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Everything posted by patrick68794

  1. Lets be Real About the Release Date

    One task could take anywhere from a day to a couple of months. If they find a bug while testing that requires a major rewrite of the UI systems then that could take up to a few months, or longer.
  2. This is pointless. . .

    The apartment decorating system is pretty complex. They would also have to do a lot of custom networking to allow the number of people per server that they're targeting. UE4 out of the box isn't built for handling the amount of players or traffic an MMO requires. I honestly don't think the game will release at this point with the funding they have but to try and trivialize the amount of work they've done only shows that you don't actually have any real development experience.
  3. bad idea to release this month

    I thought the price was staying the same for about a week after the TS release?
  4. bad idea to release this month

    Better this month than next. There aren't very many big games releasing this month
  5. Task tracker

    To show to your community that work is still being done. It would take all of a minute or two to do it.

    Just because one programmer is working on fixing the remaining task doesn't mean that programmer is the only one that knows how it works. A lot of times it isn't a good use of resources to have more than one person trying to fix a code issue, and the person fixing it isn't necessarily going to be the person that wrote it either. I have yet to work with another programmer on fixing a code issue outside of asking them to take a look at something for a few minutes for a fresh perspective. To be entirely honest it would be a waste of their time for another developer to be working on the issue full time with me. I'm speaking from experience by the way, I've been in software development for about three years now
  7. What is this shit

    Imagine thinking that this game will have more attention to detail than a Rockstar game or a Bethesda game.

    I don't see why they don't use something like Jira (they should be using this internally regardless as that's an industry wide practice) and instead of the generic tracker just link to that instead.
  9. Task tracker

    They definitely do not update it every work day. It's sometimes gone 3-4 days without updates during the work week
  10. I really doubt that they didn't have people working both issues at the same time. That generally isn't how development works with a decent sized team. It's probably just a more complex issue that they're testing with a lot of use cases and/or they actually found something wrong and are making changes, which would then require full regression testing (testing all of the game mechanics, UI, etc.) with each internal build.
  11. dont think this game will ever come out

    Wanting the game to succeed and thinking it will are two different things. The person you replied to may genuinely want it to, but have lost faith that it will. There's nothing wrong with them voicing that concern.
  12. dont think this game will ever come out

    Yeah, I know the chances of playing with that specific person are very low but I've seen quite a few people agree with their public posts that are still filled with hate and condescension. I can't say I haven't responded in kind a couple of times, but in general the posts are completely unwarranted and there are a decent number of people that seem to back the posts wholeheartedly even though they're nothing more than pure hate for people not blindly defending every possible aspect of this game. I would report them but the mobile formatting for messages doesn't work correctly and the report button is actually inaccessible due to an overlapping link on my phone. I don't generally visit this site on my computer but I may have to for that.
  13. dont think this game will ever come out

    A lot of people just don't seem to understand how long this stuff actually takes. It seems even the developers didn't quite understand it. I think 2020 is being optimistic, but to be honest I've more or less decided I won't be buying this game because of the toxic community. Just because I've said a couple of times that this shouldn't be compared to a Rockstar game (mostly because of just how much talent, money, and manpower they have) @JohnNYBlaze has started sending me irrational hate mail. I won't play a game with people like that. Hopefully he'll grow up some day and realize just how immature he's being and that all he's really doing is pushing people away from the game that are just cautious about putting money into something from an unproven developer until they release something.
  14. dont think this game will ever come out

    Yes, they're working on the other gameplay systems, but that work is separate from the Town Square and a lot of it isn't required for the Town Square to release. I don't buy the constant blaming of other companies either, that just sounds like making excuses and trying to push blame onto someone else. This isn't an acceptable explanation for why this module is taking so long. The Town Square isn't going to contain a lot of those "background processes" that you mentioned. They're most likely being developed but they should be separate from the Town Square as most of those aren't needed for what is planned. They have no need for the scripting system used for missions, economy simulations, advanced physics, or even the career path systems as the TS isn't going to include any of that stuff. They can focus on these things after they get the initial release out. They should focus on a minimum viable release and get that out the door. A lot of people on the fence, and some of the people complaining, are likely just waiting for something to be playable.
  15. dont think this game will ever come out

    Unreal doesn't have advanced ballistic simulation like what the developers have planned. It will take quite a bit of modification on their part, especially if they want wind simulations to actually affect bullet trajectories. Mission and objective scripting for a game like this will be extremely complex as well. This is one of the biggest sticking points for traditional MMOs and what they have planned for this game is only going to add to the complexity (Star Citizen is also having some issues with this as they have a similar setup).
  16. dont think this game will ever come out

    No you didn't.
  17. dont think this game will ever come out

    You clearly don't know how to read if you think I said I want it done now. I gave a suggestion on how to help keep people from making the posts that upset you so much by breaking up these three huge modules into smaller, more frequent releases.
  18. dont think this game will ever come out

    People keep saying the Town Square is "the base of everything and everything after that will go faster" and that is false. It is not the base for all of the gameplay systems. It is nothing more than a tiny social module with character customization, apartment decorating, and some limited interactivity with the environment. That is all it is. It is not the base for every system in the game, nor is it going to be the most complex part of the game. They said it would be out in 2017. It wasn't and still isn't. "Estimated" or not, they still missed it by a longshot. Other games get shit for this, Identity shouldn't be an exception. The other modules will be more complex, they are the ones with the bulk of the gameplay systems as well as the advanced physics they'll need to simulate semi-realistic vehicle and ballistic behavior. How would releasing smaller, more frequent modules change anything? You'd still know what's in the updates and what you can or can't do, just like with the current modules. Not having certain things implemented is normal for a game in development, and isn't going to be any different than the modules. The Town Square is missing almost all of the planned functionality for the game. Your whole thing about Star Citizen is honestly irrelevant. The cost of their items means fuck all to how they're developing the game and performance has improved dramatically with both 3.1 and 3.2 (I have about 300 hours in the game, my framerates have more than doubled since 3.0 released at the end of last year to the point where in averaging basically 60fps at max settings on a 970). The quarterly updates have done wonders for the morale of the community as well. Since they've started, and met their release goals, almost all of the topics on their forums like the one we're currently commenting in are gone. They're no longer releasing an update every year, they're releasing them every 2-3 weeks on average now with a large update every three months.
  19. dont think this game will ever come out

    Yes, I know what the Town Square is, and that's exactly my point. It's a very small piece of what the game is planned to be and they're a year overdue just on this one small section. Anyone thinking that the other modules will be developed more quickly are setting themselves up for disappointment. The other modules, from the current plans for them, are significantly more complex with advanced physics, AI, and more. If the developers really want to keep customers and attract new ones they need to abandon the "module" approach with over year long development times and focus on smaller, more frequent updates. People like to give Star Citizen crap, but their new approach is honestly perfect for crowdfunding. They do quarterly releases of whatever is ready, be it an entirely new major gameplay mechanic or even just a single new weapon (they've actually met almost every goal they've set with the new release shcedule though). In addition to those quarterly releases they will also put out smaller, more frequent updates with optimization and bug fixes
  20. dont think this game will ever come out

    You're the real problem if you're getting this upset over people voicing concerns about the game. Development clearly isn't going the way it should be at this point, and people have the right to be upset. This is just a small section of the game, already a year overdue from their initial estimates and in all honestly pretty underwhelming for the time they've spent on it.
  21. dont think this game will ever come out

    I think the Town Square will release and most likely end up being a buggy mess with next to nothing to do. Shortly after that I'm expecting the studio to either announce that they're closing or they'll just close without warning. They obviously didn't understand how complicated games like this are and thought it wouldn't be too much more difficult than making a mod for Arma. It appears to have been mismanaged quite terribly from both a project and PR standpoint. I'm not expecting a full game, or even for the TS itself to work all that well when it eventually does release.
  22. Devs are still testing...

    Why are you still trying to compare this to GTA? They will not make a game of that scale or quality with 30 people. It just will not happen.
  23. Who is actually still hyped for this game?

    This game won't be bigger or have more content than Fallout 4. Anyone actually thinking this will be anywhere near the scale of a AAA game is going to be disappointed. Also, they're not doing everything from scratch. They're using UE4, which is a fantastic, highly customizable base to work from with a lot of foundation work already done.
  24. Game being delayed? We shouldn't complain

    Thinking this game will be better than a Rockstar game in any aspect outside of maybe roleplaying ability is only setting yourself up for disappointment. There's a reason they're considered the best developers in the industry, even by other critically acclaimed developers. They've been called the best by CDPR, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Naughty Dog, and more. They will never match Rockstar in terms of world design and detail, high quality assets, graphical fidelity, writing, sound production, and more. Also, the scope for this game pales in comparison to Star Citizen. To say that it is beyond the scope of any game ever made is absolutely ridiculous.
  25. Sadface.jpg

    Well the person in that video clearly didn't do any sort of research so he most likely didn't have the hardware necessary to utilize both cards. There's also a chance that he just got a bad card, which most certainly wouldn't be limited to the 1080ti and can happen to anyone with any card. Trying to use that video as evidence that the 1080ti has SLI issues is extremely misleading