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Posts posted by AndrewDonaldson

  1. @TheHonourableJames

    Well I am glad your grammar is better in your response. Overregulation may be damaging other countries economies, like America, but in the world of Identity, which is run by its citizens, regulations will be necessary. There are third-party organisations that will be leading the market industry, but they need to be regulated, otherwise they could take advantage of the citizens. The government having their 'sneaky hands' in a business is down to opinion. I think their assistance is a necessary evil. 

    And now you are saying my opinion is preposterous? When did I slander your name? I said you sound like Donald Trump, which may have been a little unfair, but I haven't slandered your name. So I say again, think before you speak. What I wrote was my opinion, if you can't take criticism from your future citizens, then you really should not be running for a position of politics.  

    What Reagan did was incredible, creating jobs and boosting the market, it was brilliant, but just because that worked in America, that does not mean it will work in the world of Identity. You also have to include the fact that the Identity's market would be brand new, meaning chaos and random price increases/decreases would be common place for the first few weeks. Meaning, if you did not have a stable government hand, the fluctuations would be out of control.  

    Lastly, I have criticised your work, not because I do not want to see you succeed, but I want the political world of Identity to flourish. We need a strong party and leader, and if you can't take constructive criticism (because that's what it was), you should not be in a position of influence. I want more people like yourself, coming forward and putting your ideas out there, but don't expect the citizens of Identity to instantly love you. I hope you respond with less hostility, and we can have a reasonable debate. 


    Thank you, 

    Andrew Donaldson

    CEO of Donaldson & Guns

  2. @TheHonourableJames

    Wow wow wow! Slow down there mate. Before I start to refute almost all of what you just said, let me say that your grammar could probably be worked on. I'm not saying that to be mean or degrading, simply its kind of confusing reading what you wrote. I also want to point out that I take my politics seriously, as I hope, you do too. 

    So firstly; you want to abolish regulations burdening our companies? Regulations are the reason larger bodies (like myself) cannot take advantage of smaller bodies (i.e. grocery stores, food stands and the like). Regulations also keep the products/services suppliers sell or purchase of a high standard. Otherwise I might as well sell my firearms (as that is what my business does, sell weaponary and firearms)  with defects for twice the price! That would be ludicrous. Regulations are the backbone of businesses and their standards. The idea of the market regulating itself is a frivolous thought. It would be wonderful to see a market flourish, but without the support of the government, 'shady' organisations could get involved and defraud/exploit the system. The market needs the support of the government. 

    You want to relieve the population of taxation? Without taxes, how the hell are you suppose to pay for the council workers that make and maintain our roads? How will you pay for education? Allied health? Police? Firefighters? Paramedics? Without tax, you don't have government paid jobs, without government paid jobs people will die and anarchy will rein. 

    Now eminent domain... you might be on to something there. (Coming out of character for a second, sorry. I am not sure if this is even possible, I don't think the devs have discussed this, so I will just assume it is possible. Now back into character.) The argument there is that the government may need to take land off of a criminal, for example; a man was growing illegal substances on a hectare of farming land, near the beach (for whatever reason), once this culprit was caught, and he has no immediate kin, you could expropriate that land and use it for a docking site for government approved deliveries, or something similar. But that is not my area of expertise, so I won't say anymore. 

    The old argument of the right to bear arms, I actually agree with you on that one. Everyone has the right to a defence. 

    To conclude, I think you really need to review your opinions and wants. What you are proposing may sound nice, less tax, more money, hooray! But in reality, we all know we need tax, as much as we hate it. 

    So I say Sir, your change does not work for me... 


    Yours in faith,


    Andrew Donaldson 

    CEO of Donaldson & Guns

  3. @Dopey

    1. There isn't a way to 'fight' for your life, more so that there is a timer. For example, if someone were to stab you, you fall to the ground unconscious and the paramedics have to revive you in a certain time frame. If they don't, you die. 

    2. When you die, you lose all money and weapons or items on your person. The only thing you don't lose when you die is your clothing, as it makes up your 'identity'. When you die you also respawn at your last save. Generally that would be your home. 

    3. When someone is charged with murder, it is a life sentence in jail. This is only 45 minutes in prison. I personally believe it should be longer than that, but there you go.  

    Also, the Devs hope to have as few murders in the game, and more roleplaying. Then will be enforcing this by making it difficult and complex to get your own weapon. You need to invest time in the game if you wish to use firearms. Also, the prospect of prison is what the Devs hope puts people off murder. I hope this helps!


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