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Everything posted by TheWiseOne13

  1. I was wondering once you are able to buy houses, or appartments can you buy more than one... ie have your original apartment and then live in a house, I get the feeling you can but wanted to make sure. Also does anyone know when buying housing (apartment or house) will unlock to buy with in game money?
  2. @JamesLuck01 will you still be able to buy apartments during beta or the modules I understand housing since it's limited but what about apartments, other than one you may get from a pledge
  3. Are you going to be able to purchase a house or apartment once the first module is out, assuming you have the money?Was unsure by the way this sentence (If you've pledged to Identity's development ANDreceived an apartment or penthouse, you'll be able to explore all of its features. .) was worded. Does this mean I have to have Purchased a bundle with a house to have one before the game releases. Thank you for any answers and for the amazing game you are making. Literally seems like a dream game Absolutely Amazing