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Everything posted by jabba_the_slut

  1. Police Homes

    you can be a cop and still grow a little pot lol. you will be a cop and have the same home off duty and on duty (though if your on duty you likley wont be in your house!)
  2. Account signature?

    assuming you sorted that now
  3. How To Get Rep?

    just to show your dedication and time into the site. just kinda says "yup, this guy makes good posts. lota rep as you can see"
  4. Drug Dealers and Making Drugs

    i think the idea of actually having to make an effort to make drugs is great. instead of "cook meth" for like 15 mins you actually have to source out the utencels and materials for making it. it would add alot of emmersion into the game and would be great!
  5. My buddies' doubts.

    from whaty i understand, the money made from the kickstarter campaign was manley proof that gamers want this, so that asylum can get investors. the game is not PURLEY crowd funded, though obviousley there doing it aswell.
  6. I provide my critique of the wonderful new site!

    obviousley some work still needs to be done, but the website has DRASTICLY improoved since the old one
  7. so we know theres gona be weapon customisation in identity, there are a few specific things i would REALLY like to see post things you want in the way of weapon custiomisation, personally i think the ability to paint your weapon or have skins would be awesome.
  8. If anyone is having trouble with signatures, try this...

    yeah, thats a good one. ezgif.com is also great. if you dobble click on the image when making a sig (on the idnetity website) it comes up with some things you can edit including the height and length (not to sure if it works though) i had a problem of not being able delete a gif that i messed up. you have to remove it from the bottom and the actual sig text box for it to work
  9. Hey guys my name is MangoTango!

    yeah the old forums died quite quick due to the website being ugly and having little to no content. new website is FAB tho so we can post and post away
  10. I'm back

    nope the hype never went for me. been exited for it ever since i heard about it.
  11. Im Back!

    omf they where. the new forums are delicious and i want to eat it with a side of fries. GO IDENTITY!
  12. Ima Be Back

    yup! new website is bigger and better. i feel great posting here lol. cant wait for the development updates!
  13. Reporting for duty

    mechanics an awesome job. i've always been intrested in cars/bikes myself, wondering what makes them tick!
  14. Where's the fire?

    WEEEEWWWWWEEEWWWWWWWEEEEEEWWWW i can hear it alredy. it has begun
  15. Good morning Identity!

    haha. neat intro bro. got any spare cigs for me? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  16. Its Good To Be Back

    fresh lick of paint? nay! the forums are awesome now and i actually want to brows them
  17. Greetings.

    you have an awesome name lol. i remember your " Famtiano Family" post it was really in depth and cool best of luck with that! welcome back
  18. Happy To Be Back

    sounds great. welcome back to the forums! IDENTITY HYPE!
  19. Ohai It's Dizzle!

    the hype is real. found the game the same way you did good luck with getting the cash to pledge! peace
  20. Just saying hi

    a monky eh? i'd tap that.
  21. jabba the slut in the house.

    sup not much to this thread just wanted to say hi to my fellow identity bro's ima try to be active on the forums, posting and repplying n stuff. have fun, happy new year, merry christmas, happy halloween merry thanksgiving happy birthday.
  22. jabba the slut in the house.

    hah. thats what i was going for
  23. Library Book Suggestion.

    any publicley avadible books will sure to be in it. i am talking about ones that still sell. you wouldn't expect to see lord of the rings or harry potter
  24. agriculture

    i was thinking of farming simulator while making this. def the best farming game out there and would lover similar mechanics to it!
  25. small scale drug operations

    when people think of drug farming most of the time you would think of massive fields of canibis or heroin, but i think it would be cool if you had a small operation happening in conjunction with your normal job. the mix of legal carears and illegal activities would be great, such as a fireman owning a coupple of marijuana pots that he ocasionally makes some from. also, would doing ilegal activities reflect your carear? like being suspended or sacked for being caught with a joint, or reported for robbing a shop share your ideas!