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Everything posted by AndrewDonaldson

  1. Combat Logging

    Continuing on with what @fuzz said; your name will come up in the logs, and you will probably be remembered for future punishment. I don't know if there is really anything you can do about that. I hope the Devs figure something out though as this is a large issue.
  2. Unreal Engine 4 - Graphics

    @Fox_Hollow1 The thing with UE4, is that its not commonly used with the larger game manufacturers, so it's hard to compare two games together. But, we will soon be getting a sneak peak at the look of the final product in the town square module. @Atmosphere is more than likely correct. The character models will almost definitely be changed, whereas the environment will probably be slightly modified.
  3. Car Customisation Queries

    Can you do engine swaps? That's where you take the engine out of one car and you put it in another car. Can you adjust tyre width? Can you tune a car? What cars have been confirmed in the game?
  4. List of weapons in Identity?

    Have the Devs decided on weapons that will be in the game? Is there a list somewhere? Also, will there be modifications for the guns (i.e an additional scope on a weapon). Is there some form of crafting bench that is used to make weaponry, or do you need blueprints to make the weapons?
  5. List of weapons in Identity?

    @DUCATISLO What do you mean?
  6. what guns would you people like to see in ?

    I just want the models of the AKM and the M4A1 to look really sleek
  7. Will the police have to give evidence in a court case?

    @Sicario Is a court case only for those who have committed murder?
  8. How would you actually get into a chosen section of the police?

    My question is; who is the police chief? And if he/she hasn't been chosen, how do we pick a police chief?
  9. Car Customisation Queries

    @Grolsche1976 I don't even have a steering wheel

    Welcome to the community!
  11. Car Customisation Queries

    @Grolsche1976 Differently. The controller is good for driving, but not so much for precise shooting!
  12. Hi From England

    @Grolsche1976 You are most welcome friend!
  13. Pilot? maybe?

    @Shimozukachi I see what you mean now . Yeah, it would be addicting to soar through the sky!
  14. What will happen if you die/get unconscious?

    @KrandeKraft True. Hopefully not!
  15. Car Customisation Queries

    @Sicario Different movies. So no relation. Except its a mafia Family.
  16. Hi From England

    Hey there @Grolsche1976! Welcome to the community. PM me if there is anything I can do for you!
  17. Being stealthy

    @slovaceck Who knows
  18. Is anybody listening?

    @KevinLangston That is true
  19. Is anybody listening?

    @Johnny Let me know if you need help with that.
  20. Texting the Police

    Wouldn't it also be cool if you could, while in a robbery, take the phones off of people and smash them up or something? So then they couldn't text/call the police. And later you have to pay $10 for a new phone or something like that.
  21. Is anybody listening?

    @Johnny Hey, why not create a thread about all the good ideas people have!? And no, we don't have an option. But lets just wait and see
  22. Car Customisation Queries

    @PaulieMariano I used to run a DarkRP as well. The problem I always faced when attempting to run DarkRP, was the RDMing and nobody taking it seriously. But it will be different in Identity... I hope
  23. Is anybody listening?

    @Johnny I can't say I speak for the Devs, so I can't disagree with what you are saying. I just think we should all have a little more faith in Motwon And Paratus. If, by the time they have released the first module, and they still have been reading our ideas, then we should make a problem out of it. Until then, lets just wait and see whats in store.
  24. Car Customisation Queries

    @PaulieMariano Couldn't agree more! The RP side of this game is what I am most excited for. Its going to be nothing like any other games we have seen in the past. I wish there was more I could do to help the Devs other than fund the project. P.S Is your name and profile picture based on a movie character?