work and best of luck!
  17. January 2018 Poll!

    Can't escape me on the polls that easily, @LuciousTimes ?
  18. Identity TV (IDTV)

    On my alternate character, I would absolutely ADORE to play in this as I'm an actor in real life and ADORE theatre and performing. Plus, I really like the idea of this show.
  19. Political Analysts

    Sounds like a fantastic idea, @DLimit / Damien! I would love to know if you find someone up to the task. Best Regards, Brian Hamilton The Hamilton Party
  20. I made a nice flag!

    Identity takes place in a fictional land in the eastern United States, inspired primarily by the Carolinas and Georgia. Source:
  21. January 2018 Poll!

    Agreed, I feel that the last one went excellently and another one is very long overdue. Would be great listening to so many of you great candidates and hearing your opinions on some of the topics which we perhaps were unable to cover in the last debate.
  22. Officially My Birthday (18)

    Ah, another year, another... Uh... Pickle (Rick)? As of today, January 4th, I'm officially 18! Meaning, I can now do basically anything from smoking, sex, bank robbi- actually, forget that last one. What did you all do for your 18th birthdays (or, if you're not yet 18, what was your favourite birthday ever and why?)
  23. Officially My Birthday (18)

    I'm from Scotland and can confirm we have a "Think 21" scheme and law which means that the legal age for drinking is 18, however, sellers can deny purchase from anyone who looks under the age of 21 years old and cannot provide a valid form of ID. If someone looks Under 21, they must be asked for ID.
  24. Roberts's Homes

    You will only be able to buy one house at a time. If you are currently renting out a house, you will need to live in an apartment (or be homeless) instead. You will not be able to rent out more than two houses due to only being permitted to own one house at a time. This is so that you can't just purchase all or most of the houses on the island, making it unfair if someone else wanted to buy it.