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Everything posted by Kraiyick

  1. A dev’s expectation is in no way a promise of any kind.
  2. Uhm.. No. None of you or anyone for that matter deserves a form of “compensation”, you’re entitled to nothing extra except for what you pay for. It is your fault for your misconceptions about the development of the game and that nothing is absolute and there will be multiple delays. The self-entitlement I’ve seen is unfathomably absurd and caustic. Step in line with every other patient supporter. We all want the game, but delays do not entitle you to anything extra.
  3. Delay announced by Motown

  4. Delay announced by Motown

    I don't think you're understanding my point here, bud. The 'argument from authority' means that just because you have a job in a particular field or a degree does not mean you know what you're talking about. I have a CompTIA A+ certification which is more basic IT bench technician however I know the rungs that you can climb to within an IT field. I'd expect a more convincing argument from someone who's been in a similar position as the lead developers of Identity (project lead or oversight for video-game development) or within the field of Comp-Sci, not from someone who's an Information Technology Specialist if the argument from authority was even rendered null and everything you said could be taken with merit based on your background.
  5. Delay announced by Motown Nice argument point on that one there pal.
  6. Delay announced by Motown

    Who are you to give an estimate on how long it should take them? Do you have all of the inside information as to exactly what's going on? This may not even be something that they can control.
  7. Delay announced by Motown

    To be honest I give a ton of credit to Paratus for not losing his shit on the community, almost everyone here doesn't have a clue what goes on behind the scenes (besides development) which may explain their delays but they just can't tell us why.
  8. Delay announced by Motown

    I find it funny how people get so aggravated over a delay. It happens, bitching like a bunch of pussies isn't going to help anything. I've been following the game's development with a friend of mine since before this website was even up, the only thing you can do to not go stir crazy waiting for the game is to merely check in every month or so, check any updates, and if the game isn't out, go on with your fucking life for another month, and check in again. Don't bother responding to me about how the Asylum team has lost your trust because I couldn't care less and I'm sure there are plenty of others who don't want to hear your gripes either, even some who've been following the game since day one. They're working with a million dollar budget, I'd rather them take another two years to make a fantastic game rather than release an unfinished product that I've spent sixty dollars on.
  9. Possible Flaws

    Most likely some of this has been said somewhere and the only reason I haven't read it is because it's deep in the forums so please don't fucking hound me if shit like this is already been posted because I'm not conducting a thorough TSA cavity check on the forums itself to find similar content on a decently broad topic. Ever since Identity came out on Kickstarter, a friend and I have been on the bandwagon for quite a long time, waiting after a long while of silence until this Wednesday when they said updates would now becoming more frequently and we're getting excited and going over all the possibilities in the game. Yet the idea of this game, while perfect, is like communism, in practice, it may not work so well. The internet is full of trolls and those who want to dick about and cause a lot of toxicity which I have no problem in and will most likely participate in from time to time. The concern comes in, is that this idea is a make it or break it idea. Some players will be stupid, I have a fear that driving will be atrocious, fender-benders happening probably quite frequently due to poor drivers. I also fear that there will be a lot of people who won't follow the law because the consequences that can happen won't be severe enough to deter someone from preventing a crime. In real life, people stay away from doing crime because sentences are way longer than one hour (which is what I am expecting the jail time to be in this game at most). People don't want to wait years in jail to finally get out. There is also a much more important aspect that is missing in video games but present in all parts of life. And that is the moral part of it. Killing someone in real life has bearing on an individual's mind (most people at least), but in video games, you're killing a virtual player, robbing them, torturing them, and there's no moral part of it because it's not an actual person. The only way I think to replace the moral aspect, is simply through hard punishment. I am concerned that the consequences in-game won't be severe enough to make players think twice before doing something illegal. Grand theft auto, arson, assault and vandalism are all things I envision happening often, and even murder if the only amount of time you have to wait is one hour. This to me is a huge flaw. I read earlier in another post (credit to @Jinx for his thread here) that says (exact quotes) " In reality, however most of these changes are going to have to come from the players themselves, sure Asylum can present their 'vision', they can provide the tools, but it's how those tools are used that will, ultimately, make or break Identity." This to me is true, and when we're talking about users on the internet, instantly I think of Garry's mod, specifically DarkRP. It's full of funny, but stupid shit, all the time. And that's fine, they do their thing. But this game is an RP, MMO open-world 'make your own destiny' game, and it can go all to shit if players are throwing rocks at player's cars and smashing shit and causing damage that comes out of in-game player's wallets. That type of garbage will most definitely drive other, more 'civilized' per say, players away because they don't want to have to constantly be worrying if some fucktard smashed in their car window. And the most likely reason that 'fucktard' was willing to smash in the window was because they didn't have to worry about severe consequences following them should they even be caught. Which brings me to another point. Players can do all the illegal activities they want, that's fine, but if there's no way to track them down, using evidence such as fingerprints and DNA, catching them, is all the more difficult. My proposed solution would be either to (if they haven't already planned to have it this way and my information is wrong) have strict punishments, like a 24 hour day in jail, and no, it shouldn't be able to be passable through idle time (you did the crime, you deserve to spend the time). This is my opinion would definitely make people want to be much more careful in how they commit illegal acts or run their crime business. Now another possibility, is if players don't like waiting for an hour, or if they think the punishments are not severe enough, that they can rent or start their own servers and it will allow for in-depth customization of every aspect of the game, but on a private hub, so it won't affect the public servers hosted by Identity/Asylum. Here's my concerns summed up in a list. Consequences are not severe enough to deter players from committing crimes Not enough in-game evidence of crimes to allow for police to solve said crime Poor driving and other stupid shit causing lots of money in damages all the time The main idea of the game ultimately fails because of reasons listed before. The end result is GTA Online I want this game to work, I'm all for the idea and I'm very excited for the release of the first module and all content they present to us over the next few months, I am, however, concerned that the work that they are doing will be wasted because of large flaws such as the ones I have stated above. I please ask that before replying to this post, please make sure it is well thought out, that the entirety of my post has been read and comprehended thoroughly and coherently, and that the reply be constructive and ultimately helps answer my concerns thoroughly or helps solve the problems listed above if no exact and/or thorough answer is present.
  10. Possible Flaws

    I think they should be a pretty long fucking time.
  11. Is this a joke?

    Creating a game with a development team of only five people takes a long time. This past year or so they've been working on the back-end of the game, the main coding, building the 'frame' per say. It takes a while with only five people, and the frame of the game is not so glamorous to really show off, unless you really want to decipher lines of coding. Have patience like the rest of us, or leave the fucking forums. Good riddance.
  12. Possible Flaws

    That's actually a pretty good idea. But it all depends on whether or not the player cares anyways. If they're in those mafia families or whatever (at this point they're all just copies of one another it's incredibly monotonous) then they won't care because they're paid to do crimes, such as extortion, they're not always looking to go the good Samaritan way about making money.
  13. Military? Nation Guard?

    Is there going to be any form of military? The military might be needed for states of emergency, I'm not saying we need tanks rolling on the streets, but highly trained professionals, whether it be in private security sectors or official military powers. I'm sure there's a possibility of terrorist cells, and in the case that the S.W.A.T cannot handle the situation, will there be a military to call in?
  14. Cyber Security?

    Is Identity going to contain Information Technology career paths? I know it'd be quite a lot of coding/scripting needed to make a virtual world within a virtual world, but is there any possibility of seeing this in the world of Identity?