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Posts posted by Ubbe

  1. Personally I don't understand how anyone can think the Arma 3 map looks bad, it's mostly based of real life and I find it looking amazing. I'm all for dense forests and cities, but If the Identity map manages to look as good or better than the Arma 3 map I will be more than happy.

  2. 6 hours ago, TheoGT said:

    Okay, as James has said the climbing system will most likely be basic. Probably something like battlefield with run, walk, crouch, prone and jump. However, personally I enjoy things like climbing very tall buildings and urban exploration. I do this often and it's very fun, i'd love to see if they could implement this into the game as it would add a whole new thing to have fun with. Perhaps even parkour.

    It's confirmed that you will not be able to be ontop of buildings. (which kills me a bit inside)

  3. 7 hours ago, KingBen1223 said:

    Well T.Vs in your house will have this feature so it makes sense for the cinema to only play actual movies, that way there is an actual incentive to visit the theatre opposed to watching the same thing from home on your T.V

    But at home there wont be like 20+ people watching, unless it's a big ass apartment.

  4. Devs of Identity, please make the forests dense and realistic and not just one tree every 20 meters (I'm looking at you H1Z1). It would seriously mean soo much for the gameplay where hiding and hunting will be a big part of the game.

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  5. On 2017-01-10 at 5:51 PM, JamesLuck01 said:

    I would say that it should be longer than 10 minutes because if you really need a toilet and you are afk on the toilet for 20 mins then your out of the server for need. Yes there should be a kick feature for AFK's but what if they are not afk and the character does not like interact with things then how would the game determine they are afk or not?


    20 min in the bathroom? Damn it must be a big pile of dump xD

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  6. On 2017-01-06 at 11:35 PM, JamesLuck01 said:

    Falling from height, is doubtful as the glass won't be able to be broken and also there is no access to roofs.

    No access to roofs? In one of the concept art pictures for the Identiy Overview video we see a criminal type person standing on the roof of a building, which in my eyes confirms that it's possible to be on top of them. I'd be such a shame if it wouldn't be possible. 


  7. The perfect way to do this would be to compress everyones voices so that the louder people get's lowered and the quiter ones get's turned up. And then of course if you are further away you will sound way quiter and distant.

  8. I kind of want this to be a thing, but then we have to remember that Identity is a game and if the in-game currency would have any relation to the real word, stealing and doing illegal stuff would be a tiny bit similar as if you were doing it in real life (only that it's not illegal). I mean just imagine the increased death threats and what not.

  9. On 2017-01-07 at 7:24 AM, Elric_VIII said:

    Why hasn't anyone mentioned APB's character customization it honestly was pretty in depth with its limitations to keep people looking human while limiting the chance of same face syndrome. 


    Got to admit even though crap game its CC was really good

    Didn't even think it was a crap game, was surely a lot of fun while waiting for GTAV to come out on PC :P

  10. On 2016-12-24 at 6:19 PM, Honestii said:

    Do you see mythical beasts running around in real life every day on the streets, I hope you don't or you might have to see a doctor to check if you're sane, or move.

    What @ghhoooooooooost is saying is that some games give too much freedom resulting in the ability to create these insane looking creatures, and some games don't give any freedom at all making every face look the same. He/she was simply asking a question about how much freedom/limits we will have with the character creator.

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  11. Trust me, game dev is much more complicated than just "upload your own CAD model and everything will work". If that would be possible, developers would have to go in and spend time making the model usable in-game.

    The only way I could see players being able to create their own buildings is if the devs make their own building creation system, which would probably take a pretty long time to implement and I don't think the devs will prioritise this any time soon.

  12. 18 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    No, GTA 5 is arcade like and Arma is just terrible, the handling will be better than Arma 3.

    I do agree that GTA5 had arcade driving in terms of speed, grip and crashes, but in terms of functionality and physics it's amazing. Tho GTA4 had soo much better driving and if Identity would have any similar physics to that with only more realistic transmission it would be amazing.

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