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Everything posted by Milamber

  1. Dear Diary

    Hey look you provided info like a mod should. Great job
  2. Dear Diary

    So it has passed 3 months since the firm Town Square module release date. The Dev's are now showing us actual game play of the work they have done and it does look great. It already has me thinking about playing in game and what i wanna be in IdentityRPG. The Dev's are now showing off the town square and i assume have learnt from their lack of information provided in the past. What i wanna know is how long is this 'minor' delay that is now 3 months on (If you remember the date was set for march). The developers routinely avoid answering these sort of questions and the mod's mostly repeat the same lines. One in particular that annoys me is 'it will be done when its done'. When a game has had multiple failed releases and delays, this line doesn't apply. With the upcoming Dev blog please answer some questions the community wants to know? There is endless shops, pictures of shops, clothing and randomness that goes on these Dev blogs that is just filler to avoid questions it feels like. While most of these are great, there is already enough of that sort of thing on the forums. You guys provide heaps of renders or model pictures already and its getting to the point where you are going to release town square and there is going to be nothing to do being that it is only a small portion of the game (which is fine) but you will have delayed and withheld answers so much that the expectations get higher each time. Please do not mistake this for hate. It would surprise me to get a response from a developer...
  3. Dear Diary

    I think you should read the original post dagtag. I was stating that in a perfect world they could give a proper release date. Go take a nap dagtag your getting cranky
  4. Dear Diary

    I'm not acting like I am entitled to the game now.. I asked a bunch of questions. And asked for some clarity. As stupid as this one is in a perfect world yes, they could say its ready next week. Its nice to see one statement ruin this. Still no comment from the Dev's. Just lucky being lucky
  5. Dear Diary

    Everything is done when its done lucky... Since it was you saying it to a new person on the forums i'm not going to bother explaining it to you. Also great job ignoring the entire post aside from that
  6. Classic Thread locking

    Whoever is locking threads pointlessly stop it.
  7. Classic Thread locking

    JCLAR371 if that response was posted by a mod and the thread was locked (obviously with a bit of rewording to fit the post) i wouldnt care. But forever in the dark around here.
  8. Release

    Wesbite up next week! ...3 weeks later
  9. Release

    So imminent release to this developer is how long? normal people would assume not long. but this should take another few months right?
  10. This isnt about being entitled. This is about Multiple broken promises, a complete lack of care for that fact and a complete lack of transparency with anything.
  11. Yo at @paratus

    Because a tracker changes everything Lucky....Out when its ready is a really crap response.
  12. Great response there LuckyDuck.
  13. Delay Simulator

    I've been following/ supported a year ago now. I watch streams, and read every dev blog. Whoever is responsible for withholding game play vids or game play information needs to be fired. NONE, literally none of these delays would be a problem if you guys were not with holding so much. I said the same crap a year ago. If we had videos or gameplay streams no one would care because we would KNOW there is a game. Right now we know there is a stream of assets, a few devs that occasionally grace us with their presence and respond on the forums and a few mods that LOVE to lock threads because someone said something about the game not releasing or some crap. Everyone supported this game because they wanted to be apart of something fun, creative and immersive. No one would care if we watched a stream of gameplay and it looked like a potato. But whoever is calling the shots decided to withhold everything. You guys have over 1 million dollars according to your site. Spend some of it on a god damn PR manager. And if there is someone already in charge of that fire them and get a new one. Or fire the person not letting them show us gameplay FOR A GOD DAMN YEAR
  14. Dev Blog

    Before the usual people come in and complain and tell you to be patient, any notion of time frame or monthly schedule should be thrown out the window. The Dev's will post something when they feel like it. Wait for an email to come through in a month or so with the Dev blog.
  15. Mood of forum is getting to wrong side.

    You can't seriously tell me that there isn't an hour in a week to post some pics from the stream or comment on a few threads to show they are active? Don't pull the 'divide their focus' crap it is literally posting some pictures and having a presence on the forums. I think one of them could spare an hour a week. If posting some pictures and replying on the forums delays the project i think all of this is the least of our problems. It is even more important for them to have a presence here because they are not a multi million dollar developer. I would expect more of a presence on the forums because they are not that. I have already paid money and have no product. I would expect regular updates(well aware i am helping to start a game not get one(DUH)). If the updates were consistent i would be happy to see that one of them got a new coffee cup or something if nothing tangible was done during that week. But as it stands now there is none of that ON THE FORUMS.
  16. Mood of forum is getting to wrong side.

    I have only been browsing the forums for a short time. But from my point of view people obviously want the game out but the lack of dev input on the forums is the major contributor to unrest. It's one thing to release Dev Updates every few months but the Dev's are almost not apart of the forums. It takes so little effort to be on the forums or at least let us feel like they have a presence. At the time of writing this the last dev post according to the website was 9 days ago. It should be the dev's posting screenshots and such to the pages after the streams not others. Just my 2 cents.
  17. Hello

    Hi! I discovered this game about two days ago and it really has me intrigued. I have become a founder today and i am looking forward to playing the game. Not quite sure what i want to do yet but it looks like i will have plenty of things to choose from. If anyone can link some helpful reads on in-game content i would appreciate it. I am only getting free time as i write this to have a look for a few hours. Milamber
  18. DevBlog what time it is today?

  19. DevBlog what time it is today?

    Pledged and i dont have it. i dont understand why it isnt just posted to the forum to begin with
  20. DevBlog what time it is today?

    Also why wouldn't you post it to the forums?
  21. DevBlog what time it is today?

    I dont have it yet...
  22. DevBlog what time it is today?

    If its out where is it?
  23. Hello

    Thank you very much LuckyDuck. Very helpful. Thanks Genesai