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Posts posted by Jackabm

  1. 15 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    like @Officer587 said, if you don't pay your rent on the house then you will lose it, this is to ensure that if you don't ever go back for a long period of time it gives other players a chance to buy the house as there will be a limited 300 on the map which are unique and only 1 person can buy on that given server.

    So you don't own houses. Only apartments?

  2. Don't quote me on this because I'm not 100% sure, but there won't be an official hitman job/career. The devs said they don't need to add one becuase you can start your own company and be a hitman and get paid. So there will be hitmen in the game, just it officially. I might become a hitman myself if I am strapped of cash.  

  3. There will be unlimited apartments. And before jamesluck1 says otherwise, I did check :)  If you are willing to put a lot of hours into the game, paying a lot extra is abit of a waste. The good thing about it tho would be that you will greatly be supporting the game. Go ahead if you are confident though. :)

    • Like 1

  4. If they do add suped up cars, then any joe that has enough money to buy a car will upgrade it and make it look rediculious. Too many cars will be going around looking all upgraded and ready for a race. In real life 99% of cars don't look like this. I suggest if this were to happen, maybe it is only a few little things that will help in racing, but are not road legal. Eg. drag tires, slanted wheels, ect. Maybe you have an advantage with these, but you risk getting a ticket or your car being impounded or losing a licence. 

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  5. There should be life insurance so if you die, you get a small amount of money put into your bank. Or if someone crashes into your car and it is proven either by police or witness, the insurance company can pay for damages. It can also be a job to ditect insurance fraud. There should also be a system where if you need to claim money often, your insurance may make you leave them. (To stop people scamming the system). 

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  6. Well actually most answers are done by moderators such as @JamesLuck01 that know what they are talking about. Also people get their facts from Identity's Twitter Page or their sub reddit where they just did a huge answering session a couple of days ago. So if you feel like they are wrong, check who answered and fact check them if you truly feel as if they are wrong. 

  7. 3 hours ago, 506plays said:

    Donald trump will fuck u all lol u just wait. also my business is in dubai why the hell would i go to usa the land of cancer and Aids lol

    What are you going to do with all your "money". Maybe you should get some brain treatment for all the cancer you are spreading. 

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  8. 5 hours ago, 506plays said:

    Oh yeah, check my snapchat ill show you what things i have lol 



    if i wanted to buy you i can

    Just becuase you're an 8 year old kid that says bull s***, doesn't mean you have to be a little c***. Grow a pair of bowls or piss off back to iraq. 

  9. 3 hours ago, 506plays said:

    My privilege is much better than yours, again stop spreading false info in this forum you mother *****

    I see you grew up in the slums where a privilege was never talked about. You sometimes spent days or even weeks on occasions without food. You turned to your mother for help but she and the rest of your family and "friends" never really did care about you. You felt so lonely that you turned religious and asked lord Gaben for Steam support. He noticed that you were a very poor and disprivleged console peasant that could only crave for the downfall of the PC master race. Resulting from your lack of privilege, you went and joined the PC master race only to be reject becuase of your lack of intellect. You started to feel emptyer than ever. You started to forfill your hunger of acceptance by going on Internet forums and 'trying' troll people to get banned, but you never realised that they are apart of the mighty PC master race and cannot be trolled becuase of their superiority over console and mobile peasants. You kept on getting trolled, rekt and rickrolled until you started to suffer in darkness and disappointment of yourslef becuase you have changed the world in No way at all and you never will. So check ya privilege, check ya self and leave with that microscopic amount of dignity your barely have left. Peasant. 

  10. 1 hour ago, 506plays said:

    dont call me citizen you mother ****** , im a cop and stop spreading false aqusaitions or i will report your comment to the forum Law

    For starters, you are a citizen, it says so above your name. Secondly, I don't care what you are. Thirdly, I am not accusing any of anything, let alone it being false and My comment isn't breaking any rules. Your comment breaks 2 rules; swearing or the intent to cause offence to someone and the words you are using don't even mean what you think they do. AND, you are actually spreading false accusations of me spreading them. So check your grammar and check your privilege m8. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, toxicreign020 said:

    oh a firearms license? oh boy i can tell theres gonna be alot of strict rules on firearms now. All it takes one kid complaining that the cops wrongfully stripped him of his firearm license.

    There are two reasons for the gun licence. 1. To make it realistic. 2. To Greatly Reduce RDM. The police will most likely be the dedicated RPers and since they are RPing real life, a kid probably won't be able to do anything about it. After all, America has some pretty hostile cops. 

  12. 1 hour ago, 506plays said:

    You better stop lying or i will report you to the devs for false Information. 1- beta is separate than the 3 modules

    2-you CANT WORK in the town square module, you can socialize,customize buy clothes,chat, etc, No work no jobs no cops no crime activity no guns.

    You better settle down with that hostile attitude. I wasn't lying, I was mistaking the modules for the beta. So you need to calm down and just correct me if I am wrong, not go on a hissy fit because you cannot control yourself. Also reporting to the devs for false information isn't a thing. This is a forum, where the community discuss the game and bond together. Just calm down citizen. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Wrong, "The Modules" are not the beta. The beta is the closest thing to the full game which you will be able to play after all 3 modules. The beta is mainly for stress testing and finding bugs and such, with features still being added.

    Sorry James. I must've got confused between the two. 

  14. 32 minutes ago, TheoGT said:

    Sorry if this has already been asked the search bar isn't working on my ipad and my PC is in another country, but how will the beta work, im quite confused. I know that the modules will come first but will the beta be like any other game beta and be the whole game and things or will there be parts missing from it that they already know are going to be added to the main game like fire department or things like that.

    If you pay money to support the game you get to play the beta. In this game th beta is called 'modules'. It consists of 3 modules, the town square module, the swat module and another one. In the first module, the map will be secluded to the town square, you get to interact, work and basically test out what the game has to offer. The swat module is abit more cloudy. We aren't that sure on it. But it will basically be a cops and robbers game. It will be used to show off the gun mechanics. I'm not sure on the 3rd module tho. 

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