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Everything posted by SBakker

  1. Military? Nation Guard?

    That, to bad, won't work. Because as you realize to identify each other over ranges you need to wear standard uniforms, the police sees this to and will act upon it.
  2. File database?

    For crime I am guessing they will save in a server database and will be retrieved when you log in. Meaning people can not simply relog to cleanse themselves and getting rid of your crimes will be a hard thing to do. Think of all the roleplay; forcing an officer into wiping you clean and then dropping him of after you hit him hoping it kind of messes up his memory. Or maybe a hostage situation where this is one of the demands?
  3. police positions

    Im guessing it would be something like the LAPD or any other real-life police organization. Click me!

    I agree! Having ID checks between 2 towns is something I never see... They get checked with speeding anyway.
  5. BILLS??????????

    Haha! It's 7:20 AM and you already made my day
  6. BILLS??????????

    You my good sir are a true genious. If there is I will be so happy!!
  7. Police Vehicle Speculation + Debate Thread

    Being a proud Dutch citizen and soon to be officer in the royal army I must of course advertise our great vehicles Yamaha FJR1300K Weight: 330kg Speed: 230km/h Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 315 CDI Weight. 3.500kg Speed: 120km/h Toyota Hillux Weight: 1.270kg Speed: 135km/h Our mobile-station truck Front: DAF Te 75RC Rear: SMIT STO 1230 Size of the rear: 13,6m(Length) X 2,5m(Width) X 3,9m(Height) Speed: Unknown Weight: ~31.000kg
  8. Controlling Vehicle Speed

    He is talking about a way to keep a vehicle speed constant. You're talking about measuring someone's speed, which would be cool as fudge!
  9. Controlling Vehicle Speed

    Yes, any form of cruise control should be nice and not easy to make. I think the devs put the vehicle speed as an integer and "w" increases it and "s" decreases it. If they add in a cruise control and make the integer a constant which is only used for vehicle speed once a certain key is pressed and when "s" is pressed it deactivates. ^Hope that helps any dev, even tho they probably have more knowledge than I do
  10. Who here has law enforcement "experience?"

    Please explain why you would memorize different ways for all the buildings? It sounds completely unnecesarry and, to be quite fair, silly. Standard full-penetration can be applied anywhere at any time?
  11. Who here has law enforcement "experience?"

    Perfect! Well the way that spec-ops, the flashy super quick way, only works in real life because we are than dealing with reaction times and hundreds of hours of practice and experience. Something you can not ask from a gamer. The way I teach the slow way is used by conventional fighting forces that are fighting an insurgency where there is no time pressure. We are talking about stacking up, pie-ing the door, checking if everyone is prepared for a breach and then breach. This of course isn't something SWAT should use during hostage situations or any situation where there is a time pressure or the chance of being seen/heard before entry. However teaching this to regular officers that need to assist SWAT in clearing the rest of a street or clear the rooms they deem unnecsarry for them is the best type of CQB you can teach. Because it promotes slow methodical thinking, aiming and movement. And there are hundreds of ways you can apply this, scanning through a thight allyway or maybe checking a car with an open door? But again; it can only be performed when you; -Don't care as much about being seen -Don't care as much about being heard -Have alot of time you can spend But this is not something for a SWAT team and won't work for one either to be fair. They will be heard & shot at before they even breach. Here's a document I wrote last summer on S.W.A.T. in A3L(Yes I now know its aerial and not earial, forgive me, I'm not natively English): Click me!
  12. SWAT Training

    I hope SWAT doesnt turn out anywhere near to ARMA3 or GMod RP servers, they are shit, ineffective and to be quite fair the majority of those are simply unskilled. SWAT, like any other specialised unit, should and most likely will, be either cherrypicked or have very harsh try outs where failing is a real problem rather than something you do for fun. It's not hard and I'm sure they will be able to pull it off, I just hope they take their times doing it.
  13. Chain of command

    I'm geussing it would be a simple pyramid like structure with a handful of specialised units not reporting to the main unit but rather to someone that overwatches, finances and trains them. Think of SWAT / DEA type of units.
  14. Who here has law enforcement "experience?"

    I have a big background in military simulation and also ArmA RP (Mid 2012 to present). Have trained many people with core SWAT skills. Some of this is still seen in many ArmA 3 RP communities & gangs. I proud myself on the knowledge I have gained and transferred from and to other people. This ranges from simple communications to how to properly breach and clear rooms (In the movie / spec ops way of everyone rushes in to the military way where thinks are taken a bit slower and safer for that matter).