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Everything posted by dootsy

  1. i just got the beta package

  2. To the people with concerns about Identity

    The devs missed out on one stupid ass donor
  3. To the people with concerns about Identity

    I just wrote a paragraph or two describing why what you said is completely wrong, but in the end I realized it comes down to this. The devs have failed to prove to us that they are even working on a game. Pictures don't mean jackshit. A video that was made a year and a half ago that was about as demo-stock footage as it gets doesn't mean jackshit. All we need is a simple gameplay video proving to us that they have done SOMETHING with the fans money. I have been following this game since RHINOcrunch's video on it and there was a time when I was considering dropping a full 1 thousand dollars on this game just to help ensure it happens, but the devs failed to prove it to me then, and they still have failed to prove it to me now. As of today I am one of the lucky ones, I put 0 dollars and 0 cents down on this game. And I feel bad for anyone who did, because who knows what will happen when the devs finally speak out about what is going on at Asylum HQ. Oh, look at that, another paragraph I hope you enjoy.