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Posts posted by AndrewDonaldson

  1. @Kalebninja

    I think what what you are saying is the hard truth to be honest; no one wants hear it, but its true. I am still on the hype of this game, and its kinda blinded me in to the possibility that this game isn't coming out early next year. I think they should update us more often, I didn't spend $90 USD to be kept in the dark, and I know others have pledged more. 

  2. @runioer

    Well first, welcome to the forums mate! Its a shame you put this on standby, but I can completely understand why, as it is taking a long time. 

    I remember when I first got my PlayStation as well, I first played crash bandicoot and never looked back. I prefer PCs over consoles, but I still play the X-box from time to time. I hope you get into the NFL,  and good luck with your college. Could you tell me more about the red dead redemption role play? How did that work? I loved the game myself. Also, Mount and Blade Warband is my favourite game... I think we just became best friends :3 

    That Russian mob idea sounds awesome. You definitely would have that head start considering your background.  

    I hope you enjoy it here on the forums, just let me know if there is anything I can do for you. :) 

  3. @GrandmaGlock

    Welcome to the forums mate! I own a business of my own, so if you want to message me we can talk, or you can join our public Identity TeamSpeak sever and have a chat with me there (ip is I know quite a lot, so if the mods aren't on you can talk with me. :) 

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  4. @Quinn

    The devs haven't been asked this question, nor have they mentioned anything about space travel, but its incredibly unlikely. They want to keep this game realistic, and if you start adding space travel and extra terrestrial life, you are getting away from what the game is meant to be, a life simulator. 

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