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Posts posted by JoelKeys

  1. 11 hours ago, lamona said:

    It seems you have a vague interest in philosophy and the like which is great, you've just gotta work on communicating such ideas. If you can't communicate it meaningfully, perhaps don't use it in an argument with somebody.

    This falls under "if people agreed with me/saw what I saw, the world would be better". It's either ignorant (generalizations being thrown around) or arrogant (you actually think you're the arbiter).


    No child. You must look within yourself. Once you discover the true nature of humanity you will understand Whitehorns arguments. 

    "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"

  2. 9 hours ago, whitehorn said:

    Suffice to say that when a person takes the arduous task of knowing themselves, then they will see. And that isn't a riddle. A lot of people don't do it because it is hard work and they fear to face themselves in the mirror. <--- That is a metaphor for seeing their true self.


    You know what, you have converted me to your way of thinking, old friend. I feel as though our connections have become intertwined, two souls binding together through scriptures and gospels of love. Love is love, love is life.

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  3. On 04/12/2018 at 4:52 PM, whitehorn said:

    People like to make things complicated, don't they? Life isn't complicated, but some people cannot handle simplicity. All emotions root from love, even fear. There are many ways to respond, yes, but all emotions come out of love because it is the most accepting emotion, while fear is the most divisive. I am glad that there are people that like to complicate things because that is a valid way to experience life, but for me, I choose simplicity because it is also a valid way to experience life.

    "I know that I know nothing." Socrates was right.


    Why are you talking in riddles? No, all emotions do not stem from love. That is factually incorrect. There are disorders which prevents people feeling love, love is not the basis for all emotions. I am not complicating things, I am stating a fact. 

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    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  4. On 03/12/2018 at 3:12 PM, Expressman said:

    There seems to be two loud audiences in the community: The fanbois who think Identity can do no wrong, and the ragers who melt down at every real or perceived issue.

    But there is a third group, and I think it's a lot of us, who both acknowledge some issues, feel some disappointment, yet keep things in perspective and remain hopeful. I think I fall into that category.

    I'm not a game dev expert, but I do work on a software product team and I'm a liaison to the marketing and PR team so I've seen some things. Here's my 2 cents on what I'd do starting right now if I were Asylum:

    1. PR move: Apologize. You're Canadians, so you're good at it. You need to acknowledge you misled people as to the playability of the module 1 release and give acknowledgement to the hard feelings in the community right now.  

    2. Business strategy: Freeze Steam. It is nothing but an open sore of expectation mismatch resulting in negative reviews.  

    3. Project management: Identify what are the top 3 issues and when they'll be patched (this will be for the benefit of the community later). Create a waterfall roadmap of the next 3-5 weeks internally.    
    4. Technical move: Form an Alpha or Closed Beta test (CBT) group. Offer the community some full-release swag for participating in what you will clearly frame as a buggy process (this is expectation management).  
    5. PR/PM move: Announce the top 3 issues and when they'll be fixed. Update daily. (Also expectation management) 

    I've been in Alphas and Betas for other games and the entire tone of the community would be different if expectations were framed up properly. People expect a lot of bugs and limited server windows in Alpha and they feel special being a part of it. Similarly people expect some bugs in a Beta and feel special being a part of it. What happened is something presented as a limited functionality full game was released in an Alpha state, and charged for at that, and everyone is (somewhat understandably) losing their minds. Some companies have even split bets into closed betas (limited audience, limited server windows), and open betas.

    It all comes back to expectation management and who is really framing the narrative here. Asylum has an opportunity to take the high ground and control the narrative in a positive way. Your move.


    This is perfectly written in my opinion. My beef with Asylum as I have always said is the failure to take responsibility. I don't believe they have every actually apologised for anything. That's my primary issue.

  5. 1 minute ago, stripedalucard said:

    HairyGrenadeToday at 5:08 PM
    As many of you are aware we are experiencing a massive amount of traffic on our website which is creating an issue on the database.  While the game is uploaded and servers are live it is now in Steams hands to release



    Just now, Musturdballs said:

    The reason its in steams hand now and they removed the timer on steam is because the devs failed to meet the submit deadline on Friday before the weekend. Steam doesn't release small title games after a certain time on Friday or throughout the weekend bc they don't want to have to come in and work if something goes wrong. So the game wont be playable until Monday.

    Most Steam games are released at 10AM PST, as Sbr mentioned, which is 19:00 in continental Europe and 6PM in the UK. It's not a hard rule as Steam sometimes does release games at midnight, but those are usually exceptions only made for "big name" games.Feb 11, 2012

  Section 7.  is particularly interesting

    There's also a tweet from PlayerUnknown showing that you as a dev decide when to release it

    • Like 2

  6. So I am fairly known for being a critic of this game. I hope no one views me as a hater, because that's factually incorrect. I try and argue with logic and facts rather than feelings, and unfortunately a lot of the time that leaves me agreeing with the 'haters' so I get that it is easy to group me in with them, but try and understand I try to come at every bump in the road neutrally and make a determination on the facts of the situation.


    That being said, with the game coming out in a few hours I wanted to reach out to people like myself and some of the haters to provide a quick disclaimer. When this game launches, the servers may crash. We might not get to play for another few hours due to connection issues. There will likely be bugs, some gamebreaking. But please, please remember that this is not an issue with Asylum. I can't think of a time where any company has released a game at a pre-beta stage, and most of the time even full release, that went smoothly. Lots of new games experience server crashes on launch, and connection issues, and bugs, and we need to remember that the best way to deal with it is to make ONE post in the bug report section or suggestions actually explaining the issue. Let the devs do their work, don't rush them. I will not be criticising the TS module in any shape or form until about a week or two have passed, because I understand launches tend not to go to plan, and I encourage you all to do the same. Report, but don't criticise until we allow the devs time to rectify any issues that come up.

    • Like 6

  7. I have created a roleplaying community, The Wallace Family. It is a mafia roleplaying community with ranks and rules etc. which is completely opt in opt out. If anyone would be interested in joining let me know, the earlier you join the sooner you can be promoted. It is a Discord community.

  8. 1 hour ago, subway244 said:

    Yes. When companies start opening chains and becoming a major business (with massive Discord communities and major topic pages), we will stop advertising with them. This advertising network is for people like my Private Eyez Investigations or Victorian Watches; topics and business who get swept under by other major topics (and companies) like Velocity Logistics and Pace Shippings. My hope, which could possibly go down the pisciadood, is that enough people will reply to this topic that it becomes a major topic like Velocity Logistics, and more people on the forum can see small businesses on here, instead of digging around for dead individual topics in the bowels of the Business board.


    For example, Victorian Luxury Watches only received 139 views, but Velocity Logistics receives 15,106 views, mainly because enough people reply to it to keep it at the top for the masses to see. If every small business replied to this topic with info about their business, SIBAN would stay towards the top, and they would get thousands of views for their company.


    I like it. One recommendation I would make though is to perhaps rename it to something like SBN (Small Business Network). Only reason being SIBAN sounds like an Irish name and is an acronym, whereas SBN follows the rule of three and is an initialism which helps make it sound more professional.

    • Like 1

  9. On 10/11/2018 at 12:54 AM, subway244 said:

    Welcome to the Small Independent Business Advertising Network!




    Our mission is to provide free advertising for small, independent Identity businesses. Instead of creating a new topic that could be swept into oblivion by other topics, leaving your in-depth business plan floating around and never seen by anyone, you could advertise on SIBAN and get more views for your business!*




    All you have to do is post your business and contact information on THIS topic!




    • Only small, independent business can advertise. No corporate business are allowed to advertise.
    • No offensive content allowed.
    • No troll advertisements.
    • No advertisements for things outside of Identity, or advertisements against Identity.



    If you need more information, help on advertising, or have a problem with our services, please contact @subway244.



    *We cannot guarantee views or recognition. This is an experimental organization, so anything can change at any time.



    Copyright (C) 2018, Private Eyez Business Network. All rights reserved.



    Interesting. What qualifies a business as 'small'? When does one go from being a small business to a large? Will you stop working with companies who grow too big?

    • Like 1

  10. Uhm yeah I came here to check and see if anyone replied to my thread and it has now been deleted. It was off-topic, nothing to do with this game I don't know why they removed it. Wasn't spam, flame, etc. was literally me asking for some peoples opinions. Don't know why they removed it.

  11. 2 minutes ago, subway244 said:

    I am not here to argue, and I half-agree with what you are saying, but please read this (again)- 

    Especially read these Please Don'ts - #5, #18, and #20.


    Thank you, with regards to #5 and #18, I believe I am trying to be constructive. I also think this should be fine for #18 because I am not discussing any particular decision that was made, I am saying across the board it feels like they lock topics because they disagree. If there are hidden or unknown reasons to us, I don't need to know about them, I am just encouraging them not to resort to locking topics if they don't really violate rules. Also with the specific case I mentioned about myself, I tried to contact someone to report a person but have received no response. Plus, that one where I did go into detail was my own case so I can talk about it. If the moderators would like me to remove the specific case I mentioned, I will do so. 

    For number #20, I don't think I have included any intentional false information, if I did please point it out and I will remove it.

    Hopefully I haven't came off as hostile here, if I have I do apologise. Thanks too, I took this is a warning to keep myself right. I appreciate it.

    With #20, 

  12. So I am fairly well known to be a critic of the development process. It is a fact that this process has been a shambles, not an opinion, and even Asylum would probably agree they messed up a lot. But I was going through some previous old posts looking for some quotes I vaguely remember, and I came across a lot of posts complaining about how they had missed another deadline. I think it was the April delay (if I remember correctly) where we were all getting frustrated that the devs had missed an other date, and it resulted in a lot of us asking what the point of a date was if you weren't going to stick to it.


    Looking back I do really appreciate how the devs learned from that and decided against setting another one. I don't know if I am right, but I'd like to believe we played a part in that decision. Although I have major problems and concerns with the development, I do think that was one of the best decisions you have made, to not release another date until the store page went up. Now I know I was having issues with you not releasing a date the other day, but that was different as I was led to believe that there was already a definitive date set, and there would be no point in keeping that from us if it was already set in stone, but I am glad that you stopped giving estimates. Although I am considering the store page not being published by the end of October a delay, I was already expecting it so it didn't bother me as much as the other ones, so I will ignore that for now.


    I propose that you do this more often. There are tons of suggestions on the forums, and even if it is just explaining why you can't do it, that's enough to show we are being listened to. I have noticed Paratus respond to a lot more posts now, which really does help us to empathise with you. We have been waiting a very unreasonable amount of time, and people are getting agitated, and seeing that the CEO took 30 seconds to reply to your opinion really helps calm us down. I understand John cant reply to every thread, but it does work when he does. 


    Also, no offence to the moderators, but you really do not do a great job with handling criticism to this game. You lock posts that criticise, you get very defensive and you dismiss people who you consider 'haters' because they have genuine concerns. One person I would like to mention and thank is @LuckyDuck. I'm not sure if its intention, but I have noticed that Lucky has been improving a lot lately. Instead of attacking criticisms, he argues them with actual facts. I had a disagreement with him the other day, for example, and he presented factual arguments back calmly and without attacking my character. At the end, he said a final argument but also said that he understood how someone could misinterpret what he said, which is what I was arguing. When a moderator, or anyone really, is open to accepting both views and not just telling me I am wrong, it makes them so much more respectable. Because of his reply, acknowledging my point of view as legitimate but disagreeing respectfully, I didn't feel a need to continue arguing.


    Now I do still think he could improve, I am not saying he is perfect, but I genuinely have a very negative opinion of the moderator team for their conduct and LuckyDuck is the only positive influence on me at the minute. This is what all of the mods should be like, if someone is very annoyed or heated, don't just condemn them and lock their topic. This makes you look like you are censoring peoples opinions. Actually enquire as to what the problem is and how to resolve it, and then say you will convey it to the dev team. You are there to moderate, not police. Even if someone is entirely wrong, ask them why they think a certain thing, ask them what they think could be done to resolve the issue. Even if it is a rule violation and the topic kind of needs to be locked, drop them a PM to check up on them and continue the discussion privately. If you lot could do this, people would respect you a lot more. But when you lock topics that criticise, refuse to admit fault and just argue without helping, you create a negative reputation for yourselves and the developers. The mod team represent the developers, so if you change your behaviour, peoples opinions of the dev team will also change.


    Now one of three things will happen. 1. The mods will ignore, lock or simply not read this. 2. The mods will read this and proceed to do exactly what I am suggesting not to and pick this apart for mistakes or things I got wrong or get very defensive and blame everything on me or the community. 3. They will simply say thank you for the suggestion, acknowledge what I am saying has some merit, and actually try and see if they can make adjustments.


    When I was on the Discord the other day I brought up another delay that happened and people just started arguing with me without considering that I may have reasonable concerns. When people are so unaccepting, it makes us want to argue our points more aggressively. Calling me toxic and a spammer does not do anything but show your arrogance and delusion. Then banning me from the Discord for what? I read the rules, I did not break them. If I did then so did everyone else in that discussion. You left me, a member of your community, annoyed so that you could feel like you won, instead of listening, explaining and concluding. 


    Now for the final part. The 30th of November release date. I am disappointed this is later than I expected and genuinely think you should have done better, but at the end of the day it is here and final. Thanks for the work, and I hope the launch goes well. It could have been worse, and at least we will be playing before December. Thanks.


    I welcome any challenges to this and any extra opinions or suggestions, but if you are just here to argue instead of discuss I won't be responding. I ask you all to do this too, if someone comes across as aggressive, react to it with the confused face to give them a chance to reword. Do not respond to people who are just attacking, arguing or just being a nuisance in general. Thank you.

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    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  13. 14 hours ago, Paratus said:

    I do understand your concern, and it's well placed, but it really doesn't have much affect on us at this point as we're working through the weekends a lot already. :) Hiring temporary developers is almost impossible, though, as with our complex systems it can take weeks or even months for the new developers to fully understand them well enough in order to fix or develop upon them.


    But the excuse for the TS taking so long was that you guys took weekends off? I'm not trying to get at you here, I have nothing against you personally, but your mod team and the community really stood up against people asking you to work on weekends. Now I don't personally think you should have, you do need a break, but if you were working through weekends, why did it take so long, why was the task tracker never updated on a weekend and why have we never been told this before? 

    Again, if this seems like I am being nitpicky or negative just remove this reply, I don't want it to come across as that, I am just genuinely curious. I'm not trying to imply anything either, I just don't want you to take this the wrong way so don't even respond if it seems like my intentions here aren't pure.

  14. On 04/11/2018 at 9:52 PM, SausageBlaster said:

    It has already been stated by Devs that the release date is sometime in November. As I stated due to track record of most gaming companies, assuming all goes as planned, it will be November 30th.


    Lol. Should have been no later than 15th. That's a joke.

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  15. 1 minute ago, LuckyDuck said:

    My first statement included as "Asylum" has taken on, not individuals being in other projects.


    I know, which I am not disputing. You are telling the truth in what you say, you aren't lying, you are, however, misleading. Misleading is giving the wrong idea or impression, which is exactly what you do when you claim this is their first game.

  16. 1 minute ago, LuckyDuck said:

    I didn't say they never had experience in game development. I just said It is the companies "First Game" on their own which is not misleading.


    That is entirely misleading. They have worked on other games, they are experienced, you can't just claim it's their first game because it's their first game associated with this new company. Saying this is their first game implies that they have no experience in developing a game, which is simply false. Not only have members of Asylum worked on other games before, Mr VanderZwet has extensive experience in MMO games, so it is completely misleading to suggest this is their first game when it's just the companies first game.

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  17. 1 hour ago, LuckyDuck said:

    This is the first Game Project Asylum has taken on their own. 


    But that is misleading, because they have worked on other games before, just not under the name Asylum. These people aren't some fresh out of college devs who are trying to work out how to use certain programmes etc., they know what they are doing.

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  18. 9 hours ago, Chase said:

    I'm just don't understand why people need a set time. People are prioritizing the release date over the execution. It's a back and forth caused by terrible communication. 


    Because we have been constantly given dates and periods only for it to be delayed, so we want a date so we know if they fuck up again.