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Posts posted by Frank

  1. 6 minutes ago, GeneSmith said:

    My favorite from Mafia 2


    "Let's play house. You be the door and I'll slam you."

    "Is that a mirror in your pocket? Cause I can see myself in your pants."

    Lmfao I remember those. They are the best. The house one was actually my bio on Xbox 360.?

  2. 5 minutes ago, IDEN said:

    You'll see what i know in Italian when you and your family are broken down bit by little bit until nothing is left.

    And who's gonna do that? Let me guess, all two of your members? Nice family you got there iden, I can see you now, running the streets of Roseport...

  3. 6 minutes ago, IDEN said:

    Nobody should have to verify the commission's membership through you. No disrespect but Me, @KevinLangston and some other families that want to be kept a secret made the US commission, and i don't know where you are coming from trying to "Verify" families into it.

    I'm not "verifying" it, I just said comment below to say if you are still active and in it. Read it carefully.

  4. The current "mafia" commission is a joke. If any real families want to join the commission for actual Italian crime families please let me or someone in my family know.

    Stata buon 

    • Like 1

  5. 9 minutes ago, Motown said:

    I think the major holdup with Town Square right now is that some of the buildings still need interiors. We've been slower at producing those assets than we originally expected. No real reason for it other than our artists being spread thin among other things.

    The last I heard, what remains of the video of the apartment customization was in Paratus' hands (he's a programmer as well as our project lead). I'm not exactly sure what that is because when I saw it a few weeks ago, it was perfect. From my observation, he's all over the place because all of us need his attention all the time, so he's been a bit preoccupied lately while we've also been begging him to finish up what the community has been waiting for the most.

    Ahh I see. Thanks for keeping us updated Motown :)

  6. 21 minutes ago, Motown said:

    Hey guys, thanks for your concerns. Identity is absolutely still in active development, but we understand these concerns have a tendency to grow within the community each time we have become quieter than usual. We're a small team with limited resources so we spend a lot of that time focusing on development tasks. Development is our first love, and none of us are really experts at marketing or Public Relations. We definitely owe our fans a lot more attention than we've given, and admittedly, our PR game has been pretty poor.

    Until we get that sorted, you can actively find Paratus and I on the unofficial, fan Discord server. Message us anytime for any reason! I'm always around and available for a chat about anything you'd like to talk about. Paratus doesn't seem to check his messages quite as often, and the others don't seem to be very chatty on social networks, but we've extended invites to them for when they do decide to eventually join us.

    It's important to know that most game projects spend a few year in development before they are announced to the world. That gives them the added benefit of working without pressure from their communities. But Identity was announced when development started, so we've always struggled with knowing when to prioritize marketing over development being a small team, especially myself being both the Community Manager and a 3D artist on the project. It's been a challenge for me to switch between modes, and I regret that I haven't been very effective at it.

    As a quick progress update. Last week, on the art side, we finished up all of the remaining face sculpts, complete with textures and shaders, that you have seen us posting periodically on Twitter, and those, along with about 50 pieces of clothing (we still need so much more) are currently undergoing rigging. And on the programming side, we completed the karaoke feature, which we will test on Monday. I myself am working on 3d modeling a one bedroom apartment, as well as a hotel bedroom. These things will all be featured in the Town Square module as well as the completed game!

    Thank you again for all of your support, and I hope this provides a sliver of the information you guys have been craving to hear about!

    Sounds great! I know dates are hard to give, so dont worry but in general, do you guys still have ALOT to do for the town square? Also, how is the gameplay video coming along?

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, Herzog said:

    I would imagine there would be several stations dotted around the map. Such as one in both the town and the city. Possibly one seat station or swat may be integrated with the city police and then sheriff offices in the rural areas as Frank said. Also not sure if it's been confirmed to be added but also ranger stations in the forests. It'll most likely be as it is in real life as that is what the want the game to be like so well most likely see different stations having different jurastiction over certain areas and depending on how good your RP is as a cop you may have to pass on info to other forces if they enter their jurastiction but I doubt anyone will follow that xD

    Ya, i would imagine cops from one jurstiction would often slightly dip into other juristictions. However, once a chase gets really far, perhaps into the next city, then it would probably be transferred. I would imagine the Roseport police station would be huge and probably contain large amounts of holding cells, offices(including those for detectives and special investigators), a training area, a huge garage,  and it would also likely function as the headquarters for the SWAT.   

    • Like 2

  8. 1 hour ago, CamdenAnderson said:

    Okay, it makes my angry that I can't show people how mature I am over the forums and none of you have to deal with me otherwise. If I have to prove myself them I will

    The solution to this is that younger players will probably be cops on more lax official and private servers while some servers will whitelist their cops. People looking for older cops will have to look for those servers.

  9. 1 hour ago, CamdenAnderson said:

    Okay, it makes my angry that I can't show people how mature I am over the forums and none of you have to deal with me otherwise. If I have to prove myself them I will

    By the time the full game comes out it will probably be ATLEAST a year from now. Atleast you will be 13.

  10. No offense to kids but it really makes it hard to rp and take things seriously if you hear an 11 or 12 year old pretending to be a cop on the radio. Plus most kids that age usually just want to play a GTA style game, do some jobs here and there, maybe own a house and hang out with friends. They want to be a cop but will soon find out it's a bit more complicated than just chasing and shooting bad guys and will start cutting corners. They probably don't comprehend all the rules and will have a hard time interacting with people as a cop. Most people will get angry that they are being pulled over by a kid. This game will probably be rated 18+ for a reason. I apologize to any kids that can actually rp very well.(Btw I'm 19 years old myself.)

  11. On 9/1/2016 at 5:12 PM, Motown said:

    Unfortunately, there probably won't be a little Italy. Identity's design is primarily focused on contemporary modern life surrounding gangs, drug, and law enforcement culture. While these things do exist in modern life in many cities around the country and world, they don't necessarily fit the design direction we are aiming for.

    There will be more than one casino in Identity, and it is very likely that at least one will be found in Turtle Beach :D

    I think a little Italy would be something you guys should really consider. On the forums, i'd say the majority of gangs are actually Italian mafias, closely followed by  1%er motorcycle clubs rather than street gangs. The little Italy (that would likely be in Roseport, especially if it has similarities to New York) could be the ultimate spot for a mafia family to control and hang out, and also have some nice Italian restaurants. Just something to consider if you guys have a street that you don't know what to do with :D .

    So excited for the game!

    • Like 1

  12. 10 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Why not just bump your old post instead of re-posting and cluttering the forum more e.g. making  searching more annoying to find the right post.

    If you take a look at my old post, it is more of a question about everyone's general opinion on the topic. This one is more of a idea/suggestion so it wouldn't make sense if i went back to that post and edited it or whatever, do you understand what i'm saying?

    • Like 1

  13. Ya, the gun prices are always going to be atleast a little inflated in games. The cost of the guns will depend on how the economy will pay out. For example in some games it's super easy to get $1000 dollars while in others it alot more difficult. If it's easy to get amounts of money like $1000 dollars then the cost of guns will be higher because like Andrew said, the devs don't want it to be too easy to get a gun.

    • Like 1

  14. 1 hour ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    This happens when you click submit but takes too long and so you hit it again usually/ always.

    I doubt that the developers are not going to put a variety of pistols in the game because it would be stupid not to. I think this maybe a general post but on the other hand, I am sure a gun variety has been mentioned before anyways in ideas and suggestions.

    I myself made that gun variety post that you are probably referring to. I made another post just to emphasize the importance of pistols. And some game devs only put like two or three pistols in their game. But since the gun fighting will be primarily with pistols I think there should be plenty of variety.

  15. I hope there is a good variety in types of pistols in the game. Since full auto long weapons will be hard to obtain, most shootings will be done with pistols. Therefore, it would be nice if the devs put many different kinds. For example, several different 9mms, a .38 revolver, a .40 handgun, a couple .45s and some Magnum calibre types of pistols. That way not everyone is running around with the same generic 9mm pistol.

    The higher the calibre, the higher the cost of the gun/ammo and damage it does, but regardless every pistol will kill with one headshot. So in some instances in which you want to do a quick hit, and then get rid of the gun, a 6 shot .38 revolver makes sense. For a cops gun, or a bodyguards gun, a more expensive .40 or .45 option with decent capacity would be nice. 

    *Btw idk why Everytime I post something, it posts twice, so I guess a moderator will delete one post.

  16. 6 hours ago, Kickapoo said:


    Frank Frankie1080p mentioned it ages ago as did another YouTuber called Squirrel or something. It was literally like February last year so people will have forgotten that ever happened by now but yeh. Also Jinx when somebody new comes to the forums and the first thing they post is how people should stop using their imagination and use what we've got to craft our posts around, then I just think they're being a buzzkill and need to leave.

    Ya however the effect of the shoutout is gone because people didn't stick around since there isn't much to do yet 

  17. 2 hours ago, Cornholio said:

    You mean like when Frankie1080ponpc mentioned Identity?

    Ya, but I wasn't around to see what impact that had. However, once a guy like that starts playing one of the modules and shows it, it will bring alot of traffic. 

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  18. 4 minutes ago, Kickapoo said:

    Often authenticity and the entertainment business don't go hand in hand. Hell, most of the movies and films which are mafia related aren't that accurate, they just go with what works and what entertains the crowd. I liked mafia 2 anyway so I might buy the game (Deffo won't pirate it...) and create an opinion then.

    I mean for me as an Italian it pisses me off because these days there aren't too many mafia movies or games and they took the only series we had and turned it into a game about black mafia. Some people argue that it's still a mafia game because the black "mafia", wrong the mafia is only Italian, anything else isn't truly mafia. Non Italians probably aren't pissed as much.

  19. 6 minutes ago, Kickapoo said:

    Perhaps, but how do you know it is bad when it hasn't been released yet? :D 

    I can tell from the trailers and shit, it's gonna be cheesy and not authentic. At no time in the 1970's did a young black man (with the help of a black female gang leader) ever take on the mafia. I'm not trying to be rascist but it's ridiculous. Maybe some people will like it but I certainly won't.

  20. 1 hour ago, Kickapoo said:

    Will this storyline be in a dlc for Mafia 3? 

    No, mafia 3 story is awful. The previous ones had good stories but the game went to an American hipster studio and it messed up the story.