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Everything posted by DrFelixPhD

  1. Signature.

    Stealing my business, mate
  2. Hope Im not too late to the party!

    Oh, hai there. Welcome to the forums!
  3. [SkelOne joined the game] - "Hello guys !"

    Hey there, SkelOne! Greeting to France too!
  4. The road to find the worst internet ad

    We're all laughing here, but I hope everyone's gotten back their unclaimed PPI from their bank - you could be entitled billions in written-off transactions! For more information, visit: www.totalbollocks.co.uk!
  5. Who all remembers me? :P

    Welcome to the forums, mate!
  6. Movie Suggestions/Favorites

    Smooth there's also The World's End, which is the third in the trilogy, although most people seem to agree that it wasn't that great.
  7. Illnesses and Hospitals

    But that's booooooriiinnnnggg. - it needs to fun, goshdarnit!
  8. Illnesses and Hospitals

    Damn, what happened if a server-wide plague started?
  9. Xbox One?

    Remember that a desktop PC has a much better value for money when gaming than a laptop does. If the portability is super important to you, then cool but chances are you can get a decent mid-range PC for half the price of a laptop with the same specs.
  10. Signature.

    Want anything similar to mine? I charge nothing! I promise! Produced for free on Adobe Illustrator! Worth top-a-dollar!
  11. Movie Suggestions/Favorites

    If you're into musical theatre, why not try the Phantom of the Opera movie? Best goddamn soundtrack ever. But if you're not into that, me and @Kickapoo were discussing the merits of Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead - definitely worth a look if you haven't seen them
  12. Desktop thread yo

    Damn, fair enough :L
  13. The First Thing You'll Do?

    The map apparently is based on those states, rather than modelled on them, so I'd certainly be impressive if you could find it
  14. The First Thing You'll Do?

  15. News Reporter

    The devs mentioned this on Twitter, so it might not be too possible, at least not on official servers. Perhaps it's the type of thing someone could make a plugin for?
  16. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Crap, did that @Aziz guy write this comment?
  17. Desktop thread yo

    Out of interest, what's making you stick with Windows 7 instead of 10?
  18. A production Roadmap

    Especially with that interface - damn, that looks so pretty.
  19. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Safety always first
  20. The First Thing You'll Do?

  21. The First Thing You'll Do?

    I thought it did have some funny moments but none of them came close to the others :3
  22. The First Thing You'll Do?

  23. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Hell no. I need some of that sweet, sweet moolah.
  24. The First Thing You'll Do?

    While Paul is a pretty funny standalone film, it doesn't quite compare to the other 3, just because the humour's so different. I'd say I'd probably put it in 3rd place, with Hot Fuzz at 1st, Shaun of the Dead at 2nd and The World's End coming in at last. But to be honest, when they're put together, they're probably the best movies ever made. Especially these three bits.
  25. The First Thing You'll Do?

    Yeah man, there's also a movie called The World's End that came out a few years ago, which is, of course, directed by Edgar Wright. Paul did indeed star Nick and Simon but it wasn't directed by the same guy.