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Posts posted by JonathanTaylor

  1. 33 minutes ago, Motown said:

    Hey guys, wanted to address this to prevent any further confusion, and to offer our perspective and transparency.

    Asylum Entertainment is registered in Canada by Paratus because he is a Canadian citizen and the owner of the company. I spent 6 months in Canada with Paratus and Marc (another programmer on Identity) and then returned home due to a work visa issue related to missing tax paperwork. I am a co-founder but I am not an executive of Asylum, and until I recently requested so, was the lowest paid employee, earning minimum wage (even less than our freelance artists). Around July, I requested that Paratus stop paying me because I didn't feel comfortable taking resources that were better spent towards the development of our project, considering how limited our funding is. Paratus insisted on continuing to pay me, but I stubbornly insisted right back that he not. If there is any reward to be earned for my work on Identity, I prefer that it come after the successful launch of this game. I have always said that I would work on Identity for free, even if we ran out of funding, and I feel a sense of pride knowing that these resources are spent on real progress.

    Now on to the Reddit post. The user /u/theafricandream on Reddit who posted that thread is a former member of our Altis Life community who had been permanently banned more than 9 months ago by a member of our volunteer staff as a result of a long history of bans, despite receiving multiple second chances.

    Here you can read my reply to a Reddit thread he created 9 months ago after he was banned.

    In this thread, TheAfricanDream accuses us of banning players that have donated to Asylum in order to scam and steal their money. Presumably he had donated prior to receiving his ban and in the wake of his upset, created this post. I, nor anyone else that I am aware of besides Paratus, has access to Asylum's Altis Life Paypal account or transaction data, and especially not credit card information. Paypal does not send credit card information to vendors, and we only accept Paypal as a means of payment.

    As for as the content on AsylumExposed. It is almost entirely (unless fabricated or untrue) related to incidents that had been addressed as soon as we had discovered them, in many cases, before they landed on that webpage or in the hands of the community. Any time you are managing a community of volunteers, you will encounter people who become comfortable in their position and eventually attempt to test the waters and see how much they can get away with. Abusive actions on the part of our volunteer administrators are treated as an insult to the community and the rest of the volunteer staff. There are numerous ways we handle abuse, ranging from removal from the admin team, to requiring they provide compensation and an apology depending on the severity of the issue. Remember that Empathy is Asylum's goal, and it is extended to both the community and staff.

    Despite inflammatory commentary and accusations, we understand where users like TheAfricanDream are coming from. Without a constant flow of official information, people rely on external sources wherever they can find them. We blame no one but ourselves and find no excuse for for the lack of communication between us and our incredibly supportive and deserving community.

    Public Relations is a matter we have struggled with since the start of this project. Simply put, and regrettably so, none of us are experts in Public Relations. I took up the mantle of Community Manager because I was already involved in managing Asylum's Altis Life community for Paratus when he and I got together to conceptualize the idea for Identity. Paratus was a skilled programmer with industry experience, and I had experience and went to school for 3D modeling. We both had very ambitious dreams about the type of game we wanted to play and with our combined knowledge, knew we were capable of pulling it off together. The success of Identity's Kickstarter cemented our dreams in reality. It introduced us to an entire universe of people who had the same dreams as us, and provided proof that the market was there for Identity.

    Identity's financial situation isn't entirely accidental either. Since Identity's start, we've dodged investors and publishers that have offered enticing deals, as a measure to ensure Identity was completed as close to our original design as possible. To us, accepting many of these deals meant compromise, and we simply haven't been willing to rush features, or give up creative control to push out a product that is any less than what we have promised.

    Thank you so much for your continued patience and support. You guys will never understand what this journey has meant to us and how much your support has lifted our spirits.


    Thank you so much for this comment @Motown , im hoping that the community will calm a bit after receiving this straight from you. Have you ever thought of volunteer staff such as asking the community to take on such roles as PR? Of course there are a lot of us that are on here most of the time and im sure most of us would be happy to help staff the community. At the end of the day it of course is all up to you but i think just the extra helping hand might ease up the tension that surfs this forum a lot with the lack of updates.

    • Like 2

  2. *Charles slides over to the counter with a match in his hand*

    "I dont know about this chap but id love a cuppa tea miss. Please allow me" He says striking the match, allowing pam to light her cigarette.

    *He takes a seat at the bar before pulling out a polished wood pipe from his smoking jacket*

    "You dont mind if i light up myself do you miss?" He asks Pam.

    • Like 1

  3. Greetings fellow roleplayer,

     Great to have you with us. Unfortunately, you were given false information. Its an ambitious game made by a small team, it may take a while or even may not get to a final stage. Who knows. Good to have you here either way friend :)

    If you need anything, do not be afraid to PM me,



  4. 1 hour ago, PokecrafterMatt said:

    Hi my real, name is Matthew, you can call me Matt for short and I am a newer fan of this upcoming game. I am 17, and I have aspergers.  Although I haven't started on the forums I learned about this game from a friend of mine. for this last part I would like to say that I am on here to make friends and have fun. NOT TO FIGHT

    Welcome to the forums Matt!! :) 

    Youll definitely make some new friends on here and hopefully there won't be any fights.

    If you need any help at all, don't be afraid to message me. Always happy to help 

       Herzog :)

  5. I believe cleaning houses got shown in the original video on the website. There was a point in the video that showed a transition between a dirty house and a clean one. Ive also posted a post a while ago about cleaning houses and household appliances and im pretty sure the answer was the same on there. I like this idea and im hoping it will be in game.

    • Like 1

  6. vault.thumb.jpg.490f6f598a7e7b02e5239216

    Shared Vault

    An idea that i would like to implement into The Gentleman's Club is a shared vault. This vault will allow players to deposit and withdraw money from a shared account that we can all put money into. We can add a new rank known as The Accountant and have him set up the account and record how much is deposited and withdrawn by each member. Of course there will be rules on this as we dont want people taking out everything but it means that people can access money if they need a little extra to buy a better suit or if we need to use some to pay for the rent. 

    Gentlemen, let me know what you think of this before we make it official.

    • Like 2

  7. The Gentleman's Club may be interested in investing in your business my friend. I like a man that works from the bottom to make society a better place. We will be in contact once the game releases. 

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  8. The thing is tho is that this game started off a concept. When i pledged on Kickstarter it was but an idea on a scrap of paper. There was nothing to show because nothing was made. As soon as it was funded is when the game really started to take shape and its a long time from now until they release something. The video that we all know from the website, that will most likely not be what the game will look like. Its very easy to place a couple of assets and scripts into a game engine and fly a camera around. What people need to understand is that this isnt a game that is ever so close to finishing, this is a CONCEPT that has just started. If you want to show your support then follow these guys, yeh they dont post updates everyday but its up to them whether or not they see fit to update you on every single thing they do and i dont know about most of you (i know that most of you will go against me on this) but i dont want updates every single hour when a member of the dev team scratches their arse. I want dev blogs like the one we already had, a single feature, with a lot of detail. Not: placed building. 

    Just keep being patient, some of us have been here longer than others and they seem to cope a lot better than most for some reason. Im just fine. Ive pledged and i dont even care if the game comes out or not. Im a wannabe games developer and im just happy i could have helped out someones aspirations as i hope someone will for me one day. Lets just keep being the great and supportive community weve been so far and keep supporting these guys on their journey. 

    Now i know most of you will start quoting me and chatting shit about my post but i couldnt care less and i wont argue but this is what we have to do if we want this game to become a reality. Games are successful due to their supportive backers so please just understand that we need to support and help these guys out. If youre against that then why do you bother coming here?? 

    Sorry for the rant.



    • Like 2

  9. "Umm...tea plea...ahh...bastards"

    *He pauses for a second*

    "Excuse my French old boy, right. Ill have to drive to the bank and sort this out" He says returning to his room to change out of his tartan pyjama bottoms

    *He returns to his bedroom door wearing a blue tweed 3 piece suit with a white shirt and a red smoking jacket*

  10. *Charles slowly looks over at Gene as he pulls out a newspaper and reading glasses and sits at the large dining table*

    " these days" He says putting on his glasses and whipping open the newspaper.

  11. "Tea it is" He responds as he dips a tea bag into a cup of boiled water "Gene, be a Gentleman and pass us the milk" He says pointing to a large, silver fridge.

    *He stirs the teabag as he awaits for the milk*

    "Any sugar my dear boy??" He asks Hanshi.

  12. "Why thank you my dear boy" He says patting Hanshi's shoulder "Its been passed down through many generations since the 1800's" He says as he turns to blabber on.

    *He quickly turns back to Hanshi*

    "Can i get you a drink at all friend? Tea, coffee??"

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  13. *As the duo walk into the kitchen, Charles just finishes a small conversation with the clubs butler*

    "As you wish" He says before walking off.

    *Charles turns to the two*

    " must be uhh...Gene's friend. I dont think weve been introduced" He says putting out his hand for a handshake.

  14. "Well..." He says taking a quick sip of tea "A couple of the Gentlemen are getting together by the pool later today before the hunt and of course there will be Authur's initiation to becoming a man of honor. Apart from that...theres not much else to do except enjoy the good life"

    *He takes another sip of tea before having a look of remembrance on his face*

    "Oh a jolly old bean and remind me that the taxes are due tomorrow, ill have some paperwork to get through tonight"

  15. *Charles walks over to the table where Gene was sat and places and rack of toast with a side of butter and a mug of tea, he quickly walks back to make himself a cup of tea, trying not to interrupt Gene's call*

  16. *Upon hearing a voice from downstairs, Charles appears from his master bedroom, tieing up his dressing gown*

    "Ahh..good morning Gene. Early as usual" He chuckles as he swiftly scrolls down the stairs "Hope to be seeing you at the monthly fox hunt tonight"

    *He wanders into the kitchen, flowing his hand through the air for Gene to follow him*

    "Have you had breakfast old chum?" He asks, putting bread into a toaster and putting a kettle onto a gas hob.

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  17. 4 minutes ago, JohnGrahamCrackerMan said:

    Okay. I was just looking at your thread aswell lol. well the gentlemen's club thread at least)


    ((All the RP threads apart from the first ever one has been set up by me so if you have any questions about what to do feel free to ask, just try to have fun, youll get the hang of it eventually. Ill try and get some of my buddies to join in and we can start one big RP sesh))

  18. 4 minutes ago, JohnGrahamCrackerMan said:

    (By the way, does that mean I cant continue on until something post something else? I don t normally do these text roleplays, this is the first one ive done)


    ((The aim is that you take control of one character. You can then join in on RP scenarios with others or start your own. Can be anything you want but you can only control your character, meaning you cant write that somebody else did something unless that somebody isnt a real player))