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  1. What will you RP in identity?

    I would created Russian or eastern-european mob( I don't know how relative we should be to real life ethnicities, countries and so on) where we would control either part or entire place. Im talking major crime enterprise, own public places as night clubs, bars or vip lounges around town to distribute various drugs while they are either created from our-owned dents or chemshop in from whom we buy our ingredients, farmers and such. While this shady operations acting, we will bribe officials and police to look the other way and we kill those who oppose us, rivals and freelancers will be our hardest challenge as we either go diplomatic or old-school gang war. otherwise we would be pretty friendly against naive civilians unless we would do protection racketing, other wise we are going to have a conduct of order and oaths which will set the rules internally in our enterprise which will protect each other, family of each other as well as allied and neutral gangs. if someone is interested in the enterprise and join us, hit me up. Already need one boss for NA server!:)
  2. hello everyone

    I know the game haven't been released and so haven't the modules from what I'm seeing so please read through what people write in their welcome post;) Anyways thanks
  3. hello everyone

    With pleasure haha. Since when it was released it was at this point playstation 3 which was the newest console(I'm excluding xbox so I mean out of playstations) and as I didn't have a PC this was also my only choice. basically I went through the game, went through the online and was bored. I loved the game because it was so interactive, like AI would actually react upon your actions if let's say you hit them with your horse or drunk slammed your body into them while tearing them down as well they would try kick your ass etc.. But I missed the thing from the early GTA games where you could buy property and things.. So I tried to role play it, it was fun but was short because I'm alone and felt like I maybe need something bigger, so I started recruiting people who were interested, at first we were 3 people, then 5 and then 10 and increasing. As people grew up in numbers we would had need of possible database so that people won't cheat(yes even serious roleplayers cheat sometimes), but at that time, there was not mechanically we could do at that point, I was short of money to pay for top notch websites for database and playstation did not provide that services, so as GM(game master) I had to spend one or two A4 paper per player with pen and write all info about them. As of communication, people would not wanting to use teams peak, too much trouble with, some people had no mics, some didn't have teamspeak or even had pc, so we created 5 chats in playstation(because you can be at 4 chats at the same time and if you join 5 then you will lose one chats entire history so that you will lose all what people wrote and we used it the chat that got its history erased for Local chat basically because it's a bit secret chat) We had one chat for Events, me as GM would periodically announce events-for-rewards across the map, let's say, there's a guy who knows where's a hidden treasure is, so if you want you can try capture him(which was me in most times) and you would follow the path to the treasure attacked by native-Americans on your way, or steal a wagon full of supplies. Or we even had mayor elections over certain towns and people were trying to assassinate one or another candidate. second chat was the shop, game shop we called it, it's basically after you have certain amount of value(money or items ex. Skin from hunting or you stole a wagon and sold it) you could buy better weapons or horse or even property, even though mechanical you can use any gun at certain level, we used trusting each other for not using the guns unless you bought them from shop from GM and it was written down on the paper-based database. third chat is global chat or we called it general chat where people chatted about anything not related to the game to itself, like asking Gm questions if they missed something out previously and so on. Fourth chat was Local chat as we talked earlier, it's this one that get deleted, so if people didn't have mic or had(but wanted to talk about secret stuff as mic was broadcasted within all the people in the server) used this chat if they were nearby others and wanted to talk and after the talking is done, they would leave it respectively to let other people talk in it without metagaming. fifth chat was the Action chat where people wrote what they did to earn item of value ex: John Smith shot and killed a boar and skinned it near <somewhere>. And as GM I would try recreate the value of that item depending area, item itself, when(if there was a goldrush event and price of gold was higher or lower than usually) and I would write how much it would be worth, in a fair pricing but people still had to grind a bit because I highly doubt with one deer skin you would had money for gold weapons, own palace with wagon driver in the Wild West, am I right? so anyways, every week I had to add more papers for their characters because of all this database thing. Eventually I created a website to attract more people I think it's this one: (wow long as link) and I put up prices and character info(I hope I did, or I must have been thinking of it) with info of money status, property info and other relative game RP info. Now don't judge the website, I was only 13 when I created it haha... Oh and at the end before this thing completely died out, we had Mass Event where players where immune of losing anything or background info of their main character didn't matter. Let's say US army/cavalry occupied a fort and native Americans attacked the fort and then cavalry attacked them back as revenge destroying their base or gang fight or just simply having a mayor voting which led to mass mayhem and dictatorship and rebellion, basically event with no scripted end, just a scripted start and how it developed only depended how player would react to it. Could last for hours until it would be a little late at night where people who was left sat at some bar or fireplace in the game and told stories to people who missed out or just talked about how fun it was. Extra info is at the website haha
  4. hello everyone

    Greetings people. I'm not new to Identity, I have been following this game when it first came on kickstarter and after I known the release date I put this on Standby mode in my interests. Like I focus on presence day, follow up when release dates are close by, but felt to create an account just right now after some furious console debating I saw earlier, and would take part but it's locked so darn it. My name is Rune, 20 years old from Norway. I have been gaming for 17 years(yes, my mother bought me a playstation when I was 3 year old) and I'm a huge fan of console but biggest of Playstation, and I got all of the systems from Playstation except Vita, because I honestly feel like it's waste of money as I had the psp which was awesome at its time. I have a gaming laptop which was at its best maybe 4-5 years ago but it's officially shit for today's gaming... At this moment I play American Football and working, basically grinding irl to get to college to play football there, and if I get to NFL I will buy the best computer that could ever exist and hire people to fix it so it could last for at least a decade with ultra graphics. And oh yeah, I would also buy my own antenna so that could get best freaking internet speed in human history(because I had really shitty internet and it's real annoying) I love role playing, did it back when red dead redemption came out created a community with over 50 people on a 16-man server( I believe I was 13 when I started seriously roleplaying) and average age was 19 in our community. After that I did numerous role playing in different games and not only playstation but after that laptop I was going steam games. I think I spent 1139 hours playing Mount and Blade warband and out of that maybe 800 hours on pure roleplaying and then Garry's mod with 500 hours, arma 2 with 350 hours and arma 3 with 300 hours with role play. In Identity I will most likely try create Russian mob, I love movies and stories about them and since I'm half Russian as well, I know slightly more cultural stuff and how certain communities in different parts of Russia act up than most guys that never been in Russia or been there but as tourists, as I can talk and write Russian fluently because of my endless visits to my family over there. With that I could create a really good role playing gang/clan/mob, whatever you wanna call it both talking fluently Russian and English( of course I have to create that Russian accent in my English whenever we talk in Identity, hehe. If there's anything else you guys want to know let me know:)