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Everything posted by Colbz

  1. I just figured out Town Square is finally released. How exactly do i download/and or play? I paid in advance for membership.
  2. New Screenshot!

    Do i have to spam post and get over 100 posts to not be a random? Watch out guys, the internet sensation is here ^^
  3. New Screenshot!

  4. New Screenshot!

    Awesome a screenshot of a room that looks like it could be coded in like 3-4 days...where's the game....
  5. 1st module is delayed yay!!

    Delayed? Please don't make me regret pledging to yall. I'm really looking forward to this but its been years...

    Hey everyone!! So i was introduced to this game by a friend and watched a bunch of videos and it looks so awesome!! I'm beyond excited to start playing it and just signed up, as well as put my pledge in for $100.00!!!! Also stopping by to introduce myself. The names Colby, Colbz for short. I live in CT, 23 years old. I love to longboard, hangout with friends, and game on the PC! I'm looking forward to playing Identity and meeting all of you!! Thanks

    I'm honestly just looking forward to the first module to be release haha. But also about building an empire and becoming the most i can in the game! My goals would be to become very rich and successful!
  8. Suppp broos - PA

    Nice man welcome to the forum!