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Posts posted by Chuc

  1. On 03/03/2016 at 0:54 PM, AndrewDonaldson said:

    You will likely have to play on Oceania servers 

    They are what we refer to as AUS servers. So there will be Oceania servers? Coz I'm getting sick of playing games on USA servers with 200-300+ ping

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  2. 9 hours ago, Kickapoo said:

    You need to upgrade your PC my friend. For starters that CPU is an old AMD desktop CPU, you are using DDR2 RAM and only 3GB of it and that's a very old graphics card. I don't think you will even be able to run Identity.

    I think he's taking the piss mate. If that is his real computer he couldn't play any game atm. Even being on the internet would be slow and laggy. Win7 needs 2 gb of ram to run then add all the background process running, he would have maybe 300mb of ram left. Solitare would struggle to play proply.

  3. @AndrewDonaldson it is annoying but I find it more annoying shooting someone 50 time and the only bullets that stop them are headshots. 

    In this game I want to be able to stop someone with not killing them. One shot in arm and one in leg. No cop will be after me for murder and that person doesn't have to die and I only use a couple bullets.


  4. 4 hours ago, Alfred said:

    I'm against this suggestion, because I think farmers should be allowed to keep their animals, without having them get killed by other players. Same goes for stealing

    It wasn't a suggestion it was a question. I would like to try being a farmer but if people could steal and or kill your live stock it wouldn't be very fun but it would be realistic.

    Maybe they may put in that only other farmers can rustle cattle and then a time limit that they have to keep the cattle before they sell or kill, so the owner has time to find them.

    Then you could also make it a law if the rustle gets caught, he has to pay for each head of cattle he stole and go to prison for abit.


    Just a thought

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