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Calico last won the day on December 31 2016

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114 Diamond Miner

About Calico

  • Birthday 06/13/1997

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  1. Soooo the trailer is coming out the day the module comes out?
  2. If I remember correctly there was going to be a trailer showing the features of town square and since the release is a month away, I was wondering when you guys were going to release the video.
  3. Paulie Napolitano was born in the Brooklyn borough of New York City to a blue-collar Italian family. From an early age Paulie was interested in the mob life, mainly due to his uncle's position as a soldier in the Gambino Crime Family. Paulie was a pretty quiet kid growing up, never really got picked on, but was no bully himself. One day sitting outside his house with his friends, Paulie witnessed his first murder. A group of black teens were walking down the street when a car full of mobsters pulled from around the corner, and started shooting at them with a handgun, it was a hit. Three of them were gunned down as a result of a feud between them and a made man of the Gambino Family. The car sped by and Paulie and his friends booked it. That was a day Paulie would never forget. Once he was in high school, Paulie became seriously involved in the mob, specifically the Gambino Family, just like his uncle. He was running hits and doing "errands" for the family. And by the time he turned 25, he was a made man. During this time, a rival mobster walked into a deli run by the Gambino's and shot every one he could. Within seconds a Gambino Capo pulled out a pistol and shot him dead. He wasn't the only victim, Paulie was shot in the chest and was facing critical injuries. Paulie was immediately taken to the hospital and was treated for his wound. He was released from the hospital and returned to his normal life. Over the next few days he found out that the Gambino's falsely accused him of being a rat as a result of the shooting and were planning to kill him. Later that day he overheard people talking about this place called Roseport. A new city on an island bustling with commerce, and it turned out tons of Italians are immigrating there. So looking for a haven and to start a new life, he packed his bags and went to Roseport. He moved into a small apartment in Little Italy and was looking for people to meet. One day he decided to try this Italian place out. Once seated he noticed this tall, pretty intimidating man sitting next to him. He decided to strike-up a conversation with him and exchanged life stories. Turns out the guy's name was Frank Luprano and was looking to start a crime family in the city. Paulie was ecstatic and immediately discussed his interest. Frank and Paulie then started to get involved in drugs, illegal weapon smuggling, extortion, etc. Once gaining a fairly large following, they decided to create the family. Frank offered Paulie the position of Underboss and he quickly accepted. That's where the Luprano Family began. In the midst of the family's success, Paulie decided to take a break from his life in crime, deciding to focus on himself. After a few months, Paulie decided to make a return and join back in with the family. Name: Paulie Napolitano Age: 35-40 Residence: Roseport
  4. Luprano Family

    I've returned from my "short" break. Though I'm no longer Underboss, I will remain an active member of the family.
  5. Luprano Family

    2/3 threads actually. But yeah, that account is mine and I'm switching inbetween the two accounts to definitely wreck you! Especially with comments like "well that's rather rude." Totally, honey badger, totally. You should work for the FBI.
  6. Luprano Family

    Right. I think it's hilarious that you think your original post is not a hit piece and an attempt to slander the name of the family. Oh so innocent honey badger! You can do no wrong! Now, go ahead and get the fuck off the thread.
  7. Luprano Family

    Your screenshots don't provide proof to your claims.
  8. Luprano Family

    Are you kidding? Don't act like you're doing me a favor. You can't get me for anything. I'm no longer a part of the family but it has no relation to any of your accusations.
  9. Luprano Family

    Almost a year after the fact, really nice. Do you normally hold onto things for that long? It's nice to know the Luprano family has been living in your mind rent free for that long.
  10. Cartel suggestions

    Viva Trump
  11. Conservative Solidarity Party

    They wouldn't have a reason to based on sexuality. The church views homosexuality as a sin, not heterosexual behavior. If there was some company dedicated to servicing gay marriages and denied services to a straight couple then yeah, they have the right to do that. I'm not a hypocrite.
  12. Conservative Solidarity Party

    I don't even know if they'll have churches in game. My point was just an example of a limitation to gay marriage.
  13. Dev Blog(7/22)

    It's always fun seeing the new, ambitious people urging people to be patient for the game. We'll see how patient you'll be in three months.
  14. Birth Name: Paulie Napolitano Common Alias: “Chief" Date of Birth: Unknown Criminal Family Associated: Luprano Family Position: Underboss Known Field of Work: Extortion, Racketeering, Bribery, Bookmaking, Illegal Gambling FBI#: 510947 Physical Appearance: Tall and Buff Current Age: 45-60 Current Age Appearance: 45-60 Weight: 240 lbs Height: 6 ft 1 Built of Body: Large Build Shape of face: Oval-shaped Eye color: Brown Glasses or contacts: Sometimes glasses Skin tone: Dark/Tanned Distinguishing marks: Scars on arms and face Predominant features: None Hair color: Dark Brown Type of hair: Straight Hairstyle: Slicked back Voice: Deep and slow. Physical disabilities: None. Good personality traits: Loyal and hard working. Bad personality traits: Extremely bad temper. Mood character is most often in: Serious Sense of humor: Sarcastic. Character’s greatest joy in life: Money. Past: Born and raised in Manhatan, New York City. Wounded by gunshot on October 10th, 1987. Hometown: New York City Type of childhood: Born into working class family. Education: Only High School Religion: Protestant Family: Italian born parents. Siblings are unknown.
  15. Birth Name: Paulie Napolitano Common Alias: “Chief" Date of Birth: Unknown Criminal Family Associated: Luprano Family Position: Underboss Known Field of Work: Extortion, Racketeering, Bribery, Bookmaking, Illegal Gambling FBI#: 510947 Physical Appearance: Tall and Buff Current Age: 45-60 Current Age Appearance: 45-60 Weight: 240 lbs Height: 6 ft 1 Built of Body: Large Build Shape of face: Oval-shaped Eye color: Brown Glasses or contacts: Sometimes glasses Skin tone: Dark/Tanned Distinguishing marks: Scars on arms and face Predominant features: None Hair color: Dark Brown Type of hair: Straight Hairstyle: Slicked back Voice: Deep and slow. Physical disabilities: None. Good personality traits: Loyal and hard working. Bad personality traits: Extremely bad temper. Mood character is most often in: Serious Sense of humor: Sarcastic. Character’s greatest joy in life: Money. Past: Born and raised in Manhatan, New York City. Wounded by gunshot on October 10th, 1987. Hometown: New York City Type of childhood: Born into working class family. Education: Only High School Religion: Protestant Family: Italian born parents. Siblings are unknown.