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  1. 1 point
    Guten tag! Hey, I'm SixtyFiveRoses (girl gamer). Super weird but always loving! I'm a big fan of online worlds that heavily focuses on social interactions and only just discovered Identity recently. I used to be apart of an online community for the game PlayStation Home, and formerly known as Sophronia there -- a former Community Volunteer Guide and PlayStation MVP, for SCEA/PlayStation. There I've met many community managers, gaming developers, and helped create online community events from dancing contests to meeting celebrities -- all virtually! I've been featured in online gamer magazines a couple times, covered once and even created machinima with others in that community. I've met and helped literally thousands of gamers from across the globe and look forward to meeting others on this forum and in-world, in Identity once available! Honestly, it sounds too good to be true.. Outside of gaming, I love collecting World of Nintendo figures and writing short poems. I'm in my 20s, I have colorful hair and tattoos. Also, I love Marvel and DC movies! I'm married to Chris Pratt.. what, you don't know.. you can't prove me wrong. Shut up. @ @ @ ~\|/~ ) ( (___)65
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Its been brought up a lot and as much as it would be a great job, it just wont happen as there wont be air vehicles in game on release. I believe the devs said that it may be a possibility for the future but i doubt it. They dont want aircraft in the game as they dont want the game to feel small to players. Flying around all the time you will miss a lot of RP that you would get on the ground and you could argue that it is a whole new RP opportunity but that what the devs have said.
  4. 1 point
    There will be a cooking/crafting system in Identity, but not specifically any cooking occupations.
  5. 1 point
    How important is it to have face customization though, sure it's a cool feature but I don't want it at the expense of more time being spent on content.