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Posts posted by Ubbe

  1. 1 hour ago, Shimozukachi said:

    if you wan't home invasions visit the modern roleplay darkrp server! you'll get a home invasion every 5 seconds. now be quiet, kiddo

    I've said it before multiple times but I'll say it again. I don't want another darkrp, but I still want the possibility to rob peoples houses since that is a big part of the criminal word in real life. And with all of the things I listed to make the robbing hard like alarms, doorlocks and slow furniture carrying speed, there wouldn't be a big problem for you.

    • Like 1

  2. 5 hours ago, Shimozukachi said:

    here we go!

    "Has to work this way for technical reasons". 
    The things I wrote in my post suggests that there are multiple way to still make it possible even with the technical difficulties. I don't mind it not existing at launch, but I'd love for it to be considered later on.

  3. On 2016-12-04 at 2:09 PM, JamesLuck01 said:

    This is not a survival game, but there will be a food and water bar which won't affect you e.g. kill you quickly if empty. They will just effect you in other ways. I a temperature bar won't be in this game as its useless, as it won't get hotter or colder.

    Not dying by starvation or dehydration seems like a miss as it adds to the realism of the game. It doesn't make it a survival game just because it features this since it's still easy to gather money for food, unlike regular survival games where as you need to scavenge/cook all of your food.

    It's what really forces you to earn small money for food instead of just wandering around doing nothing. It also make things harder for homeless, as in real life.

  4. On 2016-10-26 at 3:09 PM, Shimozukachi said:

    i don't understand it, too. there are always some players that don't even get that after the devs told everyone that it won't be possible.

    Then why would they need an ideas & suggestions section if they have no intentions of changing/adding things? I'm sure that if we would come up with good enough solutions for robbing to work the developers would consider adding them, which is exactly what this section of the forum is about.

  5. On 26 september 2016 at 9:35 AM, Shimozukachi said:

    they rob out your warehouse without evidences, and if you need to take some revenge they'll just change the server.

    Not really sure that's how the game will work. I think all your stuff will be locked to the server you are playing on, so switching the server means that your stuff will only remain on the old server.

  6. 5 hours ago, Shimozukachi said:

    this is not darkrp. there is no miku and mlp skin player that robs a bank with adolf hitler while the cops are just watching it in a pink golf cart armed with panzerfaust 7 and ammo. trust me, it would end like game of war if asian level 10 guilds enter your map, teleport to you, rob you out, teleport back to their friends while you rob them and to then leave the map again to rob you again in 10 minutes.

    Trust me I do not want another Dark RP, that's why I'm looking forward to this game. No one really wants pink golf carts and whatnot but that's the nature of Gmod which will not exist in Identity. Also I don't really understand what the teleporting you speak of is about, never knew you could teleport in Dark RP? 

    I do not want the robbing to be similar at all to the one in Dark RP, that's why I've already told you all of my ideas to make it more balanced, even tho it's not that unbalanced in Dark RP. Robbing is a too nice feature to leave out.

  7. 3 hours ago, Shimozukachi said:

    and how many people will open a warehouse then if the entire server is always stealing all items? trust me, some things shouldn't be added

    Again, if you would be able to rob warehouses, then the people owning them should be able to buy alarms, cameras, safes etc. to make the robbing incredibly hard. Combine that with lockpicks/crowbars being very limited and robbers only being able to slowly carry one object at a time.

    Also this already exists in Dark RP and it's not a big problem at all.

  8. On 2016-09-11 at 7:33 PM, lewishead said:

    There will not be robbing in identity, however, as people above have suggested, you could RP it, that would be quite interesting. As someone else above said, there will be warehouses in identity, but I don't know if they are able to be robbed.

    Hope I helped :P

    If I did, feel free to give me a like and/or a follow, it only takes a few seconds! :)

    But RPing robbery wouldn't be nearly as thrilling to do. It would be like "yes you can rob me just let me invite you, but you can only take the armchair!". There is no fun in that, you don't get that sweet feeling of doing something that is not allowed.

    And I'd love if the warehouses are able to be robbed aswell.

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  9. On 2016-09-11 at 11:37 AM, Shimozukachi said:

    not again one of those. i've already written it down. if you can't understand it it's most probably because you didn't turn on your head. it will be identity, not darkrp 2.0

    You didn't really tell a solution. What you said was that civilians will switch server as soon as too many criminals join. While this might be true it's not really a solution. And I'm not too sure why you bought up Dark RP since it does not feature any kind of cop money-ratio system as the one I suggested.

  10. 7 hours ago, Shimozukachi said:

    still the same. i don't want my 2 ingame million dollar car to be stolen. but thanks for telling me. i'll always kill you ingame on sight

    I didn't say anything about cars, but that would be cool aswell :) (Also killing on sight will most likely result in a ban).

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  11. On 2016-09-07 at 1:26 AM, Rozmere said:

    Do you mean time for the players or for the programmers? Everything takes loads of time for the programmers, and it wouldn't be a good game if it didn't I'm sure. If you mean for the players.....well I would hope so, spending time on your character seems like a very important thing to me....maybe I'm the only one but I grew up chucking dice in tabletop RPGs that actually had story and detail so I learned to love unique and interesting character design that fits what you like. To run around as a clone or even a partial clone in an otherwise great game (as this is promising to be) is just....wrong. It would be like having a 5-star chef prepare a fantastic meal for you but at the last moment before serving it allowing a horse to defecate on it. This is all just my opinion of course.

    Considering all the pictures we have seen of the faces, it looks like they have already begun with the "face-preset" approach. And as a person who have done some modelling/animating myself, making 40 different face presets would still be faster than making a customizable face. Don't get me wrong, I would love it if they added face customization, but considering they are a very small team working on the game I doubt we will get one.

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  12. On 2016-09-06 at 0:58 AM, Shimozukachi said:

    do you want a crime infected world (like gotham without batman) in that you have to wear a giant double barreled shotgun to defend yourself and to buy the most expensive lock thing for your car while you can't even afford anything at all?

    I'm not really sure why you did that assumption. I just thought it would be a good idea to balance the cop-criminal ratio and this was my solution, but if you can think of a better one feel free to share your thoughts :)