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Villasenor last won the day on December 22 2017

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  1. I wanna be a Mob Boss, have my own ties, and own my own business. As a Mafia Boss, or a OG, like any real OG, we would need a other way of incom beside selling dope or Cannabis. For example trucking business or my own designer clothes. How would this work??? Could I only own or Do 1 business!? Also could we rank others like in GTA in a gang?? Would we have our own Gang community, and would we be able to make our own Logo etc??  

    1. Villasenor


      Yes, there will be a limitation on how much businesses you can own at a time, I don't know how many. You can create a business to hide your illegal status. Yes, you can create roles/ranks for your business and mafia. Not sure about custom logos, but is a possible feature.

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