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Everything posted by DLimit

  1. Contract Agreements

    The post has been edited in order to clarify the suggestion. It is the idea that my character does not intend to spend six months infiltrating a corporation in order for the client to fail to abide by the contract without any restitution for my losses in labour and time. Edit: Imagine... infiltrating a car company as a "regular intern staff-member" for weeks to even months in order to finally attain access to a blueprint without accumulating a single penny from the client... act of theft.
  2. Contract Agreements

    Suggesting that Law enforcement officers must be obligated to FINE or INCARCERATE individuals that fail to abide by contract agreements between two parties considering that failing to pay off a debt to a contracted agent is classified as an act of theft.
  3. Patches

    The topic should be produced within the "Q&A" section of the forum rather than the "suggestions" forum considering that it is a question rather than a suggestion.
  4. Marriage & Children

    If anything, sexual intercourse could exist behind closed doors without any sexual sounds in order to ensure that the game remains playable for individuals beneath the age of eighteen or nineteen. One could examine children as a "pet" to a certain degree based on the sole premise that: 1. The child shall remain within the owner's residence (household or apartment). 2. The child shall be expected to be nurtured through emotional interactions. I.E. patting his or her head, reading a book, complimenting it's hobbies etc... 3. The child shall be expected to be nurtured through financial means. I.E. food, clothing, shelter, energy, bed, books, and toys. If anything, IN THE LEAST, children could function identical to a pet within the dwelling place of the parents rather than an AI within the streets. However, it would not be a negative idea for children AI to travel throughout the streets while remaining immune to undergoing death. Finally, the child within the dwelling place would be unavailable in-between 8:00AM and 4:00PM in order to attend the local primary or secondary educational institution that remains inaccessible to players. Thus, players would not possess the spare time to fulfill other roles while the child is located within school.
  5. New Screenshot!

    Anticipating the date that my person shall be capable of hiring a designer that could produce the political party's logo and banner in exchange for a fee.
  6. Progress Bar Went Up

    How about the numerous other posts on the subject? Who's familiar with the phrase "Ignorance of the Law is not an excuse"?
  7. Marriage & Children

    In my opinion, marriage should exist within the game while possessing the ability to adopt a subject that functions as an older teen considering that it seems unnecessary for the game to be cluttered with NPC children within a serve that could potentially consist of one-thousand players. However, it does not seem to be a TERRIBLE idea for NPC children to be running throughout the streets to a certain degree considering that players could easily differentiate between players and AIs based on the height of the characters.
  8. music

    Since "Identity" is a player-based game, players shall be capable of engaging in contract agreements with other companies and/or consumers in order to perform within their venue or event. For example, one could perform within a restaurant, birthday party, or a massive stage within a concert in order to accumulate wealth. Finally, subjects are capable of producing and distributing their records or CDs within the market in order to accumulate profit.
  9. Car Dealerships

    In my opinion, the entire game's design should provide citizens with the ability to purchase ANY commodity or service for a discounted price as long as the purchase exceeds an X amount of the company's commodity or service.
  10. Quick Question About Theatres

    It provides individuals with the ability to recommend unlicensed films within the theater. It is not challenging to merely implement a system that involves requesting a link.
  11. Campaign Managers

    What shall be "Lucious Times'" objectives within office?
  12. Quick Question About Theatres

    The theater company would be expected to review the film prior to confirming whether it is acceptable within the theater. For example, a decent home-made film would be classified as the following:
  13. Quick Question About Theatres

    It would be interesting if players could produce their own films within the real world prior to requesting to play their movies within the theater. For example, one section within the "major theater" could consist of "home-made films". In the process, companies and political parties should be capable of purchasing advertising time PRIOR to the beginning of the film. For example, the intro-screen could consist of a few advertisements before the film begins.
  14. Identity Island Football League

    The perfect time period for a terrorist organization to conduct a terrorist operation would be during a massive sports event... hahahaha.
  15. What shall be one's objectives within the game? Question: 1. Where shall your character be spending the majority of it's time within? (Library, cinema, cafe, road, apartment etc...) 2. What shall be your character's primary role within society? 3. What shall be your character's secondary role(s) within society? 4. What appears to be a few short-term goals for one's character? 5. What is one's MAIN life-long goal within the game? Answers: 1. During my character's recreational time, it shall be located within the library in order to analyze the literature of it's fellow citizens. Otherwise, it shall be producing propaganda for it's political party in the future. Finally, it shall produce an extensive amount of political literature regarding the political party's goals and objectives. During my character's non-recreational time, it shall attempt to accumulate wealth as a "transporter/taxi" service during the beginning of the game considering that the character shall possess access to a vehicle. Otherwise, it shall fulfill it's role within society (question 2) 2. Industrial, agricultural, and personal espionage agent that extracts intelligence or information from his client's targeted subjects. Thus, the character shall be expected to infiltrate certain companies, political parties, or individual's lives as either an employee, staff member of the party, or "friend". After completing an extensive amount of objectives as an espionage agent, the character shall retire in order to function as a writer and politician. 3. Secondary roles may include functioning as a "transporter/taxi" driver, propaganda agent, writer, short-term employee for other companies through a contract agreement, and numerous other tasks that may accumulate profit for the political party's campaign. 4. Accumulate profit as a taxi driver/transporter, temporary employee of numerous companies, and influential writer. In the process, it would be decent to attain recognition and reputation from other players in order to support the character's political campaign in the future. 5. In all honesty, the character intends to form a Communist revolution by forming a "covert" agency of mobsters, lawyers, and espionage agents while functioning as an "overt" member of "The People's Revolutionary Party". The mobsters are expected to accumulate wealth for the political party's campaign in exchange for "benefits" within the organization. In the process, the Lawyers are expected to protect the interests of the political party AND it's "covert" mobsters and espionage agents. Finally, the espionage agents are expected to collect intelligence on the public, opposing mobsters, and opposing political parties. The main objective involves remaining as the dominant political party within the server. How about you?
  16. Objectives within the Game (Questions)

    Does any one else possess any objectives within the game?
  17. Amusement Park or Fair

    It is not challenging for developers to produce a miniature amusement park with a few rides, games, stage, raffle-ticket booth, and food court.
  18. Amusement Park or Fair

    Understandable. However, the amusement park would not be any different than the other aspects of the game that include cafes, theaters, libraries etc...
  19. Amusement Park or Fair

    Where did one manage to attain the source of information or quotation? The main page states "... a new breed of massively multiplayer online role-playing game where hundreds of players interact in a world of absolute freedom, where it's the actions of players which determine your fate and the fate of the world you live in. Live as a criminal, a police officer, business person or anything in between. You are in full control of your own future in your persuit of wealth, glory and power"
  20. Most definitely. From a player-oriented perspective, one could sign a written contract with the individual in order to ensure that the subject fulfills the terms of the contract. One could contact a lawyer and summon the entity to court for failing to abide by the terms of the contract. If the civil judge determines that the accuser is capable of providing evidence confirming that the individual did not fulfill the terms of the contract, the individual could be forced to pay the fees. Otherwise, the individual would be incarcerated for committing acts of theft. It could be easily implemented from a player-oriented perspective.
  21. Amusement Park or Fair

    The game is not focused on strictly "gangs and Law enforcement" considering that it is not a GTA-like game. In reality. it is a game that involves simulating real life scenarios. You clearly did not read my post: 1. NPCs/AI would fulfill monotonous tasks within the amusement park 2. Local businesses would profit by distributing their services and commodities within the amusement park 3. The state would generate revenue, indicating that the political leaders shall promote the amusement park 4. Rewards shall be granted and ALTERNATED with raffles and games. One week, individuals shall be capable of attaining a television. The second week, individuals shall be capable of attaining a sofa etc... Thus, the incentive towards attending the event shall be extremely high, resulting in an increase in consumption. 5. The identical scenario would apply to libraries, restaurants, cafes, night clubs, and numerous other venues that exist within the map. According to your logic, it would be worthless for the game to consist of such venues based on the sole premise that it would not be active 24/7. 6. You did not analyze the post if you're continuously arguing that "staff members should not be player-controlled" when I had clearly stated that you and I had established that monotonous tasks should be controlled by the AI. 7. "It is going too deep into roleplay"... Identity is a roleplay-oriented game. Once again, it is not GTA V. Thus, it is NOT a "Cops v. Gangs"-oriented game.
  22. Can I hire lawyers if I get in trouble?

    Based on previous responses, the Law enforcement appear to be incapable of arresting a suspect unless one has attained evidence to confirm that the subject had committed a criminal offense through either witnesses or DNA evidence. Am I correct?
  23. Amusement Park or Fair

    Didn't you and I already establish that the majority of the monotonous tasks within the carnival would be controlled by the AI? Did you ignore my posts? Requoting another response: " "The identical scenario would apply to Cafes, libraries, and the theaters... Thus, why should it only apply to an amusement park? Within North America, amusement parks usual remain active on a daily basis. Thus, the identical scenario should apply to the game. In the process, individuals that undergo love relationships or friend ships would be willing to attend the amusement park on a weekly to bi-weekly basis. Finally, companies would advertise commodities and services that would be distributed strictly at the amusement park for a limited time in order to generate revenue for the park. Imagine a scenario that involves companies attaining 1%-5% of the amusement park's sales when the company distributes it's commodities and services within the amusement park. Incentives for every thing... the amusement park's revenue would be taxed by the political representative of the city, as-well. Thus, the political leader would utilize any means necessary to promote state-owned events that are profitable for the city. Finally, rewards would be alternated within the amusement park. For example, a massive teddy-bear would be a reward during the first week of the amusement park while the second week shall consist of a television. Human beings would invest their time in participating in games and raffles in order to attain a vehicle, basketball, television, laptop, cellular phone etc... The higher rewards would be a monthly raffle while the smaller rewards would be a weekly raffle and/or game." P.S. Politicians campaign their political party and elections every once and a while within a carnival, fair, or amusement park due to the massive amount of citizens that attend the event. Edited 13 hours ago by DLimit
  24. Amusement Park or Fair

    My person is capable of witnessing an extensive amount of space for an amusement park. Examine the top right portion of the screen that is located beneath the city. One is capable of producing an amusement park directly at that location.