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Status Replies posted by JamesLuck01

  1. Wow, it has been a while. Unsurprised to see the Mod status taken away but it feels good to be back :)


    EDIT: Jk I'm still a mod I guess


  2. Wow, it has been a while. Unsurprised to see the Mod status taken away but it feels good to be back :)


    EDIT: Jk I'm still a mod I guess


  3. Also what is the rating going to be like? M, T?

  4. When you buy a passport, via paypal. How does it know to transfer over to Steam once the full game comes out? This is why I am hesitant to buy a more expensive passport.

    1. JamesLuck01


      The devs will send you a code via email. Also you would know this if you read all resources available including the FAQ Extended.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Are you currently in any gang/ group. If so, what is it called

    1. JamesLuck01


      No, I am not in a gang or criminal group.

  6. James, why are you not a Moderator, we need more of those in the forums


    1. JamesLuck01


      I currently don't want to be a moderator, but there are ones what hover secretly around.

  7. How to get likes from James: Just quote his post somewhere and he will like it. :D

    (BTW not doing it to get likes)

    -Noe Rock

    1. JamesLuck01


      I like a lot of things. Especially things I would have said myself, but if the input is good I like it even if I don't agree.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. How to get likes from James: Just quote his post somewhere and he will like it. :D

    (BTW not doing it to get likes)

    -Noe Rock

    1. JamesLuck01


      xD i know your not doing it to get likes but I also hit like before I saw my post was there! 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Dear Developers: Why isn't he a Moderator yet??

    Community Reputation: 1000

    Follower: 59

    Content Count: 2989

    -Noe Rock

    1. JamesLuck01


      I don't need moderator, but I am not even sure I would take it if offered anyways.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)