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Posts posted by gabzo

  1. I just wanted to clarify at the conferences there are usually cops as well as private security. The cops because of the large public gathering in a public area...and private security for the private buildings safety. Wont go in detail but there is both.


    Sorry if you knew, just wanted to clarify

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    On 10/28/2017 at 10:53 PM, Narc said:

    yeah but is Rare breed and Breed the same MC ? because if it is, he wouldnt be copying because different name and logo aha

    @Narc I assume you mean "The Rare Breed" and "Rare Breed". It becomes a gray area of the law just like having a restaurant called The McDonald would be. If they are too similar, then yes, it becomes an issue.

    The only thing is as long as the developers take down the name when asked/brought to their attention, they won't get in trouble. The worst that would probably happen is the person will be visited but if the devs take it down it might not be worth pursuing.

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  3. I agree with some of the posts.

    The biggest issue is that they keep giving dates, I think that if they harvested the power of surprise and just decided to drop it, yes people at first would be frustrated with the lack of information, but it would give a better effect then missing deadlines. I really suggest that anyone who makes a game does this. Every time I see a date, I don't get excited, I become discouraged. I wish they would just say...oh btw, Townsquare is up for download, forgot to mention. That would have been hilarious and awesome. But oh well, now to hope they give out the date.

    Also, the community seems to be on the younger side, they might even be people who haven't backed games and who haven't seen how development can be. There is nothing wrong with this, but you do come to expect a lot more. I have learned that each company has their own set of issues but generally, the one thing I find common is the time is usually underestimated. That being said, I've seen that all the time in the gaming industry.

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  4. @NanoSpace honestly you'd be surprised by how community attitudes of 'frustration' have an opposite effect. Most of the time, what really happens is companies stop caring about the "criticism" because if they did, it would do more harm then good. 

  5. Quote

    There should be jobs in the law enforcement area such as: Police officer, Detective, FBI agents to take down "super criminals", DEA agents, Probation officers, jail officers, judges, random unpaid jury appearances, and social workers if children exist


    Already planned to some degree. 


    There should be basic government jobs so new laws can build into the game, like real life, and laws can be removed as well. like: president, vice president, voters, political parties, and the cabinet branches of the government.


    Already planned as well, just obviously there will be limited things that the gov. can do.

    Some of the other jobs are planned as well but there are great ideas. It's always awesome to see how many people have cool ideas. Makes the forum so much fun :D

  6. I agree that once the game comes out, it would be awesome. Right now, I don't see it being feasible/realistic for here.  It would be awesome and allows people to see what type of features are to look forward to easily. 

  7. On 5/29/2017 at 9:51 AM, BlazinBender said:



    But, the team has stated previously that licencing is way outside budget.

    Therefore in game brands may be similar, but nothing will be branded.

    An idea: if brands were to advertise in Identity, we then could have EVERYTHING be                   branded. butwont Identity then be some kind of marketing tool? 

    Nevertheless a curious topic!



    I'd be ok with it being a marketing tool. It's a way for some companies to make money but first, the game needs to be released and then it needs to be popular so we'll see. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, LuckyDuck said:

    Ok, right the way in game money will work is the $1 in game will be like a $1 in real life and you will get things costing closely to real life e.g. a house will cost $100,000 or more etc. A T-shirt may cost $30 and phones may cost like $100 or so for a new model. Everything will be as close to real life as possible and so in that case it will be hard to make money in the game. 

    Sorry to disappoint you but I work in a telecom company and that is far from the cost of a new model of phones. Try closer to 1k

    • Like 1

  9. On 5/22/2017 at 3:48 PM, donmartini112 said:

    Sorry what are you talking about? Do you mean by 'then and there' that there's just on-scene crime investigation? That would be a shame. it'd be more fun to actually investigate suspects rather that just collect the evidence from the scene. It might be had to make it very secretive, but that's not my point. They don't need to be unnoticeable an indistinguishable. They just need to to not too obvious, because, first of all, they are not patrol cops and so they don't deal with the public, and second, they blend in better and don't stand out so that they can observe better without being noticed too easy. My goal is not for them to be invisible and it is not necessary for them to be secretive at all, just don't pain giant letters of the side when they don't need public visibility and it will just hamper their investigation when they feel the need to be somewhat inconspicuous at their own discretion. But you're right that if there;s just collecting evidence and arresting people, there's no point for this.

    My point is things need to be done then and there. You can't have long investigations as this is a game not real life. People aren't obliged to play and are not always on at the same time. It's going to be a lot more live action rather than investigative. You have to realize the limits of a game. You can't have everything be like in real life. It just can't work that way

  10. They don't want the whole thing to be as secretive. The crimes will be visible and the cops will be as well. The whole idea is that making everything so secret is actually a lot harder in a game then in the real world. How to avoid abuse and unfair gameplay the whole thing becomes a lot more complex for no reason. The point is to keep the game fun. Plus there won't be as long as quests as in real life as people will just stop showing up and then what? restart the whole process. The point is to make it fun so things can be done then and there.