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Posts posted by njayminsim1115

  1. 1 hour ago, crowe864 said:

    Hi everyone,

    Someone please help me out. I'm a police officer in the US. This game definitely has my interest but I have a question. Am I, someone whom knows laws, how not to violate someones rights, actually police procedure, and generally what law enforcement is going to be a patrolman under a 13 yo kid or a police academy washout? Or, are people whom actually do or have done the job gonna be in leadership roles to teach people and make sure this game gives a good representation of LE?

    That's the real question. Hopefully someone serious is in charge.

    • Like 1

  2. 16 hours ago, Devonor said:

    This is an interesting concept, but I think that it could be improved. I don't think that there is anything wrong with someone being ultimately successful in business. I don't think you need to attack someone that got rich off of their own hard work and ideas. I may be misunderstanding, but it sounds kind of like you want everyone to be on the same level, always. (AKA Communism) Which is a little bit unfair to those that did work hard enough to be on top. 


    I think if you really wanted to make this work, you could turn it into an organization that scares powerful people into working with you so that you can profit off of their business, or you could possibly have strong influence in political decisions if you were able to scare the right people. I think that you could keep the idea of being a vigilante for the people, but I think that you're executing the wrong way. Killing someone and taking all of their assets just because they're more successful than you is hate crime on the basis of jealousy. 

    Yes of course, should I make it more clear that we only target tyrannical players? People who take over servers and make in unfair/ not fun for other players?

    If you read here carefully, 

    Our Goal:

    Anonymous's goal in Identity is complicated. We want to prevent players from controlling public servers. The public Identity servers should be for everyone, not just one company or gang. 

    I think this clears up our main purpose.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Capped said:

    I'm not trying to be hateful or anything but I'm honestly not a fan of all these recent German posts.

    It's annoying not knowing isn't it? This is french though.

  4. I translated this page, and see that you want to create your own server. I would not plan this until the full game comes out. We do not know the quality of the game currently and I would advise you against it.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, DLimit said:

    Communism and Democracy are 100% synonymous with one another considering that Communist serves the interests of the whole while a democracy serves the interests of a majority under Constitutional guidelines. In reality, Democracies are antonymous to capitalism based on the sole premise that a capitalistic system serves the interest of an INDIVIDUAL'S PRIVATE INTERESTS while a democracy serves the interests of a MAJORITY'S NATIONAL INTEREST. Usually, the INDIVIDUAL'S PRIVATE INTEREST involves wealthy bourgeois multi-millionaires and billionaires countering against the political proposals of working-class citizens considering that the MAJORITY of citizens within any given nation is within the lower three quintiles of the financial class-based system. Thus, politicians within advanced capitalist Neo-Liberal democracies often serve the interests of the top two dominant quintiles despite possessing a majority population of the top three lowest quintiles. In other terms, the Neo-Liberal advanced capitalist bourgeois-state serves the interests of the wealthy via capitalism while neglecting the democratic decisions of the public considering that elected officials do not fulfill their promises in public in order to serve the interests of the bourgeoisie/wealthy land owners. In conclusion, capitalism is NOT synonymous with democratic ideals while COMMUNISM is 100% synonymous with Direct-Democratic ideals.

    Will you be able to supply each 300-1000 citizens with housing tho?