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Posts posted by The1TheOnlyGonzo

  1. On 19/02/2017 at 4:09 PM, Sporan said:

    Because the candidates all have their own schedules and different time zones, it's hard to gather them all at once. So, for now, I'll be collecting a group of questions, made by myself and the community, to ask on a forum post, where they will openly debate. This will happen next week.

    How are you collecting the questions asked by the community?  

  2. Their main concern regarding sex and children is more to do with the regional rating systems, meeting regional requirements and working with regional restrictions. 

    To maximize their consumer base they are avoiding content that would get them classification of an extreme game, and restrict the consumer and advertising base.

    Asylum does have some financial backing from fans and others interested in their project but they have not large and truly stable financial backing to aid them if they were to restrict their consumer and advertising base. 

    Also because they are independent and are trying to pioneer the genre, any controversy and attention from social groups regarding child abuse, rape, sexual assault, pedophilia, etc, could potentially sink Identity.

     It is amazing that pets and animals will be available in game, considering Rockstar didn't even have the balls to deal with Peta's and other animal groups backlash (and they still had to with the hunting missions and the animals in single player of GTA V).


    To conclude this rambling, Asylum will mostly likely never add children and/or sex into Identity.  For the simple fact of; For every player that wants it in game, many more people in real life will be outraged by it being added. 


    It is an interesting idea tho.

  3. 3 hours ago, Mentality said:

    What about being an interior designer and leasing it or selling it out to other people?

    You can customize the interior of any property you own, from what I gathered from the apartment video. 

    With that being said, only base options will be available, any exotic or region based interior design and accessories will most likely need to be made in game by a player manufacturer and shipped to you by a player, or you would have to purchase it in a store. 

  4. From what the Devs have mentioned regarding own and renting property, it is likely that you could own an apartment building or multiple, and rent out the apartments within the building(s) to users. With that being said the Devs haven't given much details on how the process works. They haven't mentioned how many properties one can own, how much you can rent them out for, if you can evict, etc. 

    From what the Devs have discussed tho, it does sound like rental properties could be a source of income for those smart and driven enough to attempt uch a career. 

  5. I love the variety you all are posting, although I am suprised no one has posted Modz or Mopeds lol. I guess give it time, especially since I mentioned it. 


    I personally hope they have very old school styled bIles,  because I would love an Indian, I live near Indian Charlie's shop where theY host Chrome on the Canal. The amount of Indian's that show up is amazing, and they are all so beautiful!

    I hope to one day have one in game, that would be just sweet.

  6. On 14/02/2017 at 2:24 PM, Arky said:

    IKEA will be selling meatballs as well. Just don't ask what's in them

    One can only assume it will be worse than the horse meat debacle...

  7. 11 hours ago, 506plays said:

    Why does gta sa multiplayer got in every server possible of 1000 players in a server and there are no lags,latency or ping problems. this game needs more than 300 player per server at least 600 players is enough. If this game really wanna look and feel ALIVE, there should be many people in the map so in every city there should be 200 players 

    SAMP still suffers lag, latency, and ping issues.  It is impossible not to have someone experience issues when you have anywhere from 150-900+ on a server.  

    Ultimately it depends on the map size.  SAMP even has issues with filling out the map with enough players. Asylum have seemed to have planned for this, making the state, one large body of land, and by limiting it to 300 players max for now. 

    Also SAMP has been around for almost a decade now, and many of those servers took years to build to amount of traffic they have now. Perhaps in a few years after release, identity will have 1000 player servers 

    • Like 1

  8. 5 minutes ago, ThomasHetch said:

    I have a vice pres that will run the company if I am to be elected because my focus will be completely  on the Island so I and the citizens will be able to make the Island the best we can so if I am elected the next governor wont inherit a mess.

    Wouldn't it be best to sign over ownership? Even though you Vice President would hypothetically run your company while you are governor, would still cause a conflict of interest, as you would still draw a salary from your business and still hold primary ownership over your business. 

    Regardless of your transparency or distance from your company,  the fact that you would still hold power and draw a salary, the public still could question your ethics.

  9. 48 minutes ago, Odiggitydog said:

    Make sure you vote for thomas hetch for governer

    I get what you doing, and I wish you luck doing it. However I would suggest linking your advertisement of Thomas Hetch with the topic. 


    For instance; "Thomas Hetch wants to make sure the policing on the island has the resources and manpower it's needs to be effective in protecting and serving the community. Whether that is vehicles, uniforms,  weapons, financing, etc, Hetch has them covered. A vote for Hetch is a vote for the men and women in uniform."

    • Like 1

  10. I find the text brackets somewhat insane (45% on 400000 for a business? Talk about bankruptsy) as well as some policies that aren't needed (Global Warming).

    I am not sure if setting up brackets now is wise, considering we have no understanding of the market we will be entering into. Your brackets may be too inflated for the actual economy, or on the flip side, they may be too low. 

    Also the bias in your Poll is comical. You have a "Yes, And I Won't Change My Mind" but there is no, "No" option, with a similar or equal carry. 


    Lastly is it a conflict of interest to own and operate a business and run for office at the same time. I would suggest one of the other. If you want to RP it, be realistic (that is too ALL Candidates thinking this isn't conflict of clearly is). If this is your and many other candidates ideals, then I will be pushing for the Candidates that clearly see the conflict and the possible corruption with this ideal. 

    • Like 1

  11. 8 hours ago, jessikovv said:

    I think they should eventually add some kind of AI kiddos or pets.. would be nice.

    Adding kids adds a whole new level of possible problems for the developers and therfore will never be added. 

    I believe devs said that pets would be an option available to players, however from what they mentioned, there will be limited interaction to avoid claims of encouraging animal abuse.  

  12. Interesting concept, although I don't think that is the approach devs are going to take. 

    I believe some base drugs such as pot and alcohol, maybe even Tobacco will only have base, superficial effects (heightened colours, shapes, blur, trailing, etc) and chances are will have limited side effects (like hang overs, nausea, sickness, etc).

    Some harder drugs will be ability boosters,  such as; taking more damage before death, having more stamina before fatigue, heightening of some abilities such as hearing and Sight, etc. These harder drugs would also have side effects which would also be relative to the ability gained while under the influence, such as; temporary or long-term weakening, hearing loss, vision loss, addiction, or even death.  The side effects would depend on drug usage, length of usage, amount of usage, potency of the drug(s), and length without usage. 

    That is my thoughts tho, when the devs release more info on drugs, their effects, side effects,  usage, production and selling. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Muhabdud said:

    Problem is players could just dump there money in the bank and then go on a massacre 

    Depending on the server, this wouldnt matter.

    In a private server for example, where the Admin can set up permanent death. They could also have no content transfer over from one character to another. So if you were in a private lobby where the master account couldnt carry over items, money, RP,  etc from character to character, putting your money in the bank to go Rampage wouldn't save your money. Once your charter is killed in the server, his account would be liquidated by the bank back into the state. You would lose everything you character worked for, obtained, or purchases along their life in the server. 

    I cannot say the same for the public servers, because from what devs have told us, certain items like clothing will not be dropped upon death. 

  14. Devs have yet to mention if there are any set "drug selling areas" in Identity, and I don't think they will. 

    The Devs mentioned earlier thay there are "safe zones" such as homes and possible businesses. So with this thought, one could possibly argue that anywhere outside of a property could be considered a selling area. 

    With that being said,  police could set up stings and block raids in areas where drugs are prominent in Identity. However the effectiveness of the sting and/or raid will be determined by the police's knowledge of how the sales are being done, and how accurately they carry out their operation.  The other variable would be the overall intelligence of the criminal or criminals being targeted by the police. 

    This is just what I have assumed with how the devs have discussed this. 

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