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Posts posted by Turaxis

  1. Real Life are targeting kids, and parrents that want to buy a game with no violence for their kids. Its not in any way competetion to Identity.

    But I think that "Everywhere" can be that, and since they did not post anything, then it can be a sign on that they want to see how the devellopment of Identity will go, over time they can spot a market for players that dident feel that they got what they was looking for.  Identity can target alot of players in diffrent groups and interest, but ofc. not all. 

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  2. On ‎2017‎-‎04‎-‎20 at 5:15 AM, DLimit said:

    What appears to be the issue with critically analyzing the traits of another political organization? You've presumed that I have not attempted to form a campaign.

    I did not presumed that you did or not did attmepted to form a campain.
    I writed: "If you really are interested to run for a govenor then say what it is you want"

    And 2. time you did post it.

    And its basic that (you want to control of economy) you want goverment to control all and people to be in control of nothing. IF I was to choose any extreme goverment (as I think communism are) Then I would prefer anarchism where goverment are not in any control, and the people have all the control, but it have issuses as well so im not going that far.

  3. The things that you find pointless, are maby not what other players find pointless.

    And that police can pull you over, yes that is true, but they need to have some reason for that (explained that in a mail to you as well) But that can happen in real life as well, regardless what it is you are driving with.

    If youre in a gang, MC Club or a legal Company, what will forbid you and youre gangmembers/club members or staff to talk together through a teamspeak program ? Or with an ingame friend through the ingame phone. I really dont understand youre point there.. Do you find it strange that the police use a police radio, like they do in real life ?

    If  shooting from a car is so important for you, then get access to a private server, (or play Gta, or Arma 3) it will most likely be an option to choose enabled/disabled and most likely with a timer so it can not just be ticked on/off when ever you just need it.
    On public servers they allready made their point very clear.

    • Like 1

  4. I dont see it as any creapy religious way, but since the game are not out, and no alpha/beta then the only thing to do are either belive in it, and support it with a pledge, or dont belive in it and dont dont pledge then. Its really not that hard.

    If you have any doubts about it, then dont pledge, if you cant afford it atm. dont pledge.
    But if you can and will support it and belive in it why not pledge then ?  Whats so creapy religious about that ?

    Do I belive in the devs on this game, yes
    Do I know when they will release anything, no (but I trust they will, soon as they will think its ready for public views, im not in a rush, its better that they get it right then release something that are awfull).

    And im sure the devs invested far more in to this game than any of us players have done.

    • Like 1

  5. It will not happen, they dont want a second gta enviroment, this game are as much a career based game as a game between police and criminals.
    And its not confirmed that it will be possible with a prison break, but as an idea to the devellopers.

  6. @DLimit First I thought (and hoped) you really just was Role Playing this, but as the post goes on I can see that you really are narrow minded. Its not a debate about Russia vs. US - If you really want to look on the prison system on 2 diffrent democratic countrys (I dont live in either of them), then look on the US and on Norway, they are both democratic (And I do think that Norway do better than US if you look on income per capita), And Norway have some of the lowest amount of prisoners in the world. That is not because there are not happening criminal things, but because they active works with rehabilitation, instead of thinking that the longer they are behind bars the better for the rest of the sociatity.

    The most that are in prison in US are drug related, and instead of dealing with a rehabilitation program to get them out, and away from drugs (also in future) US lock them up. It have nothing to do with capitalism, democratic or fasism to do. Its a way to see on diffrent criminal acts how to help an addict or to try hide them away from the rest of the population.  But I really dont think you will get it anyway.

    I did answer youre questions before, so I dont answer you again on the same.

    If you really are interested to run for a govenor then say what it is you want, so people can see what it is youre really are standing for, and plan to to !!!


  7. You can not shoot from the car, that part is right, but it goes both wayes. However the car will stop to work if it takes too much damage. People have asked if police will have spike traps, but I dont know if that have been confirmed or not. Im sure the Swat team will have some more options than the normal police force, but what that will be are still unknown. There is a chance that that some of it will be shown in the next video.

    And yes the police will have a police radio that they can communicate with, and its only the police that can listen to it.

    When robbing a bank you will be waring a mask, and that will hide youre idenditity for a time period, (Think it sayd its currently 20 min, but that can change before the release)  you will have to rob the bank, and get away from the police before they know who you are (thats youre advantage as a bank robber). Youre mask will go off automaticly, and there will be a timer before you can put it on again.

    If someone gets killed during the bank heist, then a detective will be put on the case, to search for DNA and other things to see if they can figure out who did it, so even that you do get away from the police chace, police can still pick you up untill that the system will remove youre criminal record (witch happens automatic after a given time, if they dont figure out who was behind it).

  8. On ‎2017‎-‎04‎-‎16 at 10:07 PM, moonunit42 said:

    Can I roleplay as a meth addicted serial killer who kidnaps people and kills them in an alley?

    So if that happen, then we all know where to Point our fingers...

  9. Its fine that you will do a "left-wing political party" but...

    5 hours ago, DLimit said:

    From a Marxist-Leninist perspective, ANY capitalist bourgeois-state involves exploiting the labour power of working-class citizens. Thus, the system is exploitative and corrupted, regardless as to whether the political representative refrains from utilizing a single act of excessive force against the citizens of the state.

    If someone was corrupt it was Lenin him self, and to use that as a model for a political party is just far out. USSR tryed that model and that dident work, it left the political leaders, and mafia very wealthy,(made some Oligarks out of it, extremly ritch people) while the rest of the population was left in powerty, and while some of them today are middleclass, then there are still alot in powerty in the now called Russia. - Its strictly controlled, both media wise and political aspects. If you have another opinion than the political leader want you to have, then you will end up in prison. (and alot gets killed there). Its the same with Northkorea.

    Trust me its allready tryed and it does not work on a modernday way of looking any political view. (or any other view for that matter)

    With that sayd I have no intention to discuss this any further with you @DLimit Because it will not lead anywhere.
    That you try to RP it like a Shakespeare kinda tone, does not make it any better. And I am sure most people does see this very clear.

    Good luck with the campain both of you !!!

  10. @JamesLuck01 When I talk about RP and thats not what im here for then its ofc. ment as I dont want to pretend through RP that im ex. a teen or half russian or anything simular. But in some meaning it is RP to play any game, but thats not the normal terms when people talk about RP.

    As well do I not plan to go to servers with dedicated RP, fine if people have fun with it, its just not for me. The same way I have it with hardcore PvP, im an old gamer (started in mid ´80´ish to play computer games) And I had my fair share of PvP games, so im looking for something else. Im sorry if that did confuse you.

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  11. I have seen several campains for govenor where the tax ideas have been all out of proportions, then 10% as income tax is fine by me, but to tax buisness for further more 10% are a bit strange, first people have to make the Money through jobs, pay 10% then invest their money into a buisness and then it start to pay back then they have to pay 10% again of their own invested money (that they allready payed taxes for that does not make sense.

    In Denmark and Sweden (North europe) we have some of the highest tax rates in the world, and its not only the income tax, but also on fuel, cars and on diffrent products, so the more you consume the more you are paying to goverment.

    But all taxes are income tax based. So if you get a sallery from a job you get payed out x amount of money and you pay x amount of taxes (actually before it even ends on youre account, in most country it does work that way).

    If you run a company then it works this way, simple explained, you invest 60.000 dollars, (money you allready payed taxes for) then youre company start to get some income, and you end up with 100.000 dollars in income, then you dont pay taxes for youre investment (since you allready payed taxes for those money), but pay taxes for the other 40.000 dollars. Then you can invest again etc.

    in sweden its around 30-35% regardless income, in the income taxes. (and think Denmark have it a little higher). But that gives free roads, free educations, (you actually gets payed to educate), free Healthcare, if you dont have any income then the local community helps you to get back on feet with a living payed by goverment,  it pays police, etc. (But most of theese cost are not in the game)

    In game are the only thing to pay are the politicians, and police, firedepartment, and hospitals, as it is for now, so realistic all candidates should try to figure out what is fair for all the players, (and companys) and realistic. The healthcare system.
    Is that when people gets killed they will get some amount, ?
    Try come up with some bills/fines on what the criminals have to pay, when they do a crime, and what to pay on what crime type, it can be a part of paying off to the police cost, and that way help lower the tax rate for all that works their legal way in Identity.

  12. I will agree with you as far we are talking about:

    16 minutes ago, RosaRoundBottom said:

    True, I will admit I am just afraid to finally get a game I have waited for, yes identity is doing it,  and some troll, hacker, cheater, script kitty...


    But if "guys" or "Girls" for that matter choose to roleplay or not, its their choice, im one of those 40+ players, and I must say that I dont mind people roleplay all they want, but thats not why im here, and I dont plan to do that. I will play the game, to have much fun as possible. I do think that I will have my main focus on the buisness part (I still did not made up my mind if that will be legal or illigal buisness, but I do think I will start with a legal buisness) more than the pvp, simply because there are so many games out there that focus alot on pvp and forget about all the rest (something I can see Identity does diffrent and that I will look forward for).

    All kind of cheat should be delt with, and that does not matter if it scripting, money cheat, hacking, glitch etc. And I hope the devs will do all they can to stop it, if or when it happen. 

  13. I understand that it will be chaotic if the mike system works as in gta, where one server, and all can hear you regardless where you are, but  (and I dont know if the devs made it that way, but would be logic),  if you talk in to the mike on the server, then its the people around you in a limited radius that can hear you. (just like in real life) if all can hear what all are saying on a server with 1000 players (or more) then noone can understand anything, and that would not make any sense. If you want to talk to a friend and that friend are on the other side of the server, then call the person through youre ingame phone.

    If it will be 1000 or 3000 players on a server, its really up to Asulum to figure out, what the servers can manage without lag, and area wise, housing wise etc.

    Can anyone name one game where there are 1000 players interacting with each other on same server session. - Because I cant think of anyone.

  14. I dont expect the Alpha or Beta to run 100% smooth, its great if it does but I think the devs will use the time before the final release to test and stress test, both the game and the servers, and ofc. to correct minor mistakes, or improve it as players comes with feedback.

    According to @TheDynasty (youtuber) then there will not be any alpha released, and the devs will release the beta (first module) when the devs are ready with it. Its a bit sad for all of us that have been waiting for a test of the game (very soon), but the good thing is that it will feels alot more ready when they open up for the beta access. - I did not found this information confirmed anywhere on this forum yet.

  15. The expression "drive by" are normally when a car drives up on a area, open doors or windows, and shoot out towards (often enemy´s of a gang), and then drives away from the scene. - So when the word was out the drive by was disabled in the game, then it open up for the reverse of a drive by, that people on the street can shoot on cars, and then there are 3 options (unless that are disabled as well),
    1. Stop get off/out of the car/bike etc. and then shoot back
    2. Try to drve away or final
    3. Drive the person over that shoots

    In fact I hope that all that are disabled, on public servers, otherwise I can see some pvp issues. (alternative that all are enabled, in some areas, but personal I prefer its all disabled to avoid a gta envoriment where all kill each other non stop, just because they can.

    I dont mind pvp, dont take me wrong, but I think it belong more internal between diffrent gangs and biker clubs, mob familys and other criminals and police and swat to try keep it down. - The civilian on the server should not be involved in this more than they want to, and if a civilian gets killed (lets say in crossfire) then that type of crime should get to a harder sentence. 

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  16. So if a pedestrian shoot on a car, motorcyle or bike etc. then the only chance they have are to try out drive the bullets, and hope that it will not break down or not be stopped by the police for speeding that sounds indeed logic. Or maby I misunderstood something here...

  17. YT Terms are not the same worldwide, they are far more restricted in China and Korea, (even more countrys can be added to that list) and most likely less restricted in europe than the US but I Think with smaller details tho. (Due to potential crazy high law sues in the US). And the YT Terms can change over a night, but the law from country to country can be very diffrent, and not very easy to just change.

  18. Im not talking about YT, but a law sue against the person doing it. (YT can have their own guidelines from country to country, but its really up to YT to handle those issues)

    It is not counting as copyright here, because they allready payed for the game, and payed for the program to record it with, and if they are doing it for non profit, then its not against any laws here, regardless what asylum have writed in their policy. (because they allready got payed for the product). The only thing Asulum can do are to ban those users that did it with no refunding. But to win a law sue here on those terms, is highly doubtable Asylum will have a chance in any court here.

    IF Asulum did let people try the game for free, on alpha/beta on terms that it would be forbidden to do ingame filming, or release any ingame footage, then it would be something else law wise here. (But thats not the case)

    Alot of internet providers are refusing to say who their customers are if a company ask, (only police have the right to get that info, so again it have to do with serious crime, and this is not counted as a serious crime, to play a game that the person payed for to play, and show other their own gameplay),