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Posts posted by Frank

  1. 9 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    I think there will be cafe/ restaurants but not player Owned as because the demand for food will be high and if they were player owned then how would players get there food when they are closed? So instead they will be only non player owned cafe's and restaurants if hunger is implemented.

    (I think its a feature they will have as it is more or less a life simulator in a lot of ways. Also I read the above somewhere, i think on twitter but is also my opinion)

    Well there could be both player and non player owned. Plus, because not many people want to serve food, when you open a store you could just have a simple npc standing behind the counter which customers could interact with 24/7.

    • Like 1

  2. 23 minutes ago, Kickapoo said:

    Depends if they are implementing hunger or not, if not then nobody will need to ever go in a restaurant.

    Well if not hunger food could restore health or boost strength or something like that. Regardless, player run or not, they will have some form of food consumption. A hyper realistic role playing game such as identity must have food.

  3. This post is in response to the insider post about businesses that asked for ideas. I recently read on the official identity twitter that they will probably not be restaurants in identity. While I understand that it would be hard to implement a sit down restaurant with waiters and stuff, I think there should be the ability to atleast open up cafes and bars. 

    There would be either a legit player behind the counter or a npc that you would interact with to get food or drink and then sit down at the bar or a table table to eat it. Perhaps the rent in these establishments would be less and they would typically be small because it is a little hard to make alot of money from a cafe or bar unless its in a really busy place. However i think a lot of people want them and also I really want to open a few and use them as fronts for my other "business" and I would love if some had a back room to conduct this "business". It would be cool if we could design the sign out front and maybe be able to customize the interior abit!

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  4. 5 hours ago, Jinx said:

    Hence the need to find a balance between role play & game play if (like us) you'll be running a RP server, and the suspension of belief I mentioned, not everyone who gets shot has to be dead & not everyone who shoots someone has to be a killer.

    For years Rockstar have used the excuse that on open servers you can't just ban people for 'playing the game' but the point is....there actually IS no game. When you do CEO missions or missions for the Biker DLC, and you're armed and ready for trouble nobody will attack you....but be stood outside somewhere just talking and some moron will drive past and throw a sticky bomb.

    I can't see how it'll be any different on Asylum's servers unless they specifically state that 'random' killing is not allowed. The obvious answer is the simplest of course, make it consensual.....i.e you cant be attacked unless you flag yourself for it.

    Well there won't be sticky bombs or drive by shootings so that takes alot of killings out of the question. Plus I don't think people would often mass murder people because they would lose their gun once they are shot down by the police, and guns are going to be very valuable. I think the max penalty for rdm on official servers is a tag next to your name that identifies that you like to rdm.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Jinx said:

    First of all, you need to forget about public servers, Asylum will run those and what will be, will be.

    Most of us have experience of public servers in GTA Online, the prime example of what Identity WILL turn into if players are let loose with no rules. It's a game, and either through hacks or over time, players will get access to all the weaponry & they will use those weapons.....fact. GTA Online is a pyramid game & the single worst example of one ever hoisted upon the gaming public. There IS no actual game, the only goal is to gather cash, which Rockstar then remove by 'giving' the players 'free' updates.. Players who inhabit public rooms exclusively do not 'work' to earn their in game cash, so they buy shark cards.....and on and on.

    If a game has a system where the player can buy game currency, then any attempt at an in game economy WILL fail.

    So lets cut to the chase here. In order to make your server work to any degree then MURDER (not death,murder) is going to have to carry some kind of heavy penalty.& not just to discourage grief play. Forget real life too, even on a full server (300 players) just fifty murders a week would be huge, with such a small amount of people then death, & lengthy prison sentences, are going to have a massive impact on your player base. But at the same time, if people are free to go around killing, with little or no consequence, then anarchy will ensue & you will end up with GTA Online.

    At the time of writing it's still something we (and by we I mean the server we'll be running) are still trying to find an answer for. The death penalty is an interesting possibility, but almost impossible to implement, huge fines for murder would impact the economy. One thing is for certain though, even on a rp server like ours some kind of suspension of belief is going to be needed or this won't work at all.


    Well I'm giving my opinion on how public servers should be run, it's up to the devs but I can still give my opinion. And regardless of rules, the amount of murders will always be high compared to real life because it's a video game. Besides, there needs to be one or two shootouts a day on a server because it's a video game and even the cops want to have fun and have an opportunity to shoot bad guys sometimes.

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  6. Yes, I agree on some of those things, and ya by scamming I meant by for real money, in game scamming is part of the game. But I think that the devs already said that the official servers will be more relaxed and I'm thinking they won't ban for RDM. It won't be like GTA anyways because in GTA you have an almost unlimited and easily obtainable arsenal of high powered weapons which will be difficult to get in identity. I think a good way to prevent RDM instead of banning would be that if you have murdered a certain amount of people in the last hour or so and are then killed yourself, your respawn timer is extended for hours. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, uncannierlink said:

    Like I said, this is only when you DIE. Getting hit by a car isn't always fatal. If he is driving at fatal speeds on a non-highway, the cops should be after him. If he is going out of his way to KOS, he should be banned from official servers. That's how I see it at least. If some kid buys an AR and murders 7 people and then the cops take him down, it's a tragedy, yes, some crazy gunman just killed 7 people. However, now he's locked up in an insane asylum and we'll never see him again (Banned). 

    I don't think people should be banned from official servers unless they hack, cheat, or something like that. Banning for RDM on official servers would be catastrophic for the game because it would turn alot of people off. I'm not saying I want the game to be like GTA online, but if you can get banned for RDM and mass killing, admins and cops are gonna start calling every time you kill them "RDMing" to ban you.

  8. I can see this penalty as possibly being available in community servers but almost definitely not in official servers. Imagine some 12 year old kid is joy riding in a stolen vehicle and runs you over while screaming profanity. You had a million dollars in the bank which is now down by 200,000 because of that stupid kid. Now let's say that it took a month to get $200,000. I for one would be so furious that I would probably get ill, so I wouldn't personally play on that server.

    • Like 2

  9. 5 hours ago, GeneSmith said:

    I'm on mobile too. My phone has never logged me out. Possibly because it's an older version phone it signs you out? And a site sometimes runs on memory. The more topics made the more space it uses. That's why they say keep it limited I assume.

    Well it happened to me a few times when I took a real long time like when I made my family page, it signed me out and i had to do it over again.

  10. 47 minutes ago, GeneSmith said:

    While I think it's fine that you're doing this. I think posting it within the first one would reduce clutter and make it more even.

    No because it takes a long time to write and when you leave it open too long on mobile it sometimes logs you out. I don't get why alot of people on this site have an issue with "clutter", it's only two posts man.

  11. IMG_20161103_204636515.thumb.jpg.3e5bc80

    Caption: Frank Luprano with his Sicilian enforcer, Carmelo Barbero in 1984.

    In the winter of 1989, the Toronto cosa nostra managed to fend off the Calabrians and a peace agreement was made during a sit-down in mid 1990. But the winter of 89 had infighting within the family. At this time Frank was a newly made man, but he had already had 6 murders on his hands, 4 of them personal. Frank was an earner, he did shakedowns, had some drug connections, and many robberies of warehouses and trucks. Still, he wanted to do more for the family, and he wanted to make his mentor Carmine DiPrima look good for bringing him into the family. At the time, the DiPrima and other crews of the family were in a dispute with the LoScalzo crew, who had also fallen out of favor with the boss. The problem was that the LoScalzo's were a big crew that had some big name killers, and had weapons contacts in Europe that brought over high powered Soviet guns. But Frank was a young guy without much to lose, he figured he would make a name for himself now or die trying. He gathered some of his men, including Carmelo Barbero, a fearless Sicilian who flew in only months before from the old country. Frank also enlisted the help of a man who went by the name "u mostro" or "the monster"; a sociopathic hermit with a scarred face and a damaged eye. He had a receding hairline with wispy long hair in the back and always wore a trench coat. It is unknown how Frank enlisted these men, but what is known is that them along with a few others lay outside a LoScalzo run social club during a meeting, and stormed the club with assault rifles, gunning down everyone and then torched the place until it burned down to a crisp. Frank's capo, Carmine, was upset Frank didn't tell him about it earlier but the family was finally at peace. Frank Luprano had made his mark.

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  12. 1478219872875-1190109587.thumb.jpg.51a81Toronto, Canada, winter of 1989: 


    It was the middle of winter and the city was in the middle of a mob war. The local cosa nostra faction was full of in fighting as well as in a conflict with the Manzatti clan; a rival faction from the Calabria region of Italy. The cosa nostra had mainly Sicilian influence, but also had Italians from other regions of the south like Neapolitan's and Barese gangsters. The local cosa nostra family was run by Virgilio Corresante, a wise and old school Sicilian. The Italian mafia had a complete stranglehold of the Toronto underworld, all other gangs paid up to them. Frank Luprano was a young gangster on the up and coming, what he did in the winter of 1989 would change the Toronto underworld forever. (To be continued.)

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  13. What region of tamriel do you guys think the next regular elder scrolls will be in? My bet would be to go back to the region's of Hammerfell and high rock. There would be tons of diverse regions and cities. Hammerfell has deserts and rainforest while high rock would have temperate grasslands as well as the wrothgar mountains and orsinium.

  14. 2 hours ago, Kickapoo said:

    Considering it's almost 5 years since release as well I think Bethesda should have dropped DOOM and TESO and focused on the next Elder Scrolls.

    Ya, I myself am not a big fan of teso, id rather have a fully fledged regular elder scrolls game. Instead they gave a half ass online game, and skyrim remastered which is basically a money grab(plus skyrim didn't really need to be remastered). Now it's going to be a long ass time before a regular elder scrolls comes out.

  15. 8 hours ago, Kickapoo said:

    Yes I am aware Frank haha, but even so saying COD is like GTA is like saying feminists have a point.

    Loool, you do have a point there. Although I kinda felt that GTA 5 next gen was a fps but ya definitely not much like COD.

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  16. 2 hours ago, Kickapoo said:

    How the heck is Grand Theft Auto essentially identical to any first person shooter? For starters it isn't in first person!

    The next gen of GTA 5 is 1st and 3rd person, you can switch between the two.

  17. 8 hours ago, Motown said:

    I can't yet say specifically what pistols will be in Identity. We're still adding some, and may remove others. But there will be a variety of pistols, including revolvers. We want handguns to be more common than any other weapon, with automatic weapons being rare enough that they are typically brought out by gun collectors for special occasions, like federal reserve robberies, or bank heists.

    We don't expect that players will be roaming the streets with an AK-47 or M4A1 attached to their backs due to the high risk of losing it. Other players, including cops can see the weapons attached to your hip or back, and the deadlier it is, the more valuable target you are for others.

    There won't be any sniper rifles or long range weapon attachments beyond a simple 2x scoped hunting rifle. Expect gunfights to be close quarters.

    Shotguns are also included. Our ballistics model is pretty cool, and these weapons will quickly become a favorite for those who can afford to carry them.

    The whole idea is to keep things realistic. Ask yourself what you'd expect to see in real life when encountering a person with a firearm. You certainly wouldn't expect to see a Thompson Sub-machine gun, or a .50 caliber sniper rifle.

    What kind of handguns do you think are most commonly carried in modern day United States?

    Nice, sounds good to me! Some common guns in the US that would be cool to see in game would be of course m9's, some variety of a Glock, a S&w m&p series pistol, maybe a p226, an m1911 and a revolver or two maybe one a snub nose .38 and another a Magnum calibre.

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