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Posts posted by OmegoGanla

  1. 58 minutes ago, Bosveld said:

    Why should it matter if the offender is male or female? You would not be able to do more to the suspect than what the animation allows anyway. If you are looking for more, go play a porn game instead! Cops are there to enforce the law, period! They should not be limited by sex of the offender in my opinion.

    yes they will

  2. 21 minutes ago, winampw said:

    What do you exactly mean? Sirenes? Music inside the car? Speaking through a mic in the car and play it outside the vehicle?

    no i mean cops they have a loud speaker inside the car to say to suspects like PULL OVER OR GET OUT OF THE VEIHICLE something like that

  3. 34 minutes ago, Cstove said:

    10,000 players is insane.  There servers would not be able to support that.  It would be insanely laggy.  I was already super thrilled to have 300 player servers, but now we might get 1,000 player servers. So honestly you should be grateful for that, cause no other game offers what identity is.

    what about world of warcraft? it has more than 100 thoasand player in a server

  4. 7 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    This is casual RP and goes against the thing called "New Life Rule" but obviously that won't be a thing, but it also just means it is casual RP and not really RP because if you die in RP you should forget about who murdered you and carry on with the rest. I am sure before the police figure everything else out, they will likely do that stuff after the guy gets a head start and could easily get out of the area before cops even know anything.

    if the person was on foot he wouldnt be really far so they can track him in 2,3,4 block ahead. 

  5. 7 hours ago, MadDabber said:

    so i can be a serial killer so stealth can be key in this aspect right like knife kills from behind or how to be classified as a serial killer


    well its hard to be a serial killer because once you kill a player or two your going to be tracked by police and detectives. How? well as you said if you kill someone behind there will be blood out so the detectives will move to the scene and check blood. then they will match the blood with your own fingerprints that are on the knife then your caught and wanted. other things that could get you caught are.

    1-police near your area so if you have a mini map circul and an officer is in it he will be reported to your location fast.

    2-witnesses are good because if a person reported on you or saw you doing a crime they will get paid for reporting about you so everyone wants money so they will report fast.

    3-police patrol area, cops will get your face your clothes color maby your car color from the victim you killed and get all information. remember you cant enter your home so you cant change your clothes. after the police get your facial scene they will do a monitor to stop anyone who wears like you or similar to you. 

    4- police checkpoints in every highway. so if you kill someone but you wanna run away and live in the woods thats fine but you need to cross police highway checkpoints. good luck with that.

  6. 5 minutes ago, BMoore said:

    After playing in Arma roleplay communities for years I have ended up on a modded lakeside server. Within this server I like to spend most of my time withing a  gang that resembles a mafia. Lately they added a department within the police fore called NCA (National Crime Agency). Onetime another gang asked us if we wanted to rob the bank with them once we arrived at the bank and the other so called "gang members" arrested us and showed their true identity as NCA and the tried to get info out of us. Overall this was one of the best Roleplay experiences I have experienced and was wondering if there would be a similar department separate of detectives, swat etc. within Identity. Thanks!

    law enforcement departments are: Dispatch, police, swat,detectives


    police= will mostly do all the work.

    dispatch= is a job inside the department will be collaborated with police for info and backup.

    detectives=track crimes track serial killers track robberies and all that stuff.

    swat= is for high crime situations for large scale of crime (hardcore) 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Hatoful said:

    I guess this is the year for real-life simulators lol, but It doesn't look nearly as detailed as Identity does. To me, it kind of reminds me of, and looks like, a Sim City type of game. Regardless, I don't think there's anything to worry about. Identity, in my opinion, is a lot closer to getting people to actually play, whereas for this game, doesn't look very popular.

    We Got identity, Everywhere , and now this? man alot of real life genre are coming

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  8. Right now were all together we know james and hairy and lion and many people including the troll Aziz. now were together but when the game comes out full, we will be seperated because obviously we will be in different servers and we will be gone and all of these years and months of talking about the game and all the posts will be gone after 2018. all of us will go to different servers and might not meet in game and the admins DID NOT REVEAL SERVER NAMES SO WE CAN SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN. and all of these companies and gang names will be in different servers. thats all.

  9. 14 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    This won't happen on official servers and won't be a "system/ mechanic" in the game. The purge is not real in real life and so why would they do that? it is not realistic for it to happen and also those who don't want to participate in it on the film stayed home.... e.g. why would it not be allowed if it were to happen. "Pointless" and nothing like that would happen and so is un-realistic and a fantasy for most. Private servers will obviously be able to say if it can happen but remember why would they feed out guns because they are rare and so would in any case just make it easier for people to kill in future points. I get why you want it but really it won't work with the wanted system either because everyone will be wanted for killing and then they will go prison/ they won't be able to enter their homes once wanted...

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