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Posts posted by Honestii

  1. On 1/27/2016 at 4:54 PM, BluePandaIta said:

    How about "Rose Plains" island

    That's a really cheesy name, it's something you'd find out of a 6 year old girl's diary or something, I like Paramo, but I still think we can come up with a truly awesome name.

  2. On 12/21/2016 at 3:04 PM, WhtGhstBlckGhst said:

    That's fucked because I was legit thinking of a food delivery service where we pick the food up at the store and deliver it to you....so if my guys go missing while delivering to a log cabin out in the woods....You're the first cat I'm calling :D


    That's so funny, I hope to you @WhtGhstBlckGhst in-game, and btw good luck with your business, only hope the best.

  3. On 12/21/2016 at 0:56 AM, nartuo4tail said:

    what does it look like i just wonder now we know what the two bedroom apartment look like but does this one look like?

    I would also like to see what I'm buying if I'm pledging a few hundred dollars. (CURSE THE CANADIAN DOLLAR RN)

    • Like 1

  4. I am hoping that will be implemented, because retail or such companies will have a hard time storing their products and such. Let's give this to @HairyGrenade to see what he has to say about this question, that even I am interested in.

  5. @Dream Hello, please PM me, I have a few serious and personal questions about my business. @JoelKeys and I have similar problems since we are both CEO's of Clothing Lines, I need property for my stores/factories and etc. Please PM me!


    4 minutes ago, Shadow765 said:

    Why you judging him lol

    Sorry if that came off as mean/bad I thought it would be nice if I helped him improve his English, being Multilingual is great, and if I can help someone the slightest bit that is good in my books.:)

    • Like 1

  7. 1 hour ago, Bezzen said:

    Swede here to!

    Finally found this place! A pal of me talk about this, and here I am!

    Not sure if you can speak English very well, but if you want to improve say "A pal of mine talked about this". :)

  8. 1 hour ago, The1TheOnlyGonzo said:

    Well Devs have stated that the TV will stream YouTube,  so in theory any player could create a news program and upload it via YouTube for the community to watch in game. 

    They haven't given much information on how this will work exactly, but it would appear possible. 

    I think that it would be awesome to see news networks pop up for Identity,  and I am curious to how the news could impact the community's view on politics, crime, etc. 

    Thats actually so cool.

  9. I was thinking that either there would be some sort of internet browser that the developers make (because most businesses and such rely on it), or somehow get the actual internet we are using right now and make that accessible in-game, i'm sure its plausible (i think this would be an easier way if the developers figured out how to do this, because then the players won't have to recreate websites and such, and there is already like unlimited things on the current internet.)

    Current Internet Theory:

    Pros: Already tons of things on internet, wouldn't need to recreate the internet basically.

    Cons: If wanted to make a website or something along the lines of that you couldn't do it as easily, and it wouldn't be free, and it's the "real not vitual internet" and Indentity isn't not virtual, so that wouldn't make much sense.