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Posts posted by ChillBilly

  1. 4 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Debating, turned a little more than i wanted it with my start of my first post. thats why I tried turning it to saying that the suggestion would better fit if it was an option and that if devs was not trying to get a 300 player cap instead of a small span of 25 players. But also that means they can allow you to choose to either to have AI or not to have it. Where is the realism @Kickapoo in AI being all over the map/ how can you physically RP with them (they don't talk)

    Can we not start this here? Let's make an argument post or something where we can fight. I don't want to take anything away from the OP.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Kickapoo said:

    Clearly you haven't been here long enough then xD We are courteous though I don't believe there is an issue of treating newcomers with a lack of respect. And saying "Thank you Kickapoo" like you did sounds vaguely patronising to me, so maybe your own courtesies are of question here.

    Absolutely not Kickapoo, I was agreeing with you in a sense. I wouldn't dream of patronizing you. I was thanking you for being in agreement with you. Perhaps I should have worded it better. Take for instance the post where you asked JamesLuck to chill. That entire thread is an example of this very post. I think you and I are on the verge of becoming friends. Can you have that responsibility Kickapoo? Can you handle it?

  3. 5 minutes ago, Kickapoo said:

    @ChillBilly I think you are referring to @JamesLuck01 here on that post about fires, I can assure you that doesn't happen very often, the community here is supportive at heart and only starts ranting at newbies when they ask shit such as "Where do I download" or "When is the release date" Because they just prove complete ignorance and not a genuine question.

    I am not directing the post at anyone in particular. It's only important to remember to be courteous. It's even for the new people that come in. Though we have negative commenters, they do not speak for the rest of us. Thank you Kickapoo.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Kickapoo said:

    Still doesn't prove anything, friend. Maybe you are telling the truth yes and call me a cynic if you want but after some members we've had on here in the past such as a dude called JamesLuck who chat so much shit in terms of what he'd lost and what he did, it's hard to believe anything like that anymore.

    I usually do my judging on a case by case matter. Take yourself for example. I understand where you are coming from, on the other hand I am not JamesLuck, I haven't given you any reason for you not to believe what I say. Regardless, I could care less if you believe me or not. I know what I've done, and for the people that do know me they would say I have integrity.

    You don't know me, the same as I do not know you. I know nothing of your life experiences. I choose not to go into detail about a lot of things personal. However the post wasn't intended to be about me, I was merely intending the post to be for educational purposes for those who had not worked in the field.

    Regardless of what others may do or say, you should not judge a new person by the face of someone else. Just as I will not judge you for the other hateful and discourteous people I've found here. I think you are all waiting, and the waiting is causing you to be irrational. I still have respect for you Kickapoo, until you give me a reason not to respect you.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, whiskeysalad said:

    Hey again guys!

    I was wondering how the money and employment works in this game, from what I understand you can work within diffirent areas. But how does it work? Do you actually work? Can someone spread some light to me on this subject! And what type of salaries are we talking, low vs high income /month. This is a topic I would love to know more about!

    Have a great monday!


    Yes, you do actually work. Because, what would be the point of collecting a paycheck for no work. Economies survive because money is valued. Paying someone for simply being logged in devalues money which in turn destroys economies.

    • Like 1

  6. Hey Guys,

    I wanted to share with you a Police Organizational structure. The purpose of this guide is to provide you with the tools you need to succeed either through running your own server or running your department.

    How many times have you seen player governments and player police departments have SOOOO many people just to run a small department? This guide helps circumvent the same struggle with simple organization. This guide uses the Incident Command System, much like the one used in real life by virtually every police department in the United States.

    The Structure: 5768013a01046_PoliceOrg.thumb.PNG.01b306

    This Structure identifies the Police Chief as being the top of communication for the department. Notice that no arrows cross without going through the chief first. A Captain from Interdiction has no ability to communicate with the Captain of Traffic without first going through the Chief. In other words, The Captain of Interdiction has no command and control over any other department. Neither do the Captains or LT's of the other departmental functions.

    This can be used as a chain of command, as well as it can be used as an organizational structure. Break your departments up into 3 groups. The best way to do this is to use: Interdiction, Traffic, and Training. Below these groups can be any of the special functions of those sections.

    For Example, Interdiction can house a LT for Drug Interdiction, another LT for Firearms Interdiction, and a third LT for Criminal Interdiction. The traffic Captain can have separate sub departments as well such as Motorcycle patrol, walking officers, and armed escorts. The Captain of training can have special weapons training, high angle rescue, and reports. The sky is the limit to which sub-departments you want your officers to have.

    The point is to organize these departments in their respective places. It allows for communication and it will cut down dramatically on your drama within the department.

    There is no need for an assistant chief with this system.

    This is a 1:3 Structure and can easily be expanded into a 1:4-1:7 if needed for department size.

    Questions? Comments?

    • Like 3

  7. 9 minutes ago, AndrewDonaldson said:


    A while back you told me if your streamer friends; will they be playing this game when it comes out?

    I have spoken to several of my streamer friends. From what I have gathered many are interested, however without a release date in mind nothing is certain. Streamers work off of what is popular at the time. Currently, there is no real dominant game that is taking over, we are in another revolution. That means that most streamers are moving to fall back games until the next community arises worthy of their time.

    How it usually goes, An Arma 3 community is born. Streamers populate it. They stream new stories for usually about a year. The community makes poor decisions, streamers leave. Or things get stale and streamers leave. When the streamers leave, the content leaves, therefore the general players leave.

    Now naturally, reign of kings and ARK are fallback games. So they will go to either for the role play.

    It's a revolving door so to speak. Streamers go where their audiences want them to go. Their audiences get to play with the streamers. When the streamers decide to leave, their audience goes with them, and their audience chooses the next game. This goes round and round.

  8. I have noticed a lot of hateful comments when new members to the forums are posting ideas. Like it or not, we are all members of a community now. This cannot be done with one person. We strive off of ideas and comments from others. Please do not post hateful or outrageously negative comments about someone or their ideas. Please DO NOT tell them to go play some other game because they want their experience to be similar to another game's experience.

    Ideas from other games are always used. Just because it is not your opinion, does not mean that someone else shouldn't request or suggest their own opinions.

    Having said that, negative feedback is just as good as positive feedback. Be constructive with your criticism. Remember that your criticisms can be taken so wrong that a new member of the community may feel alienated and not welcome. I am positive that the devs and the staff members of this community do not want to alienate their players. This is a business and if you truly want to help with your opinions on others ideas, remember that it is a business.

    Be serious, be polite, and be courteous to others.

  9. 3 minutes ago, AndrewDonaldson said:


    Back at it again with the useful information. I suppose we have to wait until its closer to release date to find people who will help make the government. 

    I expect there will be 3 major communities spring from release. These communities will have the majority of player streamers. Where the streamers are, will be where your good role players are. I am hoping that this creates a new community versus the same old Arma 3 Community, but it is what it is. Arma 3 is the major source of players for this game. We're all friends.. so to speak. We may hate each other in game, but the simple fact of the matter is, we all have Arma 3 in common.

  10. 11 hours ago, AndrewDonaldson said:


    That's something that needs to happen. We should find people that could create a government organisation.

    They will come. There are some people that are only interested in out of game jobs. Take me for example, I like managing systems, building them and making them work. I work well with negative feedback. I work even better with positive feedback. The hardest thing for someone to realize is that most legal system jobs were out of game jobs, solely because there is no time to manage the system and play the game. If you did both you would stress out very easily.

    Life servers, and life games are very dependent on players that are willing to sacrifice game time for system work. All you really have to do is facilitate a community, your members will come on their own.

  11. Well actually there are a few jobs in the community that are considered "out of game" jobs. So let's say you had 2 servers, the 7 player government could easily govern the two servers.

    There is role play, then actual work.

    • Like 1

  12. 5 minutes ago, LionKingGamer said:

    First of all this is real life type situation and realism is key. As a truck driver i wouldnt want to see a wizard buying some clothes as that is just stupid. Its like saying you go in the shop and you see the Voldemort buying his next meal like you know what i mean. My opinion so if u want to critise it go ahead. 

    I was a truck driver. You see some wild stuff out on the road. I once saw a man in a robot costume (made of metal), 104 degrees outside in Albuquerque, singing about cats, behind a Flying J Truck Stop. If the guy wants to role play as a wizard. Let him.

  13. On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 6:28 AM, JamesLuck01 said:

    Good Idea but the IC part could be found before and distributed by a newspaper and it can also be advertised like you say and same with jobs. Also There will be billboards already for advertisement i am sure

    I also like this idea. It could easily be modded for youtube advertisements too. You could record a commercial upload it to youtube and see it in game.

    Great Idea OP!

    • Like 1

  14. 9 hours ago, Tangled said:

    There are many games for combat too so identity is not bringing out anything different anyway because there is another MMO all about Police and crime. And if mafia is so important you can even play Assassins or even mafia single games? So what is so different with Identity then if it just all about police and crime?

    Identity is a simulator but is it just a simulator for crime and police? 

    And I think many of you are failing to understand that having families like in the sims will draw in players that like doing this because I read you got jobs to do in the city? Not everyone will want to fight crime and we will see how successful identity becomes? Will it be something different that it will bring to MMO or just another shooter stealth game like Assassin? 

    So perhaps your right this game is not for me then and just hack slash make your home game.  

    However what I say is back by massive successful developers so sit down and process that for a while! Before trashing my ideas and say go away. Cause in doing so you will be losing a huge chunk of backers:) 

    You make fun of the NPC and say how crazy they are? Well that is spiting into the face of successful developer who have got tons of support and success on this very thing!  

    Just feel very sad you all are very mean and not very welcoming and do not have creative vision for bringing the world alive because if you did you won't just make fun of families and NPC. 

    Even the developer of Identity will tell you all are wrong! It not just a dumb silly idea! :) 

    But never mind as you all have said its not a game where you can have families and live our their live in a virtual world it just guns and crime. The developer should make it very clear the main theme is about guns and crime and all other things like families are just decorative. 

    Its not really about simulating a real world just another open world to fight in. But this time you can build houses and have jobs that related to crimes and guns like most fantasy games out there.

    I will just stick with games that already has all the things Identity has to offer. :) 

    And I hope you live by the standards you have set and never play with games that has families or NPC because they are just silly ideas! Don't play combat with AI in them only players, don't player RTS games because they have AI in them. 


    This community needs thinkers like you. I think it's a great suggestion. Please do not let the negative and rude comments from others effect how you see this community.