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Posts posted by TPlays

  1. So I just read a post from the moderator Lucky Duck and he said the new website should be released hopefully by next week. Along with the website we should get some gameplay for the TS module. What do you guys think about this news?

  2. 4 hours ago, Plumis said:

    How exactly are you fighting for this game in such a way? Dont get me wrong, i am not trying to offend you, but your way of supporting the current  game  is wrong. People have spent their hard earned money on this game and you get nothing in return. Instead of  pushing the developers to give us answers, we stay passive and trustworthy towards them. Its your way of dealing with is and i respect it, but let me remind you of DayZ, Seven days to Die and H1Z1, which i was part of the aplha as well. It was the same story as here, which at the end, us the contributors were the losers. 
    I, myself want this game to succeed. But what i dont want is for my money to be wasted on high hopes (again). So, please, i beg you. DEMAND what you deserve.


    Not offended at  all this is what I like to hear. I pledged for the game to and sure I also want what I paid for. I am being understanding to the devs because I myself was disappointed but I didn't want people to start asking for refunds. If people did that it wouldn't help the game at all. But I also and pissed off but I just wan the community to stay strong and support and the more we do that the closer we get to what we want. I do fully understand what you mean though. Thanks! see you in the TS.

    • Like 1

  3. On 5/18/2018 at 5:19 PM, ECorp said:

    I think a more realistic to say end of June.
    But i do belive we should start to see some real content soon™.

    Gameplay is left and thats usely where the bugs pop up.
    So i think we should expect to see more bugs being added.

    I think it be a great thing if they talked a litle about the individual task remaining.
    It would sure help in setting our expectations and curiosity.


    The bugs are actually accounted for in the task list. When they are in-testing that's when they are cleaning up and fixing most of the bugs.

  4. On 5/20/2018 at 4:28 PM, KoLdun said:

    Hello everyone. 

    Im coming to you with one question. How will it look like, if i would buy 15$ Pass and 30$ Pass. I understand that on 15$ i have to wait until the game gets released, but does it mean 1 module or whole game with 3 modules ?  




    I would buy it soon because once the first module is out that means the prices will spike. Also the packages are prolly gonna be removed in all. Thats what one of the dev posts said I believe

  5. 9 hours ago, Frostybeans said:

    ^ This. when you invest a large sum of money followed by continuous broken promises , it hits you pretty hard. i know plenty of active forum members that are just gone now and said fuck it.


    I do hope we will see the tracker basically competently done in the coming weeks. I am hoping for at least next week. There isnt much to do anymore on the tracker to be completed though. I do believe we are FINALLY in the home stretch.

  6. 1 hour ago, DeWaldo89 said:

    Think @ECorp is looking for new info @MapleMooses that post is 3 weeks old at this stage and refers to things being 'very very close' like the website. Considering the tracker's been up and running for 2 weeks previous to that post it's quite a long time without some news. Especially considering there was supposed to be new gameplay footage, new website and we've yet to hear or see anything about either...


    I agree with what you have said here. I believe the website is finished but they are waiting for a 3rd party company to do something then it will go live. Also they might be actually releasing the new website with the release of the TS module. Tell me what you think.

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  7. 8 hours ago, subway244 said:

    Just out of curiosity, where did you see this?


     I didn't see the April of 27th but I also did see that they were just waiting for one of the companies behind the website to complete something but I am almost sure when that other group/company finishes whatever they have to do the website will be officially released.

  8. Why are people being so mean to supporters of this game. It is our decision on how we feel about the game. I see all of these randoms commenting on other peoples posts says they are idiots for supporting the game. We can not listen to this my friends. We must all stand together as a community. We gotta fight for this game guys we have to keep supporting it. What do y'all think?

    • ver.1.22474487139 2

  9. 21 hours ago, RampageAU said:

    You don't really have authority to tell someone they aren't being scammed. although scammed probably isn't the word i'd use. I've bought into a few EA games that just bombed. Dev left because they had no direction. and people lost money. 
    This (identity) has been claiming for awhile that it is going to be massive. And interact with almost everything in the game world. now that is no easy task to achieve. Next to impossible for such a tiny company like this one.

    by now. so close to release. there should be at least teasers out. or 'hey look. this is what TS looks like.'
    It may still be a month or 3 away from them being 'happy' with releasing it.  If time has shown us anything. it's that they aren't prepared to release half finished garbage to the general public.


    You say small company but think about it. Apple started out in a garage. Google the same. Facebook was an idea off of a mistake. Small things can become big my friend>

  10. 1 hour ago, DiddlyDoo54 said:

    If I remember correctly, someone had asked you why you posted so often in the forums (this was around a week after you first joined the forums) and you said you wanted to be big in the community. This was much earlier than your daily hopes.


    No. Someone thought I was part of the staff. All i said was I juts want people to know my opinions. I have been watching this game for years. I just recently made a forums account.

  11. 12 hours ago, DiddlyDoo54 said:

    But you said before that you "want to be big in the community"


    I meant I want these Weekly Hopes to be big in the community. I want everyone to voice their opinions on the subject.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Preston_bodhi_343 said:

    I don't think players should be allowed to, yes it's a game based on real life and in real life people do commit burglary.

    However I think that most players would just take it too far and do it to troll players and not for RP reasons and as such I'm glad you can't enter someone's property without permission.

    Even with being able to mug players in the street I think a lot of players would abuse it but there's got to be fairness and that's why we can rob players outside of housing.

    On a last note yeah I've seen three of these weekly hopes posts in this last week, do it once a week sure but don't go over the top. 

    Peace out


    Good to Know!

  13. 47 minutes ago, Killerbotawsome said:

    I personally think that it should be allowed but it should be very limited like for example you can break into player owned items but like in the video we watched a couple months back on the meth cook and the state trooper you can maybe rob them while they are cooking and take their supplies or maybe you can shoplift in a store or something like that where it is balanced so you won't be able to troll players but you would have to roleplay it and one way to do that is to implement a robbery timer or something like that.


    This is a great idea I love the meth one!

  14. 6 hours ago, DiddlyDoo54 said:

    No offense TPlays, but you’re kind of spamming the forums with your “Weekly Hopes”. Instead of doing them weekly, you’re doing them daily, which may inhibit other’s opportunity to have their voices heard. I understand you want the community to notice you, and we have, but please be considerate of others. Thanks and cheers!


    One I don't care about recognition. Two I'm not stopping anyone from talking. I respond to everything because I like for people to know my opinion too. I'm not trying to be mean to you. I love everyone who continues to support this game. I do these daily yes but thats sorta the point its a new question everyday. I want people to be able not to be afraid to voice there opinions. For example, I always replay or like a post someone posts on here. It doesnt matter if I agree with ti or not. I am just active thats all. Can't wait to see you in the Town Square!!!

  15. Just now, DeWaldo89 said:

    But ultimately do we need to know all the details? How does that benefit the game, community or the Devs? Just opens the door for more nay-saying, critisim and distraction when the Devs could just be getting on with it...


    I think we just want to be informed. Because of the rest of the delays we just want to be a little more informed.

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  16. On 5/14/2018 at 2:55 PM, Daner2234 said:

    i dont see WHY its taking so long for a TS what the hell is all this talk about a "TS module" making it sound like a big thing it litrualy takes less than 5 mins to get a teamspeak up and running, atleast then it will look like theres decent amount of communication


    We use TS to talk about Town Square not Team Speak

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  17. 1 hour ago, Cool_Cat said:

    It's a great idea, but they should still make some changes. They didn't tell us anything about what the 'progress' they're making on the tracker, apart from vague categories like technical art and stuff which only leads to more questions. Like I said it's great but it should be coupled with brief descriptions of progress and definitely not replacements for them lol


    OK this is good to know. I also agree there should be a bit more explanation.

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  18. 5 hours ago, Theezakj said:

    It's a good idea! Gives us people who are waiting for release some stuff to follow and we get a clear view of what is still left to do for a next milestone


    This is almost exactly why I love it myself!