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Everything posted by Fluttershy

  1. Ariana Grande Needs a Job

    I'm that kind of person. I would generally rather find people in game than on a forum. I haven't been on the forums since I bought the game and I randomly remembered I bought the game while I was at work and had no previous interest talking to other pre-purchasers. I bought this game long enough ago I completely forgot this was a thing. I was just checking to see if my money was stolen without a game beta being released.
  2. Hi I'm Fluttershy

    Just touring around. I'm looking forward to messing around in town square when it's released. Looking for some friends to team up with in case of a gang attack.
  3. If I earn money in the beta by Pre-Ordering as a "Founder" do I get to keep my money or house assuming I earn enough in money in beta when the full version is released? Is the game login tied to your identityrpg shop account or my steam account? I read a post saying you can choose your own username but do I have to enter my credentials from this website first in the game? I understand you can have custom servers and I was wondering the cost to rent one out in USD or if I have the ability to run a server-client on a spare Intel Xeon 32 core server? Lastly, If my character dies from a headshot or tragic accident do I get to respawn at a hospital like GTA or do I get removed from the server for being eradicated?