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Posts posted by Calico

  1. 21 minutes ago, GeneSmith said:

    I'm on mobile too. My phone has never logged me out. Possibly because it's an older version phone it signs you out? And a site sometimes runs on memory. The more topics made the more space it uses. That's why they say keep it limited I assume.


    This forum is dead - space should be the last thing you're worried about.

    • Like 1

  2. 12 minutes ago, lewishead said:


    Paratus has mentioned on the Discord that a devblog will be coming out in the next week or two. Whether or not its true, its a sliver of hope :)

    From what I've noticed "next week or two" really means either never or next year.

    • Like 1

  3. "Spooks eh? Shit like this is happening too much these days. Back in the day it was the exact opposite. Crazy white guys beating blacks senseless. Times have changed."

    *Paulie invites Henry inside into his library to meet Frank.*


  4. The doorbell rings and Paulie walks calmly towards the door. He then opens the door and see's Henry carrying a bottle of iced tea and looks pretty roughed up.

    "Jesus Henry, what happened to you?"

  5. 7 minutes ago, Henry_Taylor said:

    "It's more of some business talk that I'd rather not do over the phone. But yeah, I'd like to meet him."

    "Sounds good Henry, we'll see ya soon."

    *Paulie hangs up the phone and takes another sip of his champagne.*

    "Frank, Henry's about to come over and wants to talk business. Let's get ready."

  6. 8 minutes ago, Henry_Taylor said:

    "Hey Paulie! Uh I was wondering if I could come over for a minute. If that's alright with you." *Henry takes a puff of his cigarette*

    *Paulie rubs his eyes*

    "Is there something wrong Henry? You need help? You know if you need anything you can ask. Plus, my Boss is here too. Might be interesting for you two to meet."

  7. Paulie and Frank continue discussing the alliance until the phone rings.

    "Hmm. Who might that be?" Paulie wondered.

    Paulie walks up and picks up the phone and says "Romero residence?"


  8. "It's the Tri-City skins." Paulie says while readjusting the M1911.

    "What about them?" Frank asks.

    "Henry and I are currently discussing and proposing an alliance. We've discussed boundaries and how we're going to run business together. I've got a good feeling about these guys Frank."

    Paulie pulls out a glass and grabs the bottle of champagne sitting next to him. He pours himself a glass and then makes a gesture offering Frank a cup.

    • Like 1

  9. Paulie Napolitano was born in New York City to a blue-collar Italian family. From an early age Paulie was interested in the mob life, mainly due to his uncle's position as a soldier in the Gambino Crime Family. Paulie was a pretty quiet kid, never really got picked on, but was no bully himself. 

    One day sitting outside his house with his friends, Paulie witnessed his first murder. A group of black teens were walking down the street when a car full of mobsters pulled from around the corner, and started shooting at them with a handgun. One immediately dropped to the ground, and the rest ran away. The car sped by and so did Paulie and his friends. That was a day Paulie would never forget.

    Once he was in high school, Paulie became involved in the mob, specifically the Gambino Family, just like his uncle. And by the time he turned 25, he was a made man. 

    During this time, a rival mobster walked into a deli run by the Gambino's and shot every one he could. Within seconds a Gambino Capo pulled out a pistol and shot him dead. He wasn't the only victim, Paulie was shot in the chest and was facing critical injuries. Paulie was immediately taken to the hospital and was treated for his wound. He was released from the hospital and returned to his normal life. Over the next few days he found out that the Gambino's falsely accused him of being a rat and were planning to kill him.

    Later that day he overheard people talking about this place called Roseport. A new city on an island thriving, and it turned out tons of Italians are immigrating there. So looking for a haven, he packed his bags and went to Roseport.

    He moved into a small apartment in Little Italy and was looking for people to meet. One day he decided to try this Italian place out. Once seated he noticed this tall, pretty intimidating man sitting next to him. He decided to strike-up a conversation with him and exchanged life stories. Turns out the guy's name was Frank Luprano and was looking to start a crime family in the city. Paulie was ecstatic and immediately discussed his interest. Frank and Paulie then started to get involved in drugs, illegal weapon smuggling, extortion, etc. Once gaining a fairly large following, they decided to create the family. Frank offered Paulie the position of Underboss and he quickly accepted. That's where the Luprano Family began.


    Name: Paulie Napolitano

    Age: 35-40

    Residence: Roseport




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  10. Even though we aren't talking smack about anyone, we know how sensitive the mods are here. Keep in mind this is all RP and we have no intention of offending anyone.

    Here the Luprano Inner Circle discuss our future RP activities and roles.

    • Like 2

  11. 7 minutes ago, Motown said:

    I think the major holdup with Town Square right now is that some of the buildings still need interiors. We've been slower at producing those assets than we originally expected. No real reason for it other than our artists being spread thin among other things.

    The last I heard, what remains of the video of the apartment customization was in Paratus' hands (he's a programmer as well as our project lead). I'm not exactly sure what that is because when I saw it a few weeks ago, it was perfect. From my observation, he's all over the place because all of us need his attention all the time, so he's been a bit preoccupied lately while we've also been begging him to finish up what the community has been waiting for the most.

    The quicker y'all get that video out, the quicker more people will flood the forums. 

    • Like 1

  12. 7 minutes ago, Motown said:

    Hey guys, thanks for your concerns. Identity is absolutely still in active development, but we understand these concerns have a tendency to grow within the community each time we have become quieter than usual. We're a small team with limited resources so we spend a lot of that time focusing on development tasks. Development is our first love, and none of us are really experts at marketing or Public Relations. We definitely owe our fans a lot more attention than we've given, and admittedly, our PR game has been pretty poor.

    Until we get that sorted, you can actively find Paratus and I on the unofficial, fan Discord server. Message us anytime for any reason! I'm always around and available for a chat about anything you'd like to talk about. Paratus doesn't seem to check his messages quite as often, and the others don't seem to be very chatty on social networks, but we've extended invites to them for when they did decide to eventually join us.

    It's important to know that most game projects spend a few year in development before they are announced to the world. That gives them the added benefit of working without pressure from their communities. But Identity was announced when development started, so we've always struggled with knowing when to prioritize marketing over development, especially myself being both the Community Manager and a 3D artist on the project. It's been a challenge for me to switch between modes, and I regret that I haven't been very effective at it.

    As a quick progress update. Last week, on the art side, we finished up all of the remaining face sculpts, complete with textures and shaders, that you have seen us posting periodically on Twitter, and those, along with about 50 pieces of clothing (we still need so much more) are currently undergoing rigging. And on the programming side, we completed the karaoke feature, which we will test on Monday. I myself am working on 3d modeling a one bedroom apartment, as well as a hotel bedroom. These things will all be featured in the Town Square module as well as the completed game!

    Thank you again for all of your support, and I hope this provides a sliver of the information you guys have been craving to hear about!


  13. 5 minutes ago, CosmicTony said:

    put (money) into financial schemes, shares, property, or a commercial venture with the expectation of achieving a profit.

    Just accept that your about as much as investor as a normal consumer buying a product. If thats "investment" to you, more power to you. Legally, we don't/can't think that way in the real world.

    Did you get that definition out of your ass?

    To invest is to allocate money (or sometimes another resource, such as time) in the expectation of some benefit in the future.

  14. 10 minutes ago, CosmicTony said:

    lol thats the kind of response I see when people have no grasp of the actual concept of emotional meaning versus legal/economic meaning. You can say investment but legally its just not true. 


     Actually I would say the same, stubbornly believing something without actually going and reading things like the Kickstarter terms of service or understanding things like Equity sharing doesn't help you in this circumstance. I would hope the ignorance you show is rectified when you gather more knowledge on the subject. Check out the language used in all Kickstarters and Crowd Funding, they can not legally use the term, Investment. They can only say Funding or Pledge. It's legally very clear. Again, the difference is the emotional meaning versus the economic one. If you have ever had to go find a Grant or get funding you'd know the term investment can't be used unless it's a project with a profit sharing venture... which is currently still a legal mine field and why its not done yet with Crowd Equity.

    It's a weird line, but its not blurred, its actually very clear.

    You can call it whatever you want - doesn't change the fact that it's an investment.

    Did you look up the definition like I told you to?