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Everything posted by Narc

  1. Private Neighborhoods

    No mechanics to force it, its like sandboxy, so if you want that to happen, you get your ' Chinese' crew together in a suburb and claim it as your own, or whatever gang you may be from, fly colours and what not to let people know.
  2. Module within the next month probably, and video like a week or so before, in my opinion.
  3. Street Gang

    I might later on man, doesnt seem like anyone wants to atm dunno why, its just mainly mafia's lol
  4. Street Gang

    Mafia is different to a typical street gang.
  5. Anonymous

    Even though you can create whatever you want, if it doesnt make sense, and it doesnt look serious, no one is going to take you seriously.
  6. Identity | HQ (Discord)

    Why fix something that's not broken? i doubt this is going to go well, the discord is fine as it is, the devs use it, and there's plenty of people who use it, for the purposes that you want to make one for, they just don't talk about it 24/7, no one would and you cant make them.
  7. Marine

    Now they are working with SpatialOS the map is going to be redesigned, so we dont know yet.
  8. Most annoying Role to Play

    "The Assassin or hitman" This character usually thinks its real life and can get away with rdm because it fits his job description and thinks it will actually play out properly. "The Mafia" Usually groups like these, think mafia's just run around in suits all day, rob people, and kill people, no effort what so ever, stupid when you see the don out about doing the work that normally the made men do lol. "The Cartel" Usually groups like this don't actually roleplay, and just make money, and rob people, if you get in their way they either rdm you or something stupid. "The Bank Robber" A person or group that literally, their rp is only to rob banks, never ends well, but as soon as they get out of jail or respawn, they either rob people till the cooldown, or whatever, then just go rob it again. "Intelligence Agencies or paramilitary corps" Don't actually rp it, just end up going around in a group with guns and either guarding something or someone, or just picking fights with people or gangs who had no interest in starting one with them "The lawyer" The guy whose just robbed someone or commits a crime, with his buddy, his buddy gets arrested but he flee's, and the cops dont catch his name, then he comes to the police station in a suit and tries to persuade his friend to be dropped of all charges or lower the charges" "The Hot Shot" The ego driven kid who thinks hes untouchable and the best at fighting and shooting people, and spends his rp time robbing people trying to prove himself because he can't prove himself to his parents that he's a good kid. "I'm annoying" The guy who just sits around in the social areas and just annoys people or tries to rob people at atms People annoy me.
  9. Dont make the map bigger

    Yeah if there was 3-5k or more in a server, and it ran well, would definatley make up for the no AI walking the streets, i would actually feel like im in a city, not a ghost town with dickheads screaming at each other here and there. I suppose a bigger map is needed, but not too big to where its not as dense, but put bigger residential areas and shit, i guess either way alot of people are going to stay in the major city anyway, going to be really good for gang turf wars, and police response and what not aswell, hopefully the economy will be booomin, products always listed, should be much better then 300 slots, i just hope it doesnt turn out to be like second life lol, ive seen cancer vids on that shit.
  10. Dont make the map bigger

    I actually agree with this, unless you need to make it bigger, i dont think it would be better, as OP stated, that it would be nice if there was density in the city of players, instead of being spread out over a even bigger map, the current map is huge.
  11. Most games take years to develop, whether they have a team of 10 or a team of 40. The triple A developers like Rockstar and what not, they don't work on a game and finish it within the first year of development, for something ambitious like GTA or identity, it takes time, but no one seems to understand that. If it was Rockstar or a triple A title company making identity, usually they don't mention anything about it till its like about to be released a few months prior, because they don't need the additional funding to kick start their project usually, like indie devs do, which is why this was kickstarted before the development happened, because they needed funding. Since it got enough to kickstart the game, it started development, we are all here on the journey waiting for this game to be released, from day one or whatever (you get the point, its not like a triple A title where they announce it when its nearly completed) So everyone needs to understand that game development is long, tedious, time consuming, expensive, and not a walk in the park, everyone expects so much so quickly, when in reality its not that easy. The reason why i wouldn't want to become a game developer is because i have a short fuse and everytime someone would bitch about my game and say its a scam id tell them to go fuck themselves, but that's because i don't have the patience to put up with little delinquent brats who get what they want, usually when they want it. Yes Asylum mentioned PR is important for them and it hasn't been well for them, because their community manager is also one of the main developers for the game and would rather spend his time working on the game to get it out to us. Alot of what they are doing, they want to keep a surprise, they aren't going to show you everything they have in the game, otherwise when you play it, nothing will be new to you, nothing will be exciting, nothing will impress you, because you've seen it all before, whats the point in having a new game, that everyone knows everything about, there's no spark. The developers want to have a good first impression on everyone, as they've said, so instead of whinging because they are only releasing models here and there and not active, doesn't mean they aren't working on the game, it doesn't mean its a scam, it mean's they are showing you sneak peaks to keep you updated on their progress when they make a significant amount of progress. Remember, game development can have it's setbacks, hence when you're a developer its never a good idea to put an ETA date, because chances are, its going to be pushed back, and people are going to get salty.Just my opinion.
  12. Fist Fighting/Knockout Mechanics

    So since its about that mainly, with jobs inbetween, and there's not going to be easy to get yourself hold of a gun, main guns you will be able to find are pistols, and the fact that they have melee weapon models, only points the the fact that melee is going to be abit more then ' basic ' just sayin' and there's going to be fight clubs as stated.
  13. 1st module is delayed yay!!

    Yes, they have to redesign the map now they are increasing the slot counts per server.
  14. Game is a scam?

    they havent created only what theyve shown mate lol. They've shown barely anything, for good reasons.
  15. Demo

    Yes im sure first demo module preview got delayed with no eta, but soon
  16. Demo

    english pls no demo yet. cant play yet.
  17. Anonymous

    so rdm? how are you anonymous if i know whose in your group btw, just asking how kind
  18. Anonymous

    Good luck with whatever this is, last question, why is it called Anonymous?
  19. Anonymous

    oh and it is a roleplay game, just to prove my point.
  20. Anonymous

    what is it then? a pvp action based fps? hmmmmmmm no i just said i quoted what you had, and said its metagaming, using out of game resources like seeing if someones online, or using the forums or using out of game information and use it ingame to your benifit. Metagaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.
  21. Anonymous

    Well if you're breaking rules to roleplay then no ones going to be positive towards it
  22. Anonymous

    you keep posting comment your thoughts, and i noticed that
  23. 1st module is delayed yay!!

    lol are you on now