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Posts posted by JonathanTaylor

  1. 3 minutes ago, Shimozukachi said:

    1: most probably you can switch to that radio station via radio. that's why it's called radio station.

    2: cinema will allow you to watch youtube etc. videos

    Well number 2 didnt answer my question. I asked will i be able to stream youtube via the ingame radio. So listen to music in my car or in my home on the radio?????????

    Thanks for your response though :)

  2. 9 minutes ago, FlyingDuck said:

    Why not make your background a bit more epic and story like. ( I haven't read your story yet so sorry if it might seem off) 

    You finally got to propose to your girl but her father denied it and moved to Identity where you are still searching for it.


    ( Now this was just a bit romantic I love roma- I mean yeah. Contact me if you want me to create a nice but epic background or if you even need a story of some kind tell me as I love to write.)


    Thats actually really good. After trying to propose and getting denied by her father, she has to gone to the island, to get away from him even though she still loves him, with his child and now he is looking for her and him. 

  3. Okay so if i understand correctly, there will be player ran radio stations so my first question will be can these stations be listened to on radios and more accurately car radios?

    Also much like how the cinema will work, will i be able to stream youtube audio on the radio?

    • Like 1

  4. So this post originially went up because i needed another half due to my backstory but it has since then changed...buuut....if anyones still interested. Since marriage is going to be in the game, there is a young mechanic looking for another half :);) 

  5. 12899464_10207514304993324_1548969581_o.

    Jonathan Taylor




    My name is Jonathan Taylor, I am 20 years old. I spent my early years living in a village in England. It was here that I found my one true love. She shone bright like a star and i knew she was the only one for me. Her name was Anastasia Winterbourne and we dated for quite a while before I proposed to her. But when everything goes right, something always goes wrong. And that was her father. Her father was a strong but dangerous man, his job life unknown for me but that didn't matter. He ruined what we had and it only made me angrier each time i remembered that day i proposed. From that day on, my life became a constant train wreck...

    I was known from street racing and drag racing. Pretty nifty with a spanner too. Ive spent time inside a couple of times. Didnt always do the right things in my life. I needed to get away from this life in England. I bought tickets to an island that ive never heard of...then again i always messed about in my geography lessons.

    At the age of 19, i joined the BMW support team in the Dakar rally which is where i received my rally spec BMW X5. The only thing i can show off as something im proud of completing.

    Now I didn't have much of a degree but rather just a drop-out degree but I knew my way around a car. I applied for a job at a local chop shop owned by an illegal street racing organisation and quickly became their head mechanic. Im now known across Identity for my amazing custom body kits and engine modifications.
    After raising enough money from working at the shop, I am now taking a course in mechanics at the local University on the island.

    My new life begins here on this island...



    • Like 2

  6. *After what seemed like hours, those same Harleys pulled up in the street after bribing the cops. They eyed up a bloody and bruised fellow in the street, the same that they had 'seen' before*

    *As the beaten man began to run, the club members raced off their bikes and after them. Michael rugby tackled him into a guitar in the middle of the street and began to swing at him with his knuckle dusters*



    *The man halted him for a bit before whispering something to Michael*

    *Michael stood up and brushed himself off before reaching out his hand to help up the man*

    "See that wasnt so hard was it" *He said smiling*

    *The man stared at him while he pulled out a gun and shoots him in the street*

    *He holsters his gun before throwing a bundle of $100 into the box*

    *He does up his facial bandanna before getting on his bike. He produces a hand gesture before riding down the road with his gang in tow leaving the dead body in the street*


    P.S. what you gon do now huh! now theres dead peeps :D

  7. 1 minute ago, JKOC said:

    Thanks for three advice I think it was a bit ambitious so I am going to have to start small.

    we do however, have fairly good numbers. 10 signed up but that's not nearly enough for what we are planning

    Well the BCR MC is always looking for allies. Just let me know and we can sort something out. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, JKOC said:

    Sorry I was too busy to add details at the time of making the post however I'll add them now.

    I'm sorry if I seem the moody bastard type but I like to strive for professionalism. I want people to have the chance to have something successful so it is just a friendly suggestion ?

    • Like 1

  9. You say that if people show interest you will release details but they need those details to see whether or not they are interested. Sounds like a good idea but you might want to rework your post. Also spend some time looking into other crime organisations and see how they have done their posts. Some of them are really good. 

    Also it sounds a lot like ICE which I can tell you went awfully bad. But when you say that you want to do all aspects of illegal jobs I can tell you that 1. You will get into a lot of other organisations' business and 2. It is probably best to start small. Don't choose to do everything and then find out that you don't have the man power to do it and defend yourself. 

    I lead an 'OK' MC with  5 members. We aren't huge and as much as I'd like to rule the island I've started off with gun running. The bigger stuff will come later.

    Just a thought 


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  10. On 2 January 2016 at 6:38 AM, NutterButter said:

    Personally, it's a forum to communicate and post ideas and think creatively on new things And possibilities, those signatures is wasting space my brotha-men

    But it's also a forum where we have sections to propose our business ideas, including criminal organisations. A lot of people using signatures, much like me, use them to advertise their business. There is nothing wrong with that. Without the signature you never would have know that I was the leader of an MC. However some are used to just portray images that have no connection with the game whatsoever. In the end it all depends on what you use it for but I don't think they are a waste.

  11. the thing is though is that they plan to release 3 modules and if they push it back to far it will end up overlapping the initial release of the game so hopefully they will come out soon and be evenly distributed within the year

  12. Yeh, as @TrueCrazyMan said admin have a game to develop and thy also have their original life to lead. I doubt there would be a system like that. I mean it would be a good idea but I just don't know if I can see it getting into the game without consequences. Overall I just can't see it getting into the game. Then again there is a long way before the game is fully developed so you never know

  13. I am not sure about hosting a dedicated server on your PC, my guess will be no from the devs but then again im not one of them so i dont know. 

    It has been confirmed that you will be able to rent your own dedicated server from selected server providers and you will have extra options over your server but yet again i am not entirely sure on custom scripts and mods.

    I hope this somewhat answered your question :)


  14. I mean it would be really immersive to have player made graffiti in the game but unfortunately its something you cant trust people with. Either you get a load of spammed clan mark across the city or it gets covered in dicks. As much as it sounds like a good idea there is a strong chance it wont be implemented unless they have a way of preventing such things

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  15. Dont think theres anyway of knowing. Guess we just sit tight and wait for them to release some media about its current state or have a surprise release soon. You never know and as much as a love this game and i am so looking forward to it i must agree that there is a lack of communication between dev and player and soon the level of hype will decrease